Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 702

"Then—I'll cut it off!"

Although Rem's strength has increased, it is still not enough for Mu Hantian.

Keep a slight distance from the spiny iron ball, and then quickly cut out a sword.

Feeling the strong threat, Rem raised his head back and "sex", and subconsciously waved the iron ball to block.

However, in the next moment...

"The Underworld—Blade of Gale!"

A powerful sword aura exploded on Rem's ghost horns, Mu Hantian put away the sword in his hand and lifted Rem's body.

An exhaustion and sleepiness hit Rem's mind.The next moment, Rem fell into Mu Hantian's arms.

Among the high hills and mountains, the girl lay quietly in the arms of the man.

"It's over." Mu Hantian shook his head and sent Rem to her own room.

And Mu Hantian hobbled onto his bed and fell asleep with his head covered.


A new morning may be a new beginning.

Subaru opened his heavy eyelids, and suddenly felt the feeling of breathing, letting him realize the beauty of life.

His head is a bit heavy, and the unaccustomed life has just begun not long, but it is indescribable exhaustion.

The shining sunlight was a bit dazzling, and Subaru raised his hand in an attempt to block the sunlight.

How could it-no bandages?

Subaru clearly remembered putting a bandage on his injured finger yesterday, but why not now.

And why did the wound disappear.

Subaru couldn't help struggling with some pain.

"Subaru, are you awake? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Looking along the voice, it was Ram with pink hair.

"Wait, what do you call me?"

"Subaru, what's the matter? Didn't you say you have something to do today?"

Suddenly, Subaru sat up, his face was full of joy.

Ram remembers himself!Subaru turned his body excitedly, wondering why there was no wound?

Could it be that everything was a dream yesterday?

The next moment, Subaru, who was about to get up, was stunned by the dry blood on the ground.

"this is……"

Subaru Yinyin's right side came in pain. It turned out that yesterday was not a dream.

Who the hell is it?Want to kill me?

Subaru's brain suddenly went blind, and he didn't even think why he didn't die.

"Don't you know Subaru? At first I thought Subaru did something strange last night..." Lahm's voice stunned Subaru.

"I'm not dead..."

Subaru suddenly remembered that he heard Mu Hantian's voice last night?


Subaru opened Mu Hantian's door, only to find that there was no one inside.

"Strange, where did Hantian go?"

"Rem should know, but I haven't seen Rem since this morning. I don't know where she went."

At this moment Ram suddenly said, it seems that she still doesn't know what happened last night.

"That's it—"

So where did Hantian go?And why Rem also disappeared.

It's weird.

At this time, Betty's forbidden library.

"I said, Mu Hantian, why are you staying here? And what's the matter with Rem?" Betty sat on the wooden bench, looking at Mu Hantian with disgust.

"Not what you think..." Mu Hantian ignored Betty's disgusting look.

Today he got up very early, and after thinking about it, he thought it would be better to make a clear statement with Rem.So he saw Rem who was still asleep, and he took it out regardless of other things.

But he was afraid that Rem would wake up and go crazy, so Mu Hantian brought Rem to Betty.

Betty needs to know a lot of things after all, so you can ask her.

"Let me tell you, Rem was drunk yesterday. First he beat and scolded me, and threatened to cut me... So, that's it." Mu Hantian lied without blinking his eyes.

"You cut off her horn?"


Mu Hantian asked puzzledly, "Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Betty knew that Mu Hantian had a certain degree of intellectual disability, so she didn't want to struggle with this issue.

(Mu Hantian: Hey, who is mentally retarded, author, if you slander me, I will chop you.)


Rem's eyelids twitched, and slowly opened the sky blue "color" innocent eyes.What caught the eye was Mu Hantian's soft smile without any sense of contradiction.


Rem, who was about to stand up, softened. The battle last night made her feel sore all over, so she fell into Mu Hantian's arms again.

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