Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 594

"Who makes you so presumptuous? Saber's first rank is a medal destined to hang under my gun. You want the fisherman to profit and steal the fruits of victory. This is a shameless act of disdain on the battlefield."

Not to mention that Saber got a turn for the better because of the addition of the lancer, but a figure in a black robe stood slowly in front of Einzbern’s castle.

"Inferior fellow, it's a shame to participate in the Holy Grail War with a fellow like you." With gritted teeth, the raised face was Kenneth, the master of the lancer.

The vigilance of the triumphant magician who worked so hard to arrange was broken like a joke. He was expecting an upright confrontation between magicians, but he did not expect that he would be dealt with by such a despicable means. The arrogant and arrogant Kenneth is really unbearable.

"What can you do with the despicable little tricks? Keiji Uemiya, I want you to know that in front of the real magician, all you can do is die sadly!"

Kenneth smiled blankly and put the large ceramic bottle he was holding under his arm on the ground.As soon as he left his hand, the bottom of the bottle sank heavily into the ground.The actual weight of the bottle that was carried with weight reduction was close to 140 kilograms.

"Fervor, meisanguis." (Boiling, my blood "liquid") sang along with a low "sing", as if the silvery white "color" of life is distorted and spread, and the weird light "shoots", Sweeping across Kenneth's eyes, what was "exposed" was endless tyranny.


Meanwhile, in the jungle of Einzbern, the battle of the three servants continued.

"It looks a bit bad." Lancer's low voice sounded. At this moment, he and Saber were standing back to back, like their closest comrades in arms, and they were surrounded by countless disgusting monsters waving their tentacles.

"Hehe, lancer, are you scared?" Saber was still joking with a leisurely mind.

"How come, I won't take it to heart if there are another thousand at this level." The red and yellow gun in his hand exudes a dazzling light, but the simple waving is a large group of monsters turned into fragments.It's just that the splattered flesh and blood began to squirm slowly, and then resumed its prototype again.

"How do you look at it, how disgusting you feel." Saber said with a look of disgust when Yijian chopped the monster in front of him to pieces.

"There is no end to this, except for the surprise. It is really admiring." Although the lancer has not "showed" the fatigued "color" now, the muttering sound is really helpless.

There is no trend of winning or losing at all.Obviously there are two servants of the rank of knight showing their power, but the number of monsters who have been summoned again to fill the loopholes in the encirclement circle has still not decreased.

"It's the magic book, lancer. As long as he has his treasure... this battle will not change."

"So that's it, that's it." After listening to Saber's whisper, Lancer sighed depressed.

"However, if you want to knock the book out of that guy's hand, you must break through this wall of miscellaneous fish no matter what."

"If you can get close, with the devil-breaking red rose in my hand, you can definitely destroy that magic book in one fell swoop."

"Is that so, lancer, I'm here to blaze a path in one breath. This is the only opportunity. Lancer, can you run as fast as the wind?" Saber said in awe-inspiring tone, holding the golden holy sword in his hand With.

"That's extremely simple, it will definitely not disappoint you." Lancer waved the double guns in his hand and said confidently.

"What are you whispering? Is it the last prayer?"

The caster laughed at the two servants leisurely.Now it is not him who is fighting Saber and the others, it can be said that it is his treasure "Luo Ming City Teaching Book".

The caster is like a spectator watching the battle in a security circle.It's just being elegant and calm, and at best it is just a taunt to stimulate the enemy's nerves. His "attack" is enough to reach this level.

"Terror! Desperate! The'quantity gap' that can be overcome by force alone is limited. Haha, don't you feel humiliated? Let's be overwhelmed and suffocated by sprites who have neither glory nor reputation! For heroes, again! There is nothing more ashamed than this!"

Along with the clamor of Caster, many monsters screamed again.

Chapter 724: Yanfeng Qili

Einzbern, the main castle.

"There are intruders..." Jiuu Mai frowned while looking at the crystal ball on the table.

In order to distract Kenneth who had sneaked into the castle, Kirisu Uemiya had to go out and settle the troublesome magician himself, so the only observer left in the hall was Mai Kuu.

"Never let him interfere with Master Keishi!" Looking at the cold face of Yanfeng Kirei displayed on the crystal ball, Mai Mi's eyes became firm.

Kirishu had to deal with Kenneth who suddenly broke in, so I was the only one who dealt with Yanfeng Kirei.Thinking about it, Wu Mi took the gun in her hand and quickly left from the window.


Einzbern, in the silent forest, has solved several installations and traps along the way, and Yanfeng Qili couldn't help but disdain.All are traps within physics, without any enchantment arrangement related to magic. It seems that the fact that Eomiya Kirisu is a third-rate magician is correct.

But is such a third-rate magician known as a magician killer... If he can be selected by the old fox of Einzbern, it is still not careless.

In the silent jungle, the sound of a machine gun "shooting" suddenly exploded, and several bullets hit the unknowing Yanfeng Qili.

Not in a hurry, Yanfeng Qili calmly leaned over and avoided the thunderous bullets above her head.In the case of unexpected machine gun "fire" attacks, sometimes even skilled veterans will be frustrated and lose their judgment, but this is an exception for the surrogates of the Templar Church.Qili didn't even shed a drop of cold sweat, calmly inferring the situation.

The enemy is a person, judging from the gunshots, it is a short submachine gun with a caliber below 9mm.Because pistol bullets that lack penetration do not have the power to penetrate tree trunks.The threat in the forest is lower than that of a sniper rifle.

Qili judged the enemy's position from the direction of the gunfire and threw two black keys.But contrary to the expected reaction, only the sound of the blade stabbing the tree trunk was heard.


On the side of Qili who was surprised, a murderous edge struck again.

There was another gunshot from the left hand direction.Although he dodged at the very moment, this time it was more dangerous than the previous shooting.The previous judgment about the enemy being alone slowed his reaction slightly.

wrong?It's the same bullet... but the moving speed is too fast... Is it an illusion?

That's how it turns out, the physical trap at the beginning was just for paralysis, and then the unexpected illusion interfered with my judgment.

Thinking about it, the gun body rang again, this time behind.

Before even screaming, Yanfeng Qili, who was wearing a church monk's clothes, fell on her back with her feet intertwined.There was neither spasm nor painful moans.

Did she penetrate the spinal cord accurately and kill it in seconds?-Maimi who judged this way got up from the sniper spot, used the audition on the sniper rifle to aim at Kirei who was lying on her back, and approached cautiously.

Qili kept her face up without getting up.A hidden black key was thrown with just a wave of his arm.The black key that flew from low orbit tore the calf of Wu Mi's right foot.It took her away from her next move.

Qili jumped up like a spring-mounted machine, and suddenly began to rush towards Wu Mi.Wuya pulled the trigger without fear.

"Women, it's you again." The bullet fell on the clothes and sparks were spattered, and Yanfeng Qili easily controlled Mai Mi in her hands.

Even if the life and death of others were in the hands of others, Wu Mi was still expressionless, and even continued to pull out the short knife from her leg and directly stab at Yanfeng Qili's face.

A black key was drawn on the cuff in her hand, Yanfeng Qili easily knocked away the short knife in Wu Mi's hand, and then she wanted to pierce the woman's abdomen directly.

The hand did not fall, and was firmly grasped by something.

An expression of surprise appeared on his face. When did someone approach him without even noticing it?

"Oh, it's not a gentleman's behavior to beat and kill a beautiful lady." Behind, the voice of some frivolous men rang with a smile.

Gentleman, Yanfeng Qili is just a murderer who is alive and focused on his own purpose. The gentleman has absolutely nothing to do with him.

Decisively abandoning Wu Mi who was in control in his hand, Yanfeng Kirei's other hand was drawn with a black key in the cuff, turning very calmly, the dark "color" light suddenly appeared, the goal is exactly The throat of the person behind.

"Don't be too nervous, I'm just passing by." Hei Jian's trajectory stopped again. It was a finger. Yanfeng Qili's eyes widened fiercely. At this moment, he was holding his hand tightly. Reverse the posture for the spiral body.

Such a posture is actually not very comfortable, but Yanfeng Qili has no time to care about those, because the smiling man appeared in front of him.

"Hope, why did you come here?" Seeing the appearance of the man who appeared suddenly, Wu Mi said with a surprised expression.

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