Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 611

Even for the rider, that saber is definitely a strong enemy.He was ready for a fierce battle.

Chapter 742: Everything is the fault of the current minister

"Han Tian, ​​I promise you that you can rest assured that I will withdraw from this Holy Grail War, but I need your help so that I can be active in this world for ten years!"

"Jill, why do you say this?" Mu Hantian didn't understand. According to Gilgamesh's personality, he should not give up the Holy Grail.

"Hehe, it's my remedy for you, Enkidu died because of me, so this time I will hand over the Holy Grail, but before that, the aider let me solve it."

"It's up to you. Stay and have a meal, eh?"



Before dawn.Yanfeng Kirei was already waiting at the door of Tosaka Mansion.

It has been ten days since the archer was summoned.And three years ago, I spent my time studying here as a trainee magician in the Western Mansion, which is a place where I can feel more cordial than the church in Fuyuki City.

"Welcome, Kirei. I'm waiting for you." Although it was a visitor at an unusual time, Tosaka Tosaka quickly appeared at the door after hearing the doorbell.

Qili bowed deeply to the current minister in the manner of a master and apprentice.

"Before I leave Fuyuki, I want to say something to you and say goodbye to you."

"It's such a hurry. It's a pity to be separated from you in this way." Although Toshimi said this, he couldn't see any guilt on his face.This is a matter of course.Shichen knew in his heart that Yanfeng Kirei was nothing but a chess piece borrowed by the Tosaka family from the church.

"I'm going to fly to Italy at dawn. First, I must deliver my father's belongings to the headquarters. I may not be able to return to Japan for the time being."

"Oh, come in, do you have time for a little conversation?"

"Yeah. It doesn't matter." Qili controlled her feelings and stepped into the door of Tosaka's house again.

"The more you leave, the more I feel reluctant. In any case, I hope you can inherit your father's legacy and continue to help my Tosaka family fulfill their long-cherished wish."

"Although you are sorry that the Einzbern’s action failed, I understand that your starting point is good. Maybe this is the agent’s style of behavior, but I hope you can be timely before and after the action Report the situation to me. This way I will be a little bit prepared."

Shichen's forgiving attitude made Qili's head lower.

"I'm really ashamed that I added such a big trouble to the mentor at the end." Qili raised her head, seeing Shichen's eyes full of sincere and sincere eyes.

"It is true that we met together because of the Holy Grail War, but anyway, I am very proud to have a disciple like you."

Hearing this, Qili couldn't help but laugh when she couldn't control her feelings.

But Shichen, who didn’t understand his disciple’s intentions at all, said sincerely, “Although talents like this cannot be forced, but your serious cultivation attitude as a Taoist seeker, I am deeply impressed even as a teacher. Kirei From now on, you will be like your father, continue to fight to ensure the interests of my Tosaka family, how about?"

"I can't ask for it." Qili smiled and nodded.

Shichen smiled and said, "You are a reassuring person. I want my daughter to learn from you a lot. After the Holy Grail War is over, Qili, please guide her as Rin's master."

Then Shichen handed Qili a letter that had been placed on the corner of the table a long time ago.

"Tutor, is this?"

"Although it is relatively simple to write, it can be regarded as a suicide note or something like that."

While saying this, Toshimi smiled helplessly: "In case, although the probability is very low, it may happen, in case something unexpected happens to me. I write here that the Patriarch of the Tosaka family will be inherited by Rin, and You will serve as her guardian until she reaches adulthood. As long as you hand this letter to the Clock Tower, the Association will naturally take care of the rest."

"Please leave it to me. Even if the disciples are limited, they will do their best to take care of your daughter."

"Thank you, Kiry."

Although the words are short, you can hear the deep gratitude contained in them.Shichen then took a slender black wooden box next to the letter and gave it to Qirei.

"Open it and take a look, this is my personal gift to you."

Qili opened the box and placed a beautiful dagger neatly inside the velvet-decorated interior.

"this is?"

"The sword of azoth. It is made of ancestral gemstones. After filling with magic power, it can be used as a ceremonial costume. You can use it as a proof for you to practice the magic way of the Tosaka family and graduate from a trainee.

Qili took the dagger in her hand and looked at it carefully.His eyes fell on the sharp edge of the dagger for a long time without looking away.

"My mentor, your care and high hopes for me are really worthless."

"You are the best reward for me. Yanfeng Qili. So I can go to the final battle without any worries." Shichen said with a clear smile, and then stood up from the sofa.

Qili at this time believed that this was exactly the arrangement made by fate.

If all of this is an accidental collection, then why did Tosaka Toshiomi give this dagger to himself at this time and place? Doesn't all this indicate that this is an inevitable?

"I'm sorry to have delayed you so long. Can you still catch the plane?"

Now, facing the direction of the exit from the living room, Toshimi turned his back to Kirei unsuspectingly. Is this also an accident?

"No, don't worry, mentor." Qili laughed loudly, smiling brighter than ever.

"Originally, there was no flight schedule."

Even Qili herself didn't expect that she could laugh so heartily.And the short sword in his hand pierced the unsuspecting back in front of him first.

"Ah!" The azoth sword, which was a proof of friendship and trust, passed through the gap between the ribs and pierced directly into Tokimin's heart.

As a well-tested agent, this blow was accurate.There was no intention to kill at all, or even no warning at all. Maybe even the stab at the time could not understand what the pain in his chest meant.

Shichen hobbled forward and swayed. When he looked back, he only saw Kirei with a hearty smile and his blood-stained hands, but until the end, Shichen's eyes didn't have a trace of understanding. He just fell on the carpet with a lifeless, "confused" expression.

Beside the corpse whose body was gradually losing its temperature, a bright aura suddenly surged, and the shining golden servant appeared in front of Qili.

"Hmph, I didn't expect it to end like this!"

A contemptuous expression appeared in the red eyes, and the archer tapped the body of his former master with his toes.

"I'm also looking forward to his dying counterattack. Look, his blank expression. I didn't realize his stupidity until the end."

Hearing Qili's irony, Archer laughed loudly."Have you learned to joke so soon? Qili, your progress is really great."

Qili asked Archer with a serious expression: "Do you really have no objection to doing this? Hero King Gilgamesh?"

"I only chose him from beginning to end. You are just a boring pastime. After I have no interest in you, you will end up like the wreck lying here. It should be said that there should be an enlightened person. , It’s you."

Although the other party's answer was very sharp, Qili still did not show a trace of shaking and nodded.

Qili uncovered her sleeves and "exposed" the curse engraved on her wrist, and then "chanted" with majesty: "Your body is for my use, and my destiny is your sword. In the name of the Holy Grail, Follow my wishes."

"I swear. All your offerings are my flesh and blood. Yanfeng Qili, my new master."

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