Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 672

The eyes of Mierxue and Tulia both showed the same blue "color" light as that of the pure Xinghuang-style Armed Essence Crystal.

In addition, Mavreina in the last column danced with her fingers on the keyboard of the space to "shoot", and countless light bullets immediately appeared around him, shooting at Mu Hantian and others at high speed.

"Let's bloom-Chi Yuan Zhuo cut flowers!"

The flame wheel produced by Uriss flew in the air, trying to bounce part of the light bullet.

But the action is neither exciting nor the flames a bit weak.In fact, as soon as Bai Wei hit the floating drum, the battle wheel disappeared without a trace.

'Sound Pressure Defense' This is Baiwei's pure Xinghuang armed ability.A closer look reveals that the space about one meter in diameter is distorted like ripples.Similar to Aldi's defensive barrier, but Baiwei's barrier is relatively small, but it can be produced in large quantities.Of course, the wall strength is not as strong as Aldi.

"Um...! I'm sorry, I can't concentrate the star power smoothly...! It's hard to catch the timing of support as usual...!"

Uriss "Lu" gritted her teeth with an uncomfortable expression, but at the same time she still guided her armed and defensive light bombs at a long distance with the brilliant style.In this case, the most uncomfortable is indeed Uris.For the'witch', the concentration of star power is hindered but it is fatal.

Chapter 803 vs. Luca Luka (2)

Mu Hantian twisted his body in the air, avoiding the light bullet, and looked at Monica.

But Turia saw Mu Hantian hit the ground and swept away with a slash.

"The consciousness is really good." Mu Hantian had no choice but to quickly block the blow with the'Black Furnace Demon Sword'.

However, even though it was divided into five equal parts, it was after all the power of pure Xinghuang style armed forces.Even if it is blocked by the'Black Furnace Demon Sword', it cannot burn the light blade produced on the guitar.

Turia slashed down from the upper section, stepped forward and stabs, then her body rotated, using a whirling slash to attack Mu Hantian continuously.The sword skills are sharp and fluent, so smart that she is completely different from the usual rough impression of Turia.


Mu Hantian hurriedly looked towards the voice, only to see Qi Rin who was sharply slashing against Mierxue with a thousand feathers cut, and her whole body was shot out.

Afterwards, the double-edged blades of'Pan = Dora' swept away from both sides of Mierxue's body, but Mierxue turned the pure Xinghuang-style arms in her hand and bounced off, kicking Claudia sharply like a counterattack.

"Oh, it's not easy to deal with...!"

Claudia jumped back, barely avoiding the kick.But Mierxue's unstoppable offensive immediately pursued her.

Their abilities are really troublesome.

"Hey! Don't show me aside!"

When Mu Hantian turned her head, her attention suddenly returned to Tulia, her fingers were already on the guitar strings.

"Boom." At the moment Turya shot, six light strips swept across the stage.


One of them passed through Mu Hantian's flanks, seeing the school badge passing through Turia's chest accurately, but it was a pity that it was blocked before it hit.

"Just, what was that just now?"

"It's dangerous."

"The sniper school badge unexpectedly coldly...!"

Mi Erxue and the others showed anxious expressions one after another.

"Please, what is that...?"

Mierxue and the others looked at the back of Mu Hantian and others with surprise.

I saw that the whole body of Shaye was covered with large-scale Huang-style weapons.The brilliant armament with huge rear components is the particle cannon that appeared before in the semi-finals of the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts" against Aldi and Limshi.

However, the details have been greatly changed, and the most conspicuous one should be the auxiliary thruster ejected from the rear element to control the recoil.

"Forty-one type of brilliant guide song "Shooting" particle cannon, Varendenholt changed it." Saye said softly, raising the brilliant armed with six muzzles all over her body.

"Chasing and tracking laser "shoot"!?"

Faced with Saye's large-scale armed arms, Mierxue stepped back vigilantly.After all, Monica's "impediment weakening" cannot even affect the Huang-style weapon itself.

"Don't worry! With the current Monica and others, it's completely enough to handle it."

"Yes. The attack is indeed accurate, but the power is not very good. It is still within the range of my defense."

"Also, the captain of the opposing team is carrying such a heavy weapon, and his movement is restricted. On the contrary, it is a great opportunity."

"Hmm... that's right."

It is Monica and Bai Wei who support Mier Xue.

Claudia held'Pan = Dora' in the next stage, and at the same time quickly understood the actions of the'Lu' Saluka team.

In the battle, Mierxue and Turia will use their aura to exert their strength; Monica and Baiwei tend to maintain calm and conservative, while supporting.


"This, this, Turia, you rushed too fast...! Bywey, where you are now, there will be a blind spot on the left side of the expansion range of the defense wall, go back quickly!"

The trickiest thing is Mavreina hiding in the last column.Although she is not the type to control the team, she can find flaws that can cause fatal "holes", and the speed of correction is extremely fast.

"Don't think about it!" Taking advantage of the "chaotic" formation, Uliss's voice sounded.


Six huang-style remote-guided armed forces passed through Baiwei's sound pressure defense wall and attacked Monica from above.

"Humph~! What is this...Huh, oh?"

Monica tried to poke aside with an axe-shaped light blade, but this was certainly not Uris's goal.The radiant long-range guided arm that was pulled out surrounded Monica and "plugged" into the ground at regular intervals.

"Bloom, Rongsha Yanzhaohua!"

Uriss shouted, and at the same time the magic circle unfolded at Monica's feet, and five huge flame pillars erupted like devil's claws.

"What!?" Trapped in the palm of the huge flame, Monica could only stand still.

The use of Huang-style remote guidance arms to shorten the launch time of the set-up ability has not been used in the preliminaries, which really caught people off guard.The paws of flame clasped like Monica.

But Baiwei's defense wall hurriedly opened to block, defending this move at the very moment.

"Very, very dangerous, really!"

Monica tried to escape from the siege while taking advantage of the gap, but everyone would not show mercy.


"Don't think about it!"

Qi Rin used a sword strike to block Mier Xue who was about to come forward to rescue her.

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