Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 626

Mu Hantian was not a fool. Everyone said Ishdar was a witch who played with men, but Ishdar was only playing with those men like a puppet.

As a proud god, Ishdar will be touched by ordinary humans, or even copulate?Especially the goddess who is in charge of life among the gods, no matter what it is, it is impossible to degenerate to be mixed with humans.

"Do you think I am minding this, do I not know these things? Ishtar, let go of your pride!" Mu Hantian's tone became severe.

Yes, Ishdar's appearance and figure are impeccable, but Mu Hantian is not dominated by his lower body.And it's not that there are no more beautiful women among her own.

In the end, Ishdar’s pride makes Mu Hantian disgusted, so grateful?The gods can never change their disgusting posture.This tone is really annoying.

"Is this your answer? Mu Hantian, is it because of Enqidu's ****?"

Ishdar's eyes fell deep, and Mu Hantian clearly refused.In addition to angering Ishdar, who has always had the wind and the rain and the rain since his birth, he also has the anger of rejection.

It's because of Enkidu, Ishdar's jealousy kept rising.

"I hope you don't regret today's answer!" Ishdar also has the arrogance of being a god, and when Mu Hantian refused, he left directly.

But Mu Hantian still stopped her.Because he remembered a scene in "Epic of Gilgamesh."

"Now you are more like a child, a child who has lost his beloved thing. I hope you will not do things that I cannot forgive you!"

"Humph!" hummed coldly, a gloomy atmosphere surrounded Ishdar.

"Since you rejected me, then go to death with that ****!" Ishtar kept this idea in his mind.


"If you reject Ishdar in this way, I am afraid she will not give up like this. Ishdar is more favored among the gods. If Ishdar is willing, the gods will probably not give up!" Enkidu Worried.

Enki was very clear about Ishdar's position among the gods.

It was Ishdar's own origin, so Ishdar was favored by all the gods.

Ishdar's father is the god of heaven, the top of the pyramid among the true gods.

"Then, is it possible that I want to accept her proposal? Enqidu!" Mu Hantian has no worries about Enqidu. What about fighting the gods, he will open his own way with the sword in his hand, even if it is. The gods could not stop him.

Enqidu was embarrassed by Mu Hantian's rhetorical question and couldn't answer. Yes, she couldn't see Mu Hantian accepting Ishdar's proposal.

Of course, Enqidu also knew that Mu Hantian's "sex" style would definitely not accept Ishdar's proposal.

"Well, Enkidu, even the gods, the cold sky will definitely protect us." Gilgamesh said.

"Yes, no matter what, I will protect you."


"This is the punishment of the gods!"

Uruk's subjects all knelt on the ground on this day, and the huge treants were advancing towards Uruk, destroying everything along the road.


"It's Tamoz, the god of plants!"

There is a clear logo printed on the huge Treant, which belongs to the plant god Tamuz.

"Tamuz, god of plants?" Gilgamesh knew that the gods would act, but he didn't expect to come so recklessly.

Don't the gods know that he possesses powerful power?Even among the gods, it is a relatively powerful force.

"Human virtuous king Mu Hantian, do you know what wrong you committed?"

The loud voice echoed in the air.

It's really the same.

The first sentence is not that you know what you have committed or that you know what you are doing?Mu Hantian was a little tired of hearing it.Doesn't the god here know another word?

"Today I will bring you to Ishdar to judge you, our gods are not something you can provoke!" The voice of the plant god Tamuz continued.

"If you want the people in your city to live, you must come out and meet me by yourself, otherwise, I will turn this city into a sea of ​​trees, and let the humans in it become the nutrients for the trees!" Tamz said.

The voice did reach Mu Hantian.

"Tamuz, the god of plants, wants to catch Hantian, and you go to Ishdar to ask for credit!" Enkidu said.

Among the gods, this is not a secret. Tamz, the god of plants, is interested in Ishdar, the goddess of life, and hopes to combine with Ishdar.

Even Tamuz, the god of plants, showed it to Ishdar's father.It's just that Ishdar refused without hesitation.

"Isdar's suitor? No wonder he came here so mindlessly!" Gilgamesh said, looking up at the tree man in the distance and shook his head.

"So, what do you do next!" Enqidu asked.

"Is it necessary to say, since he came to the door, then I am not polite, and it is a pity that someone who has died like this cannot fulfill his words!" Mu Hantian patted Enqidu on the shoulder and looked at it. After a glance, the tree man turned around.

"I will let him feel what life is better than death!"

Enqi looked at Mu Hantian's leaving back, and then at the huge tree man in the distance. He couldn't help praying to the plant god Tamzi, hoping that he could leave his life in Mu Hantian's hands.

Chapter 758 Fantasy Seed

After rejecting Ishdar, Enqidu clearly felt Mu Hantian's change.

He seemed to want to deliberately let the gods stand on his opposite side.

Enqi has never seen Mu Hantian doing such a reckless thing. The power of the gods Enqi is the most clear. Although she can be turned into a weapon to use restraining power, this power has limitations.

Moreover, Enqidu had a bleak smile on her face. She had never told Mu Hantian that her life was actually held in the hands of the gods.

As long as one of the three simultaneous gods decides to let her die, then she is absolutely unable to resist the orders of the gods.

After all, she was created by the gods, although some changes have taken place in the middle, allowing her to become a complete life, becoming a carrier of restraint and gaining powerful strength.However, her life is still in the hands of the gods.

En Qidu also didn't know, but Mu Hantian knew this, and now he was working hard to get him out of the grasp of the gods.

There are three simultaneous gods. Except for Ishtar’s father, Anu, the god of heaven, there are still two in the same position as Ishtar’s father, and the power is not weaker than the father of the gods. The god of heaven Anu, even Gilgamesh can’t resist, let alone Gilgamesh’s Mu Hantian. Of course, this is only a superficial phenomenon. Since the killing of Fen Baba, Mu Hantian’s power has been restored. , No, it should be stronger.

Enqi didn't understand why Mu Hantian wanted to stand completely opposite to the gods.But since it was Mu Hantian's decision, Enqidu would not change it.But silent support.

Mu Hantian did this because of his consideration. He probably already knew the way to go back. It should be the battle of the gods. After all, it is the Moon World, the strongest god is Gaia Alaya.

But there must be an opportunity to trigger the battle of the gods, and Tamoz, the god of plants, just hit the muzzle.

As Mu Hantian's eyes became firmer and firmer, his aura also changed, sharp, as if it could cut off all obstacles.

It was like a sword out of its sheath, and it was so sharp that people couldn't look directly at it. The sword is the king of weapons, and Mu Hantian is also the king in this world.

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