Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 670

Two more figures appeared behind him.

"Neviwaz, don't hinder me!"

"No. If we are disqualified here, it will also cause trouble to His Royal Highness."

"I don't bother to care about the life and death of that fat pig!"

"This means Master Libeo will be disgraced. Roverika, do you want to embarrass our master?"

The sense of oppression hidden in the conversation made Rovelika look away annoyed."Hey!"

At this time, Turia rushed past Mu Hantian, holding the neck of the guitar and waving a guitar-shaped pure star-shaped weapon.A trident-shaped light blade is "exposed" from the body part.

"You dare to hit me!"

"Wow ha ha ha! Why, you still have a bit of bone!" Rowvelika, who blocked the blow with the'Void Thirst Evil Sword', fought fiercely with eyes and laughed cheerfully.

Chapter 801 When the battle is in progress

"Everyone, prepare to support!"

"To understanding."


The other members of "Lu" Saluka have already activated the pure starlight weapons, ready to fight.

"Big, everyone, wait a minute! Didn't you hear what Han Tian said just now? If you start a fight here, you may be disqualified!"

Only Mavreina desperately asked everyone to restrain, but everyone turned a deaf ear.

"Slow-winded, Mavreina! My partner is being bullied, how can you let them go like this!" Mierxue's eyes burned with anger, and she raised her guitar-shaped pure star-shaped arms like Tulia.The arms in her hand opened the sword-shaped light blade.

"Han Tian, ​​these people are coming too chaotic." Sai Ye, who came to Mu Hantian's side at the same time while raising his gun, said in a low voice, feeling noncommittal.

"Although this is the case, you can't just let it go." Mu Hantian sighed helplessly, and there was no battle if he came out to buy something.

"Hey, don't you want to run away, Mu Hantian! You look like the strongest one!" Rowelika, who was dismissive of Tulia, stared at Mu Hantian fiercely.

"I didn't plan to escape." Mu Hantian smiled fearlessly.

"Really, everyone is like this..." At this moment, Nevi Vaz's expression hardly changed. After a sigh, the surrounding Wanying Su suddenly swept across.

"You have to hide a little better. I don't want to lose the qualification for this." With one move of his right hand, Neville Vaz gradually formed a huge rock on his head.The size is less than thirty meters, covering the sun slanting west, and the shadow is enough to engulf everyone present.

"Wow! Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute! Everyone, get out of the way!"

Mierxue screamed in a panic, but Neville Vaz didn't bother to wave her arm.At the same time, the rock that was originally still in the air fell like losing its support.

"Wow ha ha ha ha! You are the one who makes the most unrelenting shot...!" Rowelika's open laughter was masked by the deafening roar and impact.

"Ming Shenliu-Moon of Canglan!" Mu Hantian quickly slashed the rock with the'Black Furnace Demon Sword'.

"Bang bang bang..." Mu Hantian broke the huge rock into small pieces and fell to the ground.

"Oh, is this the power of the'White Knight'? I have seen it, let's go." The villain team turned around and left in the opposite direction.There was only one person, Luo Wei Lika stayed alone to stare at Mu Hantian, but soon gave up, unwillingly to keep up with the other players.

"Hey, everyone! Are you okay...!?"

Behind Mu Hantian, as if echoing Tulia's echo, short shouts came from everywhere.The impact just now made the collapsed building rubble scattered everywhere, making the desolate scene of the redevelopment area even more desolate.

"Then we should almost go back, Saye."


"Hey, wait a minute!" When Mu Hantian and Shaye were about to leave, Michelle stopped Mu Hantian.

"That...thank you for saving us just now."

"It's nothing, but I still said that. Silvia and I are really just good friends, believe it or not."


The fourth round of'Gryphon Xingwu Festival'.

"Broken!" The braided youth stepped out of a small pit on the stage with shaking feet, and attacked Mu Hantian with continuous palm hits.

Mu Hantian barely escaped the blow, but the petite braided girl immediately buckled, cut into her arms from the right side and made an elbow blow.Mu Hantian reached out and grabbed it, then threw it out.

After spinning in the air, the girl touched the ground lightly, and then shortened the distance again, launching a continuous offensive with the braided youth.

"Don't think that Jielong has only the apprentices of'Wanyou Tianluo' to see!" The girl shouted in reluctance.

The members of the gluttonous team are composed of representatives selected from schools other than the "Wanyou Tianluo".Although it is not as good as the "Start Page Twelve", all of them are among the top twenty strong.

"Wow hahaha! That's right! But the'magician' of the Danjielong is not just a Taoist priest!"

At this moment, Mu Hantian felt murderous aura coming from behind, and immediately jumped sideways.

Then, from the air, only the jaw of the beast's mouth appeared, and the sharp teeth bite like a vise.Although the lower jaw disappeared immediately, there was no sign before it appeared.

The young girl and the braided youth immediately chased down Mu Hantian, and at the same time a huge jaw appeared at Mu Hantian's feet again.Even though Mu Hantian kept evasive, Sharp Tooth was still waiting for the ambush, and the attacks of the girls and youths did not stop.

The four-eyed youth did not pursue the universal use of "sex" like a Taoist, but thoroughly honed the "sex" of ability.Therefore, the ability to activate is extremely fast.

"Our tactics are definitely possible. First, we will directly solve this'white knight', and then...what!?" The four white-eyed youth was halfway through, and the originally big eyes suddenly opened wider.

"Okay, this is the time." Mu Hantian "showed" a light smile, and jumped up at the same time.

Just now, the four white-eyed youths kept restraining Uriss and Mu Hantian with their abilities, and even independently supported the two strikers who suppressed Claudia and Yorin.Although the time is not long, in fact, being able to take into account both fronts, the strength of the youth is indeed impressive.

However, the four-eyed youth might have mistakenly thought that there was a chance to solve Mu Hantian, and in just an instant, the firepower was overly concentrated on Mu Hantian.But... this is a five-man game after all!


"I'm sorry!"

Qi Rin and Claudia took advantage of the gap to defeat their opponents and cut off the school badge.

"Oh, oh...!"

In a one-on-one situation, the strength of the two far exceeds that of Jielong's forward.It is precisely because the Jielong forward does not seek victory, and has always suppressed the two offensive.More importantly, there are four-eyed youth backups that can barely hinder the pace of their offense.

"Cold sky, let's go!"

The attack on Mu Hantian by the young girl and the braided youth still did not slow down.At this time, Uliss's brilliant long-range guidance arm came to help out, pulling the two away from Mu Hantian.

"Um...! the hateful'Huayan Witch'...!"

The girl gritted her teeth in regret, but the Huang-style long-distance guidance arm was under the control of Uriss's "fuck", exerting a violent three-dimensional attack, so she had to parry.

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