Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 621

Enqidu patted his Opie confidently and said, "No problem, don't worry, leave it to me!"

"Well, Han Tian, ​​all you have to do is to lead the main force against the enemy's main force, and I will lead a team to raid the enemy's base camp."

"Jill, let's change, I can't let you take risks." Mu Hantian retorted immediately.

"No, my decision cannot be changed. Okay, let's start the war!" Gilgamesh's words were full of indisputable flavor.

"Forget it, she is still acting so arbitrarily, she has no choice but to solve it quickly and go to support." With this thought, Mu Hantian reluctantly agreed.

Out of the meeting room, Gilgamesh said to the soldiers who were ready: "Warriors, the war has begun! Let us bring the victory back!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!" For a moment, all the soldiers raised their weapons and cheered.

"Very well, that's it, let's go!"

"Wait a minute, Jill, I have another question." Mu Hantian stood up and said.

"Huh? Tell me about it."

"I want to know, if we win, what will you do with those prisoners?"

"I know what you mean, you want me not to kill them, right? But have you ever thought about what will happen to our friends and family if we fail."

"Jill, believe me, we will definitely win. Let's make an agreement. If we win, we will let those who surrender, okay?"

"Hmph, you are the commander of the main force, whatever you want!"

"Hehe, she is still as proud as ever."

Chapter 752 Occupation

"Jill, don't we really need to change it?" Mu Hantian still didn't want her to take risks.

"Don't you remember, no one can change what this king decided!"

"You also know that you are a king, so why do you have to take personal risks!"

"It is precisely because I am the king that I can't hold back. I have to stand in front. You don't have to say anything.

"Oh, then you be careful, I will solve the other party quickly."

"Then I will entrust my life to you." While talking half-jokingly, Gilgamesh looked at the sky, it was already night.

"Well, it's time to act!"

"it is good."


"Oh, are you the sage of Uruk? I didn't expect it to be you on the battlefield!" The Babylonian general on the opposite side was a little surprised.

"Huh, stop talking nonsense, let me get rid of you quickly!"

"Don't look down on people!" The Babylonian general yelled and charged towards Mu Hantian with his sword.

"I don't mean to look down on you, because in my eyes you are just a spicy chicken!"

In an instant, Mu Hantian and the swords of the Babylonian generals were intertwined.Both you come and I go, the offensive continues.

"Sure enough, the generals of this era are strong. If the power is not sealed by those two black-bellied loli, it can still be solved quickly, but now... cut!" frowned, Mu Hantian's face " Lulu is also a little unhappy.


When Mu Hantian and Enqidu acted, Gilgamesh also started to act, but to her surprise, there were not many guards in the huge country, but this was also her chance!

"Soldiers, let's go directly to the palace and directly kill the king of Babylon!"


"En!" Gilgamesh nodded softly.

The night sheltered everyone, but there was no one on the street.


"Huh, King of Uruk, you must be the one who failed!"

"Miscellaneous, since you have such a fighting spirit, the king will solve you personally."

"Hmph, not ashamed!" For a moment, the king of Babylon drew out the knife pinned to his waist and faced Gilgamesh.

"Bang bang bang!" The swords intersected, and there was a crisp sound. The two attacked very quickly, but Gilgamesh was a demigod after all, which was not comparable to ordinary humans.Seize the opportunity to cut off the king of Babylon by an arm.

Looking at the wounded King of Babylon, Gilgamesh said coldly, in a kingly domineering voice: "Then it should be over! Miscellaneous, remember this king's name before dying! This king is a hero! King Gilgamesh! There is only one hero King Gilgamesh in heaven and on earth! Remember the name of this king! Then..."

"go to hell!"

In an instant, the Gate of Babylon behind Gilgamesh slowly opened, and two treasures appeared inside, all of which were e-class, but for her, this was enough to kill the king of Krishsh.

In an instant, two treasures were "shot" from the King's Treasure, and they hit the head and heart of King Kirish.

"Let's go, go to the battlefield!"


He turned his gaze back to Mu Hantian's side.

Now he is still fighting this general, but he has taken the lead.Maybe it will be won in a few more rounds.

"You admit defeat, no matter how you look at this situation, you will lose."

"Huh, as a courtier of the king, you must be loyal to the king!"

"Oh, you are right to think like this, but, have you ever thought about your soldiers and their relatives? I actually hate war, but there is no way. Jill doesn't listen to me."

"Sage of Uruk, let's not talk about things that have nothing to do with the duel. Let's concentrate on fighting." As the general said, the attack on his hands kept on attacking Mu Hantian.

Mu Hantian didn't speak, but the sword in his hand was no longer a block, but a fierce attack. This was a silent response.

Just when Mu Hantian and the generals were fighting hard, Gilgamesh's high voice resounded on the battlefield.

"Stop it, your king is dead."

For a moment, the audience was silent.

The reason Babylon is silent on the side is that they don't even know when their king died.

On Uruk's side, it was because of the shock to Gilgamesh. Although he knew his king was very strong, he didn't expect it to be solved so soon.

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