Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Journey Chapter 649

This was not only the first time she partnered with Mu Hantian, but also the responsibility of the captain.

In this simulation battle, I thought that the'Gryphon Star Martial Festival' had a captain role. Mu Hantian and Qi Rin partnered with Qi Rin as the captain, and Claudia was on the other side.

"Hehe... Come on, Uriss."

"I don't need to remind you. Another rare opportunity, should I use it?"

"Of course, it seems that good actual combat data can be obtained." Ulyss and Claudia murmured in private.Soon after nodding to each other, Uriss took a step back.

"Team A vs Team B, the simulation battle begins!"

Mu Hantian gave Qi Lin a wink, and the two of them shortened the distance with Claudia at the same time.

Since the captain is Claudia as the forward, in theory, he should ignore Uriss and decide the victory with a fast break.



Mu Hantian from the left and Qilin from the right, the two slashed towards Claudia almost simultaneously.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Claudia blocked the swords with both hands "Pan = Dora", but her expression still looked stiff.Ignoring Qi Rin's slashing attack, blocking Mu Hantian's attack with one hand should be quite harsh.

What's more, Mu Hantian's weapon was the'Black Furnace Demon Sword'.Even though it was the same pure Xinghuang style weapon, it could still be seen that the'Black Furnace Demon Sword' was cutting into the light blade of'Pan = Dora' bit by bit.

"It's really hard to deal with!"

At this time, Claudia suddenly relaxed, and her body twisted away from Mu Hantian's attack.However, Qi Rin took advantage of the gap and proceeded to make the next blow.

"Hmm!" Claudia barely bounced off the blow, but her posture completely lost her balance.

Just when Mu Hantian swept the school badge on her chest with the'Black Furnace Demon Sword'...

Suddenly feeling murderous aura coming from directly above, Mu Hantian quickly jumped back.

After that, three light blades swooped down from the sky, piercing where Mu Hantian stood just now.

"Senior Hantian! What is it?" Qi Rin also avoided the attack, opening her eyes wide in surprise.

"’s very slow, Uriss. Anyway, it’s impossible to deal with Han Tian and Daodou at the same time without relying on future vision. Also, I can’t waste my stock in a simulation battle, almost can’t support it. Lost in ten seconds."

"Sorry, I can't completely control the six." Uriss said, the light blade that stabbed the ground just now floated in the air.

"Is that the corolla spiral sword?" It was very similar to the rapier-shaped flaming weapon used by Uriss before.But there are three-no, there are six in total, including those who attacked Qi Rin.Flying in the air like being "fucked" by an invisible silk thread, staying still around Yuris.

"No, Hantian, you are wrong. This is the New Star Vortex Sword-my new sword." Ulyss "showed" a fearless smile and waved the seventh rapier-shaped brilliant weapon in her hand.

"Is this the new type of dazzling weapons mentioned before?" Saye, who had been watching silently just now, rarely asked with relish.

"Yes, this is the new type of flaming armament jointly developed by Alicante and the Star Guidance Pavilion-the flaming remote guidance weapon."

Chapter 781: Progress

"The rapier held by Uriss is used as the base machine and can freely "operate" several sub-machines. However, this weapon must have excellent spatial mastery, otherwise it will not be able to master it." Although Claudia was explaining, it was still Without any slack, recalculate the spacing.

"It turns out that it is indeed a very powerful technique, but isn't it a bit unsuitable for Uris?" Mu Hantian gave Qi Lin a wink at the same time.

Qi Lin instantly understood what Mu Hantian meant.Although the two have partnered for the first time, fortunately, they are both swordsmen. Even if they don't say anything, they can roughly grasp the other's intentions.

The tip of Chihakiki's sword still faces Claudia, but at the same time his attention is fixed on Uliss.Just now because of surprise, there was no other choice but to dodge.However, with Qi Rin's sword skills, he could face an attack of that level.In this way, Mu Hantian could concentrate on attacking Claudia.

"Oh? Hantian, why do you say that?"

"Even if you don't use this kind of weapon, doesn't Uriss still have a lot of tricks to "fuck" freely from a distance? Although that sounds a bit ugly, there is nothing new in this weapon."

A smile still appeared on Ulys's face, and she shook her head slowly."You don't understand at all, Hantian...Forget it, then you can confirm it with your own eyes!"

As soon as the words fell, Uriss rushed towards Qi Rin.

"Huh?" Qi Rin couldn't help but yelled out the cold attack.

Uriss doesn't want to fight Yeirin melee, right?Mu Hantian was also a little surprised.Although Uriss had been training with Mu Hantian, and having survived the fierce battle of the'Phoenix Star Martial Arts', her melee combat skills advanced by leaps and bounds.

But compared with Mu Hantian and Qi Lin, they were still not the opponents of the two.If Claudia commented that her melee combat ability was'a little worse' than Chirin, then Uriss was probably three minutes behind.

Having said that, Yorin, as the captain, of course can't just sit idly by.

"Oh, this can't work!" Claudia's slash struck Mu Hantian, interrupting Mu Hantian's attempt to intervene between Qirin and Uliss.

Seeing this, Mu Hantian hurriedly defended the blow, but Claudia immediately struck again.

"It's a rare first appearance. It can't be too obstructive, Han Tian."

Just when the two clashed, Uriss had already entered Qi Rin's attack distance.Qi Rin, who "showed" a surprised expression at first, also quickly changed her posture to prepare for the attack.

"Received, Chirin!" Yuliss shouted, and then waved the rapier in her hand at Chirin's school badge.

The sharp spikes are like tearing wind.However, before the tip of the sword touched the school badge, it was pushed aside by Qi Rin neatly.

Chirin's blade slashed back, which should have cut off Uris's school badge, but Chirin's blow was blocked by a sub-sword that Uriss "fucked" just before it hit.

"It's not over yet!" Qi Rin immediately launched the next blow, slashing from the lower section up, and then cut with a right kasah, and then swept across the text-a perfect continuous attack that can be called a beautiful skill, which is a sword skill that Qi Rin possesses. The essence of "Lianhe".

"Ha, ha ha...! It's really amazing!" Ulith "fucked" the six swords, completely blocking it.

"Haha...understood, Hantian? The most surprising thing about the Huang-style remote guidance arm is the speed of reaction." Claudia smiled as he confronted Mu Hantian.

Claudia's attacks were all to contain Mu Hantian's actions. Therefore, he did not pursue them deeply.

If the two sides compete head-on and earnestly, Mu Hantian will definitely have the upper hand.But Mu Hantian didn't want to be too boring. After all, this was training and there was no need for that kind of crushing.

"Uris's melee combat ability was originally inferior to Toto-san. The most important thing is that the physical abilities and skills that have been cultivated for a long time are poor. Therefore, even if you want to defend Toto-san’s attack, Yuris’s body cannot Keep up 100%."

"In other words..."

"Yes, the Huang-style remote-guided weapon does not need to pass through the body, and it can be "fucked" by just thinking—in other words, the reaction speed of the sub-sword of the Huang-style remote-guided weapon is much faster than that of Uriss herself The sword is fast going up."

"That's the case. It seems that it is better to take back what I just said, oh!" Mu Hantian blocked Claudia's attack and temporarily moved away.Looking at Qi Rin again, she also stayed away from Yuris's attack range.

"Huh... it's amazing. Unexpectedly,'Lianhe' can defend all...but!"

Qi Lin glanced at Mu Hantian, for some reason she "showed" a shy smile.

"This, this, Senior Hantian...! Can you see it?"

"Huh?" Mu Hantian looked dumbfounded.

Qi Rin smiled slightly, adjusted her breathing quickly, and attacked Uliss again.

"Oh, are you coming?"

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