Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 645

Mu Hantian's current strength was not inferior to him at all, and even stronger.

"I will take them away, and I will give you the key of Enkidu." Anu's voice came from the clouds, and then a beam of light "shot" over.

"Have I said to let them go? Anu, come down and fight me!" Mu Hantian declared war to Anu.

"Why do you want to oppose us? With your strength, you can completely serve as the new god king, if you want."

"Really nonsense!" Mu Hantian stopped saying more, directly waving the'Legend of Dark Night' in his hand, and slashed towards the sky with a sword.

The clouds in the sky were cut in half by Mu Hantian's sword, and Anu appeared from it.

"Mu Hantian, are you really going to unite the Three Gods to fight with us?" An Nu was extremely angry at the moment.

"What do you think?"

"Okay, then you go to die!" Anu roared and raised his scepter. The sky was under Anu's control, just because he was the god of the sky and ruled the sky!

Clouds, rain, and fog, under Anu's control, turned into beasts, and pounced on Mu Hantian!

"It's really boring, do you think it's useful?" Mu Hantian cut out with a single sword, and the deep darkness directly swallowed the beast.


"Anu, now it seems that only you can fight me."

"Cut!" Anu admitted that he underestimated Mu Hantian. He didn't expect him to be so strong, but Anu was hesitant. He had his own consideration because he felt the existence of restraint.The restraint seems to be shot.

"Oh, don't you? Then I have to continue to kill the gods." Mu Hantian saw that Anu couldn't make a move, so he set the target on the main gods.

"Swiss..." No god can stop Mu Hantian's sword.

Anu couldn't sit still.

You must solve Mu Hantian quickly, otherwise the restraint will rebound.

Thinking of this, Anu drew out his divine sword and rushed towards Mu Hantian.

End of Chapter 777

"Bang Bang..." Mu Hantian’s and Anu’s swords kept colliding. In countless confrontations, both sides were evenly matched, but Anu became more anxious, because he knew that if Mu Hantian could not be resolved quickly, it would be forever. There is no chance.

"Flaw!" Mu Hantian looked at Anu distracted, and slashed towards Anu directly.

Anu hurriedly blocked it, but Mu Hantian had prepared this sword for a long time, and Anu also hurriedly resisted it. Needless to say, it was not blocked.In this way, Mu Hantian was blown away.

"Don't be kidding! Damn it, I won't lose to you!" Anu yelled angrily after he stabilized his figure.

"It's not possible to rely on you alone, unless you join the three gods to make a move, but even so, it will be a tie at best." Mu Hantian smiled, and for an instant, Mu Hantian suddenly appeared in front of Anu.Anu quickly raised his sword.

Mu Hantian smiled disdainfully, slowly raised his left hand, and punched Anu's divine sword.

Just when Anu was "confused" about Mu Hantian's brain-dead behavior, a miracle happened.Anu was knocked off again.

"It's over, Mingshenliu——Shen...Huh? Gaia?" Mu Hantian was about to expand, but was stopped by the little Lolita who suddenly appeared in the air this time.

"Mu Hantian, your mission has been completed, and the rest has nothing to do with you. Leave this world." With the appearance of Gaia Lori, the world was stopped.

"Gaia, get out of me!"

"Leave this world." Gaia waved, a black hole appeared behind Mu Hantian, and Mu Hantian was forced to inhale it.

"Then Gaia, let this world recover, the underworld has recovered anyway." Alaya Lori appeared beside Gaia and said lightly.

"Yechan, I know." Gaia snapped his fingers, and the stopped world resumed.


"Han Tian, ​​where did Han Tian go?" Gilgamesh looked around blankly, but did not see Mu Hantian's figure.

"Gilgamesh, Mu Hantian has returned to his world, what you want to see is not now, and you have other things."

"Who are you?" Gilgamesh frowned as he looked at the two little loli in front of him.

"We are inhibitory, um, that's it. There is something to tell you, have you forgotten Enkidu? She is still lying in bed, she may be dying now."


"We will take care of the matter between you and the gods. Go back."

No, Enqi can't die.If what they said is true, Hantian will come back, Enqi will be fine, and she will be my only friend.

"Huh!" Gilgamesh snorted, driving Vimala, flying towards the capital.


"Enkidu!" Gilgamesh hurriedly walked to Enkidu's room after returning to the palace.Pushing the door open, I saw Enkidu lying on the bed, and Ishdar holding her hand!

"Jill, where is Hantian and why didn't he come."

"Enkidu, he is fine. He seems to have left after hearing the two so-called restraints. The liar once said~ He will protect us both. As a result..." Gilgamesh couldn't help recalling It started to get along with Mu Hantian.

When I'm hungry, I cook for myself, and when I can't sleep, I quietly pat myself and tell myself stories...

"Leave? I believe he will come back, but I can't see it anymore." Enqidu's voice became weaker and weaker.

"Enkidu, you will be fine, absolutely!"

"Sorry, I may not be able to complete the agreement." Enkidu smiled miserably, this smile became eternal, it was Enkidu's last smile.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Gilgamesh, if I want to save the Qidu, I have a way." Ishdar said to the side.

"any solution?"

"You can ask that person, Utnapishtim, the ancestor of mankind, the only human who survived the flood, and later became immortal. He and his wife live in the legendary island of Dilmon-in the sun The place where it rises is beyond the sea of ​​death. Perhaps only he can understand the mystery of eternal life. It is possible to save Enqidu."

"I understand, then Enkidu's body will rely on you."

Gilgamesh left Uruk. She traveled a long distance, wearing animal skins and eating raw meat. Passing through the Marsh Mountains on the way to the sun, the beast Pabirsag stopped her and said that no one could get from that road. Back on the road.

Gilgamesh said: "Even if there will be sorrow and pain, even if there will be "tide" wet and dry, even if there will be sighs and tears, I will go too. Come, open the door to the mountain for me!"

The scorpion man was overwhelmed by her anger and gave way.

Through the boundless darkness, she saw the sun rise and came to the shore of death.A female shopkeeper advised her: It turns out that the carefree and debauched life is her destination. Don't try to understand the truth of life and death, because you can't understand it.

Gilgamesh responded negatively.Utnapishtim’s boatman is unwilling to ferry her, saying that the sea of ​​death cannot be passed by mortals.

Gilgamesh insisted, shattering the stone statue of the patron saint of the boatman. The boatman had to let her chop down more than one hundred pieces of wood as oars. When the boat passed through the sea of ​​death, the oars were swallowed one by one by the sea. When the last one was used up, she finally saw the island of Dilmont. Coastline.

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