Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 631

Mu Hantian didn't guess wrong. When Ishdar returned last night, the gods were discussing how to deal with Mu Hantian. It happened that Ishdar wanted to use the bull of the sky.

So it's not just Ishdar's malice, but the decision of the gods.

If the Bull of Heaven killed Enkidu, Gilgamesh, and Mu Hantian, then there is no need to discuss how to deal with it.

And the bull of the sky will take the way to destroy the Sumer that Gilgamesh and the three have worked so hard to build, and the punishment for humans will also be carried out.

"Go and meet Enkidu and Jill!"

Mu Hantian left the room and went to the hot spring at the back of the palace.

At this time, Enkidu and Jill usually soak in the hot springs.(Author: In fact, you want to see the fruit of their body it Mu cold days: Go to hell, you know too much!)

However, when Mu Hantian arrived, Enqi and Jill were already out of the bath, their hair was wet, the body was faintly steamed, and the special fragrance came on.

"It's a pity, it's rare to want to take a bath together." Mu Hantian pretended to be a little regretful.

"I believe the famous and wise king would not do such a thing," Enkidu responded.

"This king won't mind." This was Gilgamesh's response.

"Haha, okay, let's talk about business, the gods released the bull of the sky."

"The bull of the sky?" Enkidu's footsteps suddenly paused.

"The gods have released such terrifying guys!" Enqidu sighed. The bull of the sky, the strongest animal among the gods, is powerful even among the gods, perhaps second only to Lianli Three gods.

"Hmph, even if that's the case, wouldn't the three of us be able to beat a cow together?" Gilgamesh was a little disdainful. This king can easily slap a cow in a mere paltry.

"Jill, don't underestimate the Bull of the Sky, that is the strongest beast, its power is second only to the combined three gods." Enqidu said.

"Well, that's interesting, but even so, the three of us can kill it." Gilgamesh continued, eyes full of determination.

"Enqidu, don't worry, just as Jill said, we three join forces and want to defeat the bull of the sky is no problem." Mu Hantian didn't want to "expose" too much at this time. If it comes out, the gods will be alert and in trouble.

"Oh, well, since you all said that, then I have to fight with you."

"Well, don't be too pessimistic. Victory will definitely come to us."

"En, Hantian, no matter what you decide, Enki and I will fully support you." Gilgamesh said firmly.

Chapter 763: The Power of the Bull of the Sky

The bull of the sky, the strongest and the most evil beast, is sealed by the jealousy of the gods, and its power is also conceivable.

Its flesh and blood are composed of clouds, and its skeleton is cast like gold. It is only a matter of time before it carries the power of natural disasters that can cause storms, thunderstorms, and destroy an area.

In less than a few hours, there was another news that the bull of the sky violently set off a natural disaster to destroy an area, and all humans in the area were wiped out.

"It's really impatient, it seems that I can't wait!"

Mu Hantian, Gilgamesh, and Enqi all boarded Vimala and rushed towards the place where the bull of the sky was.

The sky in front was overcast, with thunder and lightning roaring in it.

On the ground, the bull of the sky, exuding the golden "color", was arbitrarily destroying. Perhaps it felt something, and the bull of the sky suddenly stopped.

Looking into the sky, he screamed.

"It's a harsh sound!" Gilgamesh took out the end sword, and finally turned into an arrow state, and the Destruction Star was ready.

"Star of Destruction!"

As soon as the bow was released, the star of destruction brought destruction and rushed downward like a meteor.

This arrow seems to have the destruction of the universe evolving in it, like the big bang of the universe, shrinking violently when it reaches the bull of the sky.

The bull of the sky did not move, looking at the approaching star of destruction, just watching it quietly.

It exploded.

The flames rose into the sky, shocking people.

A slowly rising mushroom cloud soared into the sky, and even the subjects in Uruk could hear the huge impact clearly, and they even saw the bright flames from the horizon.

Those human cities close to here have suffered. The huge explosion shook the fragile colored glaze products, and even in the workshop, the fragile colored glaze that had not been completed was all shattered.

The broken pieces added wounds to the panicked craftsmen.

The colored glaze was passed down by Gilgamesh to embellish his own palace.

The mushroom cloud is still rising and has risen into the sky.

The flame hasn't stopped, it's still burning, the star of destruction really has the power of destruction, this is not a joke.

The ground turned into a piece of scorched earth, not just that. Under the power of the star of destruction, a huge pit was left here. The rock turned into magma flowing in it, exuding heat, and this gurgling bubble emerged. .

The magma spread towards the center of the explosion and the deepest part of the pit. This is how a small magma lake was formed.

The surrounding land is charred black "color", and this red "color" lava is on it. This scene is really like the "color" in the abyss hell.

The dust dissipated, and the scene was revealed.

It's just a magma lake, and nothing else.

As for the bull of the sky, he is also missing.

Of course, Gilgamesh would not think that he had solved the bull of the sky. Even if the bull of the sky was eaten by the star of destruction head-on, even if it was the bull of the sky, it would be too much, but it was impossible to kill the bull of the sky.

The body of the bull of the sky, that is, the hardness of the golden "colored" bones, is unusual.

There seems to be some movement in the magma lake.

The thunder and lightning in the sky also rioted, and the thunder dragons snaked down, but they were all blocked by Enqidu.

Dark clouds gathered and rushed towards the magma lake.

At the same time, the magma lake also burst, and all the magma splashed out, and inside it was the bull of the sky with only bones.

Even the power of the Star of Destruction cannot leave any traces on its bones.

The ruined body is just condensed with clouds, if it is gone, then it can be condensed again.

The dark cloud entered the bones, and immediately, the flesh and blood began to regenerate, and a living bull of the sky was resurrected again.

This time, the bull of the sky exuded strong hostility.

Not only because Gilgamesh gave it a refreshing star of destruction, but also because Gilgamesh, Mu Hantian, and Enki were all targets of its mission.

Although it is the strongest beast, it is also one of the best among the gods, but the bull of the sky is also obedient to the gods, and its own will is only instinct.

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