Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 558

Ardi's roar continued to resound all around, and the blue "color" light became more and more dazzling.There seemed to be a whirlpool of transparent power blowing around, making it difficult for people to approach easily.

"But what exactly is that!"

"Have you not found out yet, Uriss... We have duel with similar opponents before."

"what did you say?"

"It's the'Blood Scythe of Tyrant'. In other words, Aldi may use the universal crystal as his power."

Originally, Wanying Mine had a green "color" light, only Wanying Jingjing had a different unique color.Although it is not impossible to increase other colors through processing, the blue light is obviously not.

"But... isn't Aldi himself a pure starlight weapon..."

"How should I put it. Although I'm not sure if it's right to call him like that... but at least that defensive barrier should be his ability."

This will tell everything.The combination is to convert the power of the universal crystal into power-in fact, it should be said that the multiple tens of universal crystals are designed to suppress the excessively powerful power of the universal crystal.In this way, the component that Limsey transferred to Aldi was the control device.

"Wait a minute! So the current Aldi is getting close to losing control?" Ulyss's face turned blue, probably because she was thinking of the duel with Irene.It is indeed very close to the out-of-control state of the'Blood Scythe of Tyrant'.

"No, it is a fact that he can't control this power at first, but Aldi may..." Mu Hantian was talking about this, and Aldi's roar stopped abruptly.The frenzied force field just disappeared, and the stage suddenly returned to silence.

But the blue "color" light radiating from Aldi's body did not disappear, and its intensity seemed to be increasing.

"Huh, wow ha ha ha ha ha! That's how it is! This is the real strength of our generation! No wonder the master is so alert!"

"He managed to control..." Uriss widened her eyes in surprise, but Mu Hantian's expression was indifferent, as if she had expected it.

Exactly how much power a pure starlight weapon can exert will change according to the suitability of the user and the universal essence-that is, the suitability rate.In this way, Aenesta must take this into consideration.

Although it was purely speculation, Aldi's "sex" was mostly adjusted to match the essence of Wanying.

"Well, it's a pity, but it's time to tell the winner!" Ardi said, and after a closer look, there were numerous cracks in his armor.Even these cracks leaked blue "color" light.Aldi's own body couldn't bear the power of the universal crystal.

"Let's take it!" Aldi once again used the defensive barrier to build a mallet, not caring to advance forward.

Mu Hantian also put his swords in a blocking posture.

Chapter 688 Champion

"Can't you think of a solution, Aenesda!" Camilla asked Aenesda in the spectator box of the Alicante Academy.

"Well, it's useless if you ask me."

"You should also understand, this rate of increase is too unusual! It must be stopped immediately!"

Compared to Camilla, who was serious, Aenesta still had a nonchalant expression on her face."Don't Camilla know that? The limit of control has been transferred from Limsey. It is too late anyway."

"There is also a forced shutdown function."

In order to respond to emergency situations, any mimic is obliged to install a device that can cut off all functions from the outside.Ardi is no exception.

"Don't be so good, are you going to "force" me to punish my child?"

But doing so will damage the central part of the mimic. Compared with the hardware, the software is more likely to suffer irreparable damage.

"It is necessary to do this, because the responsibility lies with you."


Aenesda answered blankly with a look of interest, and then turned a little serious and turned to face Camilla."I, I still believe it completely."

"Still believe? What do you believe? Do you believe in you who made him?"

Aenesda did not answer, but shrugged.Camilla stared at Aenesda for a while, before sighing deeply, and sat on the chair.

"I think this is an unscrupulous bet."

"Hehe, didn't I say that? Life is a series of gambling."

"But no one can win forever." Camilla persuaded like giving up.

Anesta answered with a grin."That's right. But that's what makes it interesting, isn't it? And I saw a surprise today."


the other side……

"Take it!"

Facing Aldi's attack, Mu Hantian quickly blocked it.

"Uh oh oh oh!"

"Drink!" This blow was significantly faster and stronger than the previous confrontation. It was logically difficult to wield a hammer, but he overcomes the disadvantages with overwhelming power and learning ability.

"Cold sky, step back!" At this moment, Jules's sharp voice rang in her ears.

Mu Hantian, who quickly sensed Uriss' intentions, used the blades of the double swords to hold the swept giant mallet and jumped back.

"Hmph! Is there any trap again! Okay. Let you see, now any trick is ineffective for us!"

"Oh, the tone is so big? Then take a closer look!" Ulyss waved the corolla spiral sword, and a huge magic circle appeared at Aldi's feet.

"Bloom-the big wheel burst Yaohua!" At this moment, a surprisingly large flame flower appeared in front of Ardi, and it expanded.


"Wow hahahaha! Look! With our current generation, even this is not a problem!"

The defensive barrier keeps the petals inside from all directions, as if they were crushed.The fierce flames and blast wind roared wildly in the box, but the defensive barrier was still in style.

"How could it be..." Uliss looked stunned.

"Then, my generation will return this to you too!" Al first put his hands together, this time the defensive barriers overlapped and unfolded into a huge sphere.At the same time, the huge internal energy is gradually converging, possibly directly injecting the power of the universal crystal into it.

Before long, Ardi made a fist and saw that the huge sphere was compressed and placed in his palm.

"Uris, get away!" Although Mu Hantian sensed Aldi's intention, he was obviously a step late.

"Come on, explode!" Al First opened his fist, and the compressed energy was released in one breath.

The big bang swept the entire stage, of course, there is nowhere to escape.

The flash made her vision completely white, and Jules's scream was covered by the explosion.

Mu Hantian walked over to support Uliss and looked around.

The stage before him was completely destroyed.The hollowed-out ground forms a circular pit, "naked" and "exposed" the artificial soil used to absorb the impact.Even the defensive barrier that protects the auditorium at the venue sparks everywhere.

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