Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 682

"Ying! What's wrong with you? Suffered such a serious injury?" Mu Hantian hurriedly ran to the person-Yi's side.

"It's nothing, just... ahem, almost ruined a world."

"Uh, well, destroying the world can be said so easily by you."

"Don't complain, I'm here this time to send you to that world, to awaken the will of the world, so that the world will come to life."

"Although this is the case, I don't have time now. I still have one game to finish." Mu Hantian shook his head.

"Um... Hantian, what are you talking about?" Claudia was stunned. Can you say something I understand?

"Ahem, Hantian, we are good friends, and I didn't care about what happened last time. Can you help me with this? And this time I was injured to help you."

"Okay, okay, but can you think of a way to help me create a clone."

"Um... Yes, this is something I got before, but it's useless to me." After Yi said, he "touched" and "touched" from the bag, and then took out a bottle of water.

"What is this?" Mu Hantian asked.

"Well, you can create a clone after drinking it, but that clone has only one tenth of your power. And correspondingly, your own power will be deducted one tenth."

"So that's it, this is totally a tasteless one." Mu Hantian shook his head and took the "medicine" water from Yi's hand and drank it directly.

Afterwards, in Claudia's incredible gaze, Mu Hantian split into two.

"Claudia, let Yi explain it to me. So let's get started, Yi."

"Then, I wish you a good journey."

Chapter 812: A Life That Started Without Money


In the silent slum, a loud noise suddenly sounded from the ground.


In a corner of the slum, a figure slowly walked out of the large amount of smoke.

The deep eyes like stars in the night sky were full of dissatisfaction.

"Ah, it's really a'kind' way of coming on stage. Wing, are you really taking revenge on me?"

Mu Hantian was really speechless, this cheating wing.Let me appear on the stage in such a way.

"But then again, where is this place?"

"Well, let's walk around now." Mu Hantian muttered to himself, and at the same time stepped forward without hesitation, taking a step towards a direction where he didn't even know what was ahead.

"Hey, the savage and violent brother in front, he just wanted to break his den and leave?" A green and immature, but with an extremely firm voice came.

Mu Hantian stopped and turned around slowly.

The person who said this sentence slowly reflected in his eyes.

A small girl shook her shoulder-length blond hair.The girl has red pupils that seem to be strong-willed, and funny tiger teeth.Her first impression is pride, but her looks make her smile more cute than ordinary people.

This girl with a cute appearance was staring at Mu Hantian with bad eyes at this time, and one hand was slowly resting on the scabbard behind her, as if something wrong would take the lead in attacking.

"If it's your home, then I can only say sorry, because I don't have money." Mu Hantian shrugged, then the corner of his eye cast a glance behind him.

It was a crushed hut, about the size of a small makeshift tent, probably overwhelmed when he fell.

"Ah, it seems that you don't plan to make compensation, do you!" The blonde girl looked at Mu Hantian, a trace of hostility flashed through her red pupils.

In the blink of an eye, the blonde girl rushed forward like a gust of wind.

"That's why I hate those lofty nobles! In that case, please leave here quickly!"

Obviously, the blonde girl had defined Mu Hantian as those noble members who were aloof and wore expensive fancy clothes all day long.

"Oh?" Looking at the girl who had launched an offensive, Mu Hantian's mouth flashed a smile, and said with a smile: "Ah, is it considered a nasty existence? Let's do it, girl. If you can defeat As for me, even if I snatch it, I will help you get a luxurious house."

"Thank you for your charity!" The blonde girl in a gallop like a gallop said mockingly, "Then, get ready for a big house!"

Immediately afterwards, with a sudden gust of wind within a ten-meter radius, the girl in the Mercedes-Benz disappeared from Mu Hantian's sight in an instant.

Seeing this, Mu Hantian nodded and said with a smile: "It's really amazing speed." And the world is really not simple.but……

"In my eyes, you are still too slow." Suddenly, Mu Hantian turned his side and stretched out his left hand.

While the blond girl who appeared next to Mu Hantian was speechless, an incredible expression appeared on Qiao's face.

She wanted to make this "sexual" bad, full of fierce face, and then pay a heavy price for the boy who is not gentle enough for the girl.Well, at least in her opinion.

But the surprise attack she launched with her proud speed was easily passed by the opponent twisting, and her hand was also caught by the opponent, and she couldn't take it back.

"Girl, it's my fault this time, I apologize. If you want me to compensate, tomorrow, tomorrow morning, meet here, I will pay you."

"Huh?" Mu Hantian released her hand in the girl's incredible gaze.

"So, what's your name?"

"Me? My name is Filut..."

"Firut...? What about the last name?" Mu Hantian continued to ask.

Hearing Mu Hantian asking for his surname, the girl named Firut's expression was faint a bit, but she still said in a firm tone: "I don't have that kind of noble thing. Humph, but don't think. That way you can look down on me!"

"Then, the last question, how to get to the downtown area here?"

"Out of this alley, turn left, turn left, and go straight."

"Thanks, one last sentence, my name, Mu Hantian! Remember it."


"Xiaoguang, what is this world?"

Mu Hantian looked at the scene in front of him: At first glance, he saw the ancient medieval buildings that can only be found in ancient books, the horse-drawn carriage pulled by the huge lizard, and the various races with "colorful" hair.

"Wizard? Knight? Dancer? And, what about those cat ears and dog ears? And these red, yellow, blue, and green hairstyles of various colors are really helpless. But you can be sure, again. An unknown world."

"According to the test, this world is "Life in a Different World from Zero" and the protagonist seems to be a traverser."

"Passer? It's not me, right?"

"No, master, stop dreaming. And shouldn't the master look around?"

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