Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 629


In the air, the king's treasure house opened, with four swords "exposed" half of it.

"What do you want to do, you have to think about it, if I hurt, then you will have to add one more crime to your crime. After you are judged by our gods, all your subjects will be judged by us. This is why It's all because of you!" Tamoz looked at the anti-cold sword and swallowed.

"Come on with sin?" Gilgamesh laughed, and a sword passed through Tamoz's left hand and nailed into the ground fiercely, as did the other arm.

Tamz, who had suffered the pain for the first time, couldn't help screaming, and he was no longer as calm and arrogant as before.

"I really want to know what this crime is like!" Gilgamesh exuded evil spirits, and Tamoz was almost suffocating underneath.

Tamoz seemed to have seen a mountain of bloody corpses, and the nauseating bloody breath seemed close at hand.

"I don't like torturing people, because I prefer to see them struggling. As a weak person, I want to challenge the strong. Do you know what kind of consequences this is?" Gilgamesh was in Tamz The feet on the body gradually hardened, and he looked at Tamz with plain eyes.

The more Gilgamesh was like this, the more Unexplained Terror was in Tamz.

"Crunch!" The bone hair made an overwhelmed voice.

As a god, you don't need air to survive, but the bones seem to be broken, and the feeling of oppression on the internal organs of the body is really unbearable for Tamuz but it is difficult to resist.

Tamz's vision has been drifting.

Mu Hantian sneered in his heart. He had already discovered that the person around him had some hidden props on his body, but he couldn't fool his perception.

Behind Gilgamesh, there seemed to be a shadow looming, and a cold light bloomed.

"God's guard?"

Gilgamesh leaned to avoid the sword, and the attacker also appeared.

Is human.No, it should be said that it is a human being transformed by the gods.

Gilgamesh sighed as he looked at the guard of the burly middle-aged human face wearing the black armor given by the gods in front of him.

There was no emotion in the pupils of his eyes. He existed solely to protect the gods, and his will was wiped out by the gods and became a demigod.

"Jill, who is he?"

"The strongest brave man of the last era has really become like this!" Gilgamesh said, looking at the burly man in front of him, knowing his identity from the mark of honor on the man's face.

He is the strongest warrior of the last era. The human hero who single-handedly slaughtered the griffon, a symbol of courage and confidence that harmed one party, was not just one, but two griffons.

Although the griffin is not the strongest fantasy species, it is also good. The title of the sky king is not to boast. The two heads together can not challenge those powerful fantasy species like the dragon, but it is also very scary.

His life can be said to be legendary, bathing giant beasts, and the blood of fierce dragons step by step to become stronger, even at that time he was the title of the god of war on earth.But in the end he was taken away by the gods, and there was no news ever since.

"Kill him for me!"

Tamoz yelled, in order to get such a powerful servant, he took a lot of effort.

Although he is a human being, he has been endowed by the gods with "sex" and has become a demigod. To develop his own potential in close hand-to-hand combat, even the true God of War among the gods is not pleased, and it should be said that they cannot be defeated. .

"Shut your mouth!" Gilgamesh said coldly. Above Tamuz, a huge iron piece emerged from the King's Treasury and pressed heavily on his chest.

This piece of iron is meteorite iron, and its weight is not just what it looks like.The Treant's internal space is still wide, and without Tamz's command, he will no longer act, and can also be used as a battlefield.

"Jill, this God of War let me be your opponent."

"Let it go to you if you want, don't die."

"Of course, victory came to my hands!"

Chapter 761: Killing God

"Come on, the battle has begun." Mu Hantian held the storm wing in his hand, "showing" an excited smile.

The strongest human warrior of the last era, let me ruin you.

The servant moved, his body shuttled in the air with an explosive sound, and when his footsteps hit the ground, the sawdust burst and the surrounding area collapsed.

Facing the attacking fist, Mu Hantian had no intention of evading, and greeted him with a sword.

The body of the servant is as hard as steel, but Mu Hantian's sword is not vegetarian.

"Hehe, you really deserve to be a strong, but this is interesting."

There seemed to be something shining in Mu Hantian.Seeing that the human beings of the last era who had become god servants were the strongest, they rushed forward with greater courage.

Mu Hantian was very excited at the moment, his body had been silent for a long time, and he had been in this world for so long, and he had never found a target that Mu Hantian could fight seriously.

Even if it was the sacred beast Fen Baba, it was just so that Mu Hantian was interested.

"Clang!" The servant took up his weapon.

"Servant, what are you...what are you doing..." Tamz seemed to be dying for the next second. The vitality of the gods was so strong that this injury was not a big problem for Tamz, but that The feeling of being squeezed all over made Tamoz crazy.

"If you haven't been wiped out of your will, it may be a shocking battle, it's a pity, a pity, a pity!" Mu Hantian sighed three times in a row, each time his aura changed. , Unstoppable, huge.

Mu Hantian decided to let himself come seriously to send him a ride, this was a respect for an opponent.

The confrontation set off a gust of wind like a storm. In the storm, Mu Hantian pierced the wings of the storm into the heart of the god servant.

It's a pity that this battle is not perfect, it's a pity that I don't know the name of this human warrior.

Mu Hantian removed the outrageous head-sized meteorite iron from Tamz.

"Mu Hantian, listen to me, I know I was wrong!" Tamoz knew he was scared.

"You must save my life. Killing my gods will not let you go. I am not threatening you. If I die, the Sumerian dynasty of Gilgamesh will probably be flattened by the gods! Enkidu will die."

Tamz regretted his recklessness.In order to show that he had no plan in front of Ishdar, he came to Gilgamesh.

"Hehe, I really want to try if I told you that way." Gilgamesh's voice was a little gloomy, and four swords flew out of the king's treasury, nailing Tamoz to the ground.

"Killing the gods is rebellious!"

Tamz struggled, but all his limbs were nailed to the ground. The struggle was not just not struggling, but the wound continued to expand on the blade, like a flower in a greenhouse, Tamz faced death almost Just to collapse.

"That's what I thought of, kill you, the gods will be my enemy!" Mu Hantian said coldly, and then raised the wings of the storm high.

With a snorting sound, Tamoz's heart was penetrated. Being penetrated by these weapons, Tamoz could no longer survive.

The golden "color" blood evaporates and disappears like gasification, and the same is true of Tamoz's body.

Without the support of Tamoz's divine power, the huge Treant fell helplessly to the ground and formed a forest.

After breaking the ventricle, if it weren't for Tamuz's power, the Treant would have already died.

The fall of the tree man symbolized the fall of the gods.

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