Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 602

Chapter 732: Assassin's Assault

"What's the matter? Why are assassins one after another... Isn't there only one servant for each rank?" Seeing the enemy gradually "approach", Webber let out a sigh that was almost screaming.Incomprehensible, this completely exceeds the rules of the Holy Grail War.

Seeing the prey's embarrassment, the assassins couldn't help laughing wickedly: "You are right, we are the servant of the whole as an individual, and the individual in it is just the shadow of the whole."

Neither Webber nor Alice Phil could understand.The assassin summoned by Yanfeng Qili is such a peculiar existence.

"The old man in the mountain"-among the people who have inherited the terrible name of Hasan Sabah, only one has the ability to transform their bodies.

Unlike other Hassan, he did not make any changes to his body.Perhaps it can be said that this is not necessary, because although his body is mediocre, his spirit can make the body change freely.

He can have excellent strategies, can understand foreign languages, can recognize poisons, or set traps.In short, he is an all-purpose assassin who can automatically switch abilities according to mission needs.It is said that sometimes he can still use the strange power and agility that the body could not have, and use the phantom martial arts that has long been forgotten.

He can transform into any one of men, women and children. He stands beside you very naturally.Sometimes he can even change his "sex" according to the occasion, so that no one can reveal his true identity.

But no one knows the truth.Although Hassan has a single body, he has a different soul.

Judging from the knowledge at the time, there is no such thing as multiple personality disorder.In modern medicine, this is defined as a phenomenon of mental illness.For the assassin Hassan Sabah, it was a mysterious "ability".

He can use a variety of knowledge and techniques through the cohabitants who live in his body, "confuse" and "confuse" the enemy through different means, weave a defensive net, and kill the target in a way that no one can predict. .

And the assassin summoned by Yanfeng Qili this time is the assassin known as "Variety".

He is a servant who has one body but countless souls at the same time.Fundamentally speaking, "them" were originally different souls, and because they had lost the bondage of their bodies, "they" could completely transform into different forms after they appeared in the world.

Of course, their total spiritual power is just "a person", and their ability value after the split is definitely not comparable to the other heroic spirits.But because it has the exclusive skills of assassin, this group can be said to be invincible in inquiries.

"Could it be that...we have been monitored by these guys to this day?"

Alice Phil murmured painfully.Saber couldn't help but fought a cold war.Although the opponent is not strong enough.But they were able to approach secretly, and there were a large number of them, even if she was the one with the strongest combat effectiveness in the servant, this was a considerable threat.

And they, who usually follow the target like a shadow, have now abandoned their breath cutting ability. Seeing them move forward without fear, it means...

"They are going to be serious." Saber fell into an unexpected crisis, gritted his teeth with hatred.

A group of mobs dominated by numbers.If you attack from the front, Saber will never lose, but this is limited to the situation where Saber is the only one facing the enemy.

Now Saber has to protect Alice Phil.No matter how weak the assassin is, it is a considerable threat to humans.Even the cyborg Alice Phil of Einzbern who can use first-class magic, but magic alone cannot stop assassin.It is impossible to rely on her to protect herself.

Therefore, if you want to protect your companions while fighting, the large number of enemies becomes a very urgent problem.

Assassin is a servant summoned for the purpose of the Holy Grail. They should not be able to bear being used as a pawn as a minister and an archer-but they cannot resist the spell.

In order to act tonight, Yanfeng Qili used a magic spell, ordering them "to win at all costs."Lingshu is an absolute command for servants, so they can only choose to follow the command.

Although they were very happy watching the face of Saber, known as the strongest, changed dramatically, but in fact she was not their goal.The designated attack target is the rider's master.Although the rider has a powerful treasure, its destructive power is directional. If the assassin attacks from all directions, it will definitely be able to attack the cowardly short master.

Yes, this is a critical moment for the Conquer King Iskandar.

However, this giant servant is still drinking wine leisurely.

"Ri...rider, hello, hello..."

Even though Webber yelled anxiously, the rider still did nothing.He looked at the surrounding assassin, his eyes still calm.

"Hey, kid, don't be so embarrassed. It's just that there are guests at the banquet, so the wine is still served."

"Where do they look like guests!"

Rider smiled bitterly and sighed. Then, facing the assassin who surrounded him, he greeted with a foolish expression: "I said you guys, can you restrain your ghost? My friend was terrified by you. ."

Saber thought he had heard it wrong, and even Archer frowned.

"Do you still want to invite them to the table? Conquer King."

"Of course, Wang's speech should be heard by all the people. Since someone specially listens to it, it doesn't matter whether it is an enemy or a friend."

Rider said calmly, scooped out the red wine in the bottle with a ladle, and reached out to the assassins.

"Come on, you are welcome. If you want to drink together, you can take the cup yourself. This wine is with your blood."

Shoo... a sound that penetrated the air answered the rider.

Only the handle of the spoon was left in rider's hand, and the spoon had fallen to the ground.This was done by one of the assassins, and the wine in the spoon was scattered on the floor of the atrium.

The rider silently looked down at the wine scattered on the ground.The skull masks seemed to laugh at him.

"It really seems to be a group of villains." The rider sighed silently, shaking his head, in a calm tone, but everyone noticed that the tone was completely different from the beginning.

"I said, this glass of wine is with your blood. Since you expect it to be scattered on the ground, then I will come..."

The rider's words were not finished yet, a fiery storm was rolled up on the spot as if to burn everything.This is not like the forest at night, or the wind that should be expected in the atrium of the castle-this wind simply comes from the desert and is roaring in my ears.

Feeling sand in his mouth, Weber spitted quickly.This is indeed sand.Brought by the strange wind, it is really hot sand that could not have appeared before.

"Saber, and everyone... At the end of tonight's banquet, I ask you, the king? Is it lonely?" He has changed into a combat outfit, with a large cloak waving swiftly behind him, riding on the horse. The rider asked everyone behind him.

"Wang! Naturally lonely." To the rider's question, Saber immediately gave his own answer.

"Sneez..." In response to the rider's question, the golden "colored" archer just sneered, seeming to sneer at the stupidity of the question he asked.

And Mu Hantian just shrugged indifferently, he was not the so-called king.

rider laughed loudly.It seems to be responding to the laughter, and the whirlwind's momentum is even stronger.

"No, doesn't it mean that I haven't answered it! Today I will still teach you what is the real king!"

Unidentified hot wind eroded the present world, and subsequently, subverted.

In the weird phenomenon that appeared this night, distance and location have lost their meaning.The dry wind with hot sand changed everything he went to.

"How, how could this..."

The scream of surprise originated from the mouths of Webber and Alice Phil, and what was happening right now was enough to make any ordinary person exclaim.

"It's actually—inherent enchantment!"

The sun scorching the earth, the clear sky, until the horizon blurred by the gravel.There are no obstructions wherever the vision goes.

Einzbern at night will change in an instant, which undoubtedly shows that it is just a phantom that erodes the real world.It can be said that this is the limit of magic that can be called a miracle.

"How come you are obviously not a magician!"

"Naturally, this kind of enchantment is naturally not an existence that I can use alone."

The rider laughed heartily.

"This is the land that our army once traversed. The warriors who share the joys and sorrows with me are firmly imprinted with this scene."

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