Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 655

"No, I just want to have a fan who cheers for myself. It feels great."

"Don't Silvia have more fans?" Mu Hantian felt a little strange. As an idol singer, shouldn't there be many fans?

"That girl is a little different from my fans, right."

"Is that so?"

"Yes." Silvia sighed with a noncommittal expression.

Then, after a while, the dishes I ordered were brought to the table.

"Oh, it's Basque style, it looks delicious." The dishes I tasted in Irene's room at the time were superb, so I ordered the Spanish seafood stew that she recommended.The materials and aromas this time are very different from the last time.

Mu Hantian quickly tasted it, and it was delicious.Silvia seemed to like it too, "showing" a bright smile.

"Um... It's incredible, I wish she taught me how to do it. But it's been a long time since I have been cooking... Ah!"

"What's the matter?" Mu Hantian blinked and asked.

Silvia "exposed" an expression of'bad...', supporting her face with her hands.

"No, if today is not the last day, tomorrow I can help you prepare lunch."

"Haha, that's really a pity." Mu Hantian slapped haha.

"Forget it, it's okay. Anyway, that's where people look forward to next time."

"Next time?" Mu Hantian asked back.

Silvia looked up at Mu Hantian, "showing" a mischievous smile.

Chapter 786: First See Fan Xinglu

The appearance of Jielong Seventh Academy is the most characteristic among Asterisk Sixth Academy.

The school grounds are covered with Chinese-style buildings, like a "mysterious" palace, and all buildings are connected by corridors.Elegant courtyards and huge squares are scattered among the buildings. If you don't have a map, you don't know where you are.

"It's amazing, this should be the most lively place." Mu Hantian was surprised at the vibrant campus and said to Silvia who was walking by.

"Ah, although it has something to do with the largest number of students, Jielong's school spirit is still different from other schools."

"school spirit?"

"Well... should it be said that it is in a state of chaos, or is it free? Traditionally, the influence of integrated corporate consortia is not very large."

Looking at the slightly larger square, a few people "fuck" the huge dragon dance, and a lot of spectators gathered around.On the other side of the garden, there is a large male "sex", holding a knife and performing juggling, which won a lot of applause.


"Let’s put it this way, most of the students who choose Jielong seem to be to forge themselves. Winning the championship in the'Star Wu Festival' is also a secondary goal, and it is more meaningful to test themselves. Therefore, it is not easy for the integrated enterprise consortium to attract students by bait. Get the bait."

"Oh? So the'Xing Wu Ji' is just a process of forging chains, it's not that there is any wish to achieve." Mu Hantian couldn't help thinking of Song and Luo who had fought against the'Phoenix Xing Wu Ji'.Those two really belong to this category.

"Of course it's just that there are more people in this category. Some people still enter the world dragon with their dreams."

There are lively sounds like firecrackers everywhere, and the lively sound "color" can be heard from somewhere at any time.Since Jielong is the only elementary school in the Six Schools, you can still see children running around happily.

"In addition, I don't know whether it is good or bad. The academy itself is not unified. One of the reasons. The major martial arts sects are standing in the world, and they are independent."

"Isn't Alicante like that?"

“Of course it’s different. The budget of the Alecan Research Institute is from the Consortium of Consolidated Enterprises, so the degree of freedom is completely different. Anyway, operating organizations such as the Student Union are also closely related to the Consortium of Consolidated Enterprises. bureaucracy."

"That's it."

The probe looked at the big room that looked like a dojo, and dozens of students were practicing martial arts with no other purpose.Just by looking at it, you can understand why the world dragon can maintain excellent results in the'Star Martial Festival'.The large number of students is one of the reasons, but the proportion of students maintaining a sense of combat is significantly higher.

"Well, this is?" Mu Hantian suddenly felt the distortion of Wanyingsu beside him, and then a force emerged from under his feet. Although it was not a hostile attack against him and Silvia, it was definitely aimed at both of them. of.

Interesting, send it?Let me see who it is.With a slight smile, Mu Hantian didn't stop it.

"Hehe, I'm sorry to be a little rude, but it's troublesome to cause a "commotion", please don't mind both of you."

As the teleportation progressed, Mu Hantian and Silvia felt that the "color" of their eyes changed, and they quickly disappeared in place, appearing at the location designated by the teleporter user.

Then, a virgin with hair like butterfly wings appeared from the shadow of the pillar.About the same age as Flora.Judging from the Jielong uniform on her, she should be a student.But Mu Hantian could feel that there was a strong force in her body.

"Huh...really, please don't be too scary, Star Dew?"

"Long time no see, Your Highness the singer."

"Star "Lu"... Is this girl Fan Xing "Lu"?"

Jielong Seventh College ranked first, and is also the president of the student union of "Wan You Tian Luo"

As stated in the information, Fan Xing'Lu' is a nine-year-old girl, and her delicate face is full of immature.

"Yes, my old lady is Fan Xing's'Lu'. I'm so happy to see you, Mu Hantian. My old lady has been interested in you for a long time. The battle at the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival is indeed splendid. Looking back now, It's still tiring."

After hearing Fan Xing's "Lu" words, Mu Hantian felt speechless, calling himself a mother?Are you really a nine-year-old loli?Also, what the hell are you interested in me, do you want to fight?Still fall in love with me?

"Oh? I didn't expect you to be interested in Hantian too." Silvia said aloud.

"Of course, since he participated in the'Phoenix Star Martial Arts', my old lady has been paying attention to him. Now that I want to come, I am more and more interested in him.

"Ah, that... Silvia, you have to believe me, I am not Lolicon." Mu Hantian wanted to cry without tears, please, speak more completely.

"Hehe, Hantian, you don't seem to know. Although you don't know if it is true or not, I heard that she has lived for more than a thousand years."

"A thousand years? It's too exaggerated to put it anymore."

Even if she is a capable person, it also means that she has lived from a long time before the occurrence of the'falling star shower' to the present.Since the'Star Vessel Generation' was born through the "falling star rain", this phenomenon is impossible.

"Oh, do you mean you don't believe it?" Xing Lu showed a very regretful expression, and looked up at Mu Hantian with crossed hands.

"It's really hard to believe." Nonsense, in a technological world, if you tell me that someone has lived for a thousand years, it's impossible to think about it.Unless you are also a traverser.

"It's okay, anyway, it's a rare customer, let you see the truth in this world a little bit." Fan Xing had just finished speaking, and the surrounding suddenly darkened.

The translucent earth faintly appeared in front of Mu Hantian and Silvia.The earth rotates slowly-but suddenly countless meteorites appear one after another, pouring onto the surface.

"This is a recurrence of the'falling star rain'. But it seems... these meteorites suddenly appeared around the earth."

"That's right." Xing Lu nodded vigorously at Mu Hantian's words.

"None of the observatories around the world has detected the'falling stars rain'... Don't you teach the same way in class now?"

"So, is it—is it really suddenly appearing and falling on the surface?"

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