Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 574

"Yes. Matthias is right. The wish of the'Xingwu Festival' takes precedence over everything. If there are no clues about the scope of the permission granted at first, we will ask to investigate other scopes, and the top management cannot refuse... although this is right You are sorry, but we even regret that we discovered your sister too early."

"It's like knowing the location of the intelligence in advance, only let us investigate the minimum range, and then deliberately let us find it. And the designated range seems to be Matthias."

"Then why does he do such a thing?"

"Of course there are high-sounding reasons. Matthias was a vanguard of the anti-Daloni faction when he was originally an operating committee member. Therefore, after Danilo's death, he was promoted to become a representative of the internal investigation committee. Because of these backgrounds, Even if something is not in vain, it is still acceptable. The Danilo case is currently a taboo of the operating committee, and it is impossible to leave it to someone who has nothing to do with it.

"So it's just my intuition after all. But unfortunately, my intuition is notoriously accurate. And all guesses are bad."

"This skill is really amazing, but it shouldn't be happy."


Seeing Mu Hantian smiling bitterly, Helga's eyes eased slightly.

"Then you really have to take a step first, you have to be more careful." Helga gently raised his hand, and then left with some crisp ticks.

"Well, I should go back too, but Yao's business... forget it, go back first."


"Huh? Someone is looking for me?" After putting Tianwuyao in his room, Mu Hantian received a call from Ying Shilang and someone was looking for him.

"Okay, I see, in the reception room? Come right away."


"You are Mu Hantian, right?"

It was a female "sex" who came to find herself, who seemed to be a few years older than herself.There are not many muscles on the body, the body is slender, and the hands and feet are very long.

Wearing a white robe, a closer look reveals that under the white robe is Alecan's uniform.

Although the facial features are correct, it may be a slight white eye, creating a strange atmosphere.The half-length hair is not tied up, and the big glasses are impressive.

"Yes, you are?"

"Hehehehe, I'm so sorry. My name is Hilda. Hilda Jane Rowlands. Please call me Hilda."

The dry laughter sounded like clothes rubbing, and the female "sex" named Hilda narrowed her eyes like a cat.

"So... what can I do for you?"

While talking with Mu Hantian, he felt something subtle and wrong.The woman in front of him made him feel very uncomfortable.

But the other party may not even have the'Star Vein Generation', or have not exercised the star power at all.Judging from her wobbly and unstable posture, she didn't look like someone who had practiced her body.Therefore, Mu Hantian couldn't say anything was wrong at the moment.

"Ah, yes, yes, yes. Mu Hantian, I guess you may need my strength."

"Huh...?" Mu Hantian couldn't understand her.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhidah laughed again as a thought was written on her face

"Because you want to treat your sister, right?"

"Who are you, how did you know?" Mu Hantian narrowed his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him.

But Hilda was still in style and smiled happily."Of course I know. The relationship between our Superman faction and the treatment house is deep, and it's clear already."

"Oh, and I have also seen the news. Our seniors are in a distant foreign country and seem to have caused you trouble. I'm really sorry."

"Senior...?" The content of her conversation jumped too fast, and Mu Hantian didn't react.

"Oh, don't you know? Before leaving school, Longstav Mullow belonged to our Superman faction. Although that was decades ago."

"Justavu Marlow! It's that guy." Unexpectedly, even back to Asterisk, I would hear this name.

"The information he left behind is still very precious to young students. By the way, do you remember playing two tricks with you before, like a simulation life form of a dragon? Although it is called a worm-like sticky attack The body is actually created based on his data."

"Oh, no, no. It's too far, I do it every time. Let's get to the point, if it's me-Mu Hantian, I can heal your sister." Xierda said with a relaxed expression, as if this There is no difficulty for her.

Mu Hantian looked into Xierda's eyes and asked."is this real?"

"Hehehehe, really. This is the fact and the truth." Xierda narrowed her eyes and nodded slowly.

"Doctor Korbel is not capable. The doctor is indeed amazing, but unfortunately he is old and confused. In fact, it took him five years to cure your sister. But, if it were me, it would be possible." Xierda's The corner of his mouth raised a weird smile.

At this moment, Mu Hantian thought of a character who felt like Xierda.Anesta Jonet.Like Hilda, he is also the leader of the "sculptor" of the Alicante Institute.But their styles are completely opposite.

Aenesda is like a scorching sun, with a strong sense of self; but Hilda's emotions are like magma lurking in the dark underground.

"Who on earth... are you?" Mu Hantian asked again.

Hilda immediately repeated happily."I'm Hilda. Hilda Jan Rowlands, the president of the'Superman faction' of the Alecan Institute."

At the same time, the pupils in the depths of the glasses burned with annoying flames.

"Among them—someone called me the'Great Doctor'."

Chapter 702: Requirements of the Great Doctor

"'Dr. Doctor'... is that you?" Mu Hantian frowned when he heard the completely unexpected name.

Hilda nodded leisurely and grinned."Ah, I didn’t get this amazing title, I hope you don’t get me wrong. I’m actually quite modest. But since so many people in Alecan obey me, there is no need to insist on rejecting it, making it hard for me to do it. People, right? After all, there, as long as the results are obtained, most of them will be fine no matter what means are used. It is a great environment. It is really great."

"Let me ask you one thing first... Are you really the one who made Ophelia Landau'Lufen' become a'witch'?"

"Oh, you even know this. The experiment hasn't been made public yet... Hehehehe, so it's easy to talk about." Xierda let out a unique laugh and narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, yes, that thing is a special subject to me. Hey, if the thing is still with me, I don't know how much precious information can be collected. It's really a shame."

Hilda changed her attitude and shook her head sadly.Then quickly pouted and straightened his face.

"All of this was caused by the insidious old fox from Leywoff. It is too much for him to take away the research results that others have done so hard! I can't spare him."

Hilda's remarks faithfully showed that Ophelia was not a person, but the tone of the research object at all.This reckless attitude made Mu Hantian more and more unhappy.

"However, always lamenting the past is of no avail. After all, I am a scientist and have to keep looking at the future. So...say..." Xierda suddenly came up to Mu Hantian with a grin. A weird smile.

"How about, Mu Hantian, do you want to join hands with me for each other's glorious future?"

"Joining hands with you...? So, what is your request?"


Xierda requested to join forces with Mu Hantian, which meant that she also wanted Mu Hantian.

"Oh, oops, it's reasonable. It's nothing, don't worry, it's not a difficult question. Just ask you to win a championship at the'Gryphon Star Martial Festival'." Hilda's tone was very simple, almost like please Mu Hantian is as easy as buying things in a nearby store.

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