Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 708

"Great." There was no option to abandon this girl, which was really great.

The subtle breathing and heartbeat are because the girl is also affected by the curse.That being the case, it is necessary to cast healing magic and curse as soon as possible.

Although he has no confidence in physical strength, if he is only carrying a young girl through the forest-just when Subaru decisively stood up.

Suddenly, the coolness hit his back, causing Subaru to turn his head and look back.

It was a four-legged beast that swayed the bushes, stepped over the vegetation, and stepped on the "naked" and "bare" ground.

The beast's body is black and short, and its appearance is close to that of the Doberman in the original world, but its physique is twice that of the Doberman Pleiades recognizes.The toes were as sharp as hooks, and the teeth that could not be completely covered even if the mouth was closed dripped drooling, and the beast screamed while staring at Subaru with bloodshot eyes.

The demon dog, or it should be said that it is a monster, the ominous appearance completely matches those titles.

"Director, this script is wrong, hello." Cramped cheeks forced a dry smile unconsciously.

"Take this kid as a bait, wait for me to get the bait...?"

He only looked at the surrounding situation with his eyes, but there was no sign of Rem coming, and there was no place to escape from the monster.What's more troublesome is that Warcraft lowered its head and began to bend its four feet.No time to hesitate...

"Damn it, come if you want to come!" As he shouted, he took off his shirt and wrapped the tailored shirt around his left hand.

When confronting a beast, the most important weapon is Laoya.Wrap a thick cloth on your hands to allow the beast to bite to prevent injury. It can be said to be the minimum equipment you should have when confronting a four-legged beast.

Remembering that in the original world, he had seen a program of training police dogs on TV, so he immediately began to imitate.He stretched out his left hand and stared at the monster who estimated the timing to jump.

The depressed beast did not move, making Subaru's heart anxious.

"What are you doing calmly! Come on, come over! Over..."

Disappeared.The monster that was in front of him suddenly disappeared as if melted into the darkness.

Astonished to the point where his throat froze, Subaru was confused as to where he should stretch his left hand that was outstretched toward the darkness-in the next second, the sharp teeth of the beast pierced the thick cloth and bit into the flesh.

"Okay--!" In an instant, the pain was so severe that the vision was dyed bright red, and the puncture pain directly beat the nerve.


"——The opposite of pain!"

The left arm used force to tighten the muscles, and the teeth embedded in the flesh could not be extracted naturally. With the effect of the shirt tied, the movement of the beast was completely still.

The red eyes and Subaru's eyes entangled with each other, just as if they were about to be swallowed by the hostility of the beast overwhelming the sex...

"Dare to bite me, go to death!"

Together with his left hand, he hugged the body of Warcraft, and Subaru twisted his body vigorously.The monster's body floated under the centrifugal force, and the force of its rotation caused its back to hit its back and dump the trees.

The sharp branches pierced the skin, making a muffled noise "penetrating" into the flesh, and then the dying beast wailed through the forest at night.

The Beast with its back penetrated, struggling for a while in the arms of the Pleiades holding it down, but its strength became smaller and smaller, and finally stopped moving, and the Pleiades also knelt on the ground.

"Win...Did you win?" Looking at Warcraft's lifeless eyes, Subaru muttered to himself and pulled his left hand from Warcraft's teeth.

His shirt was stained with blood and saliva, and the left hand underneath was even more terrible.Looking directly at the wound, the pain began to invade the nerves, and Subaru screamed silently.Even though his faces were wrinkled together, the sense of peace of mind made him exhale.

Even without Rem's power, he can still escape the danger.Troublesome untied his jacket, then tied it back on his left hand, this time using it as a tourniquet.After confirming that the arm can be moved, this time he lifted the girl.

"It hurts... But this is proof of being alive. Damn, go back to the village first..." The conversation stopped here because he noticed something.

The sensation in his whole body caught him, and the scent of a beast that was choking and nauseous once again floated.Looking back, the grass shook, and then Subaru whispered.

"Hey, it's a lie..."

The shining red eyes tearing through the night forest, there were so many spots of light like this that they all looked here from behind the trees in the front.

I don't want to count how many, but even the fingers of both hands and feet are definitely not enough.After noticing it, Subaru opened his hands and stood upright in place.It was not to surrender to the countless spots of light-it was to shelter the girl behind him.

The beasts didn't feel his speechless consciousness at all.The red light spot ignored Subaru's will and rushed towards him at the same time.


When he recovered, Subaru's throat was shouting, a roar that could not be given up.Only this can not lose to the light spot in front of you!Only boldness can't lose!As literally means, this roar is just a paper tiger that is strong and dry, and the teeth of the Warcraft bite towards Subaru's throat...

Seeing the head of the monster in front of me, it burst like a fruit.The culling at very close range caused blood to erupt, and the Pleiades standing directly in front were showered with blood from the head.

After that, the body of the monster that lost its head was left with only speed, so it slammed into Subaru.After being hit, he flew back and rolled a few times, amidst the pain and the stickiness of blood, Subaru shook his head and stood up.

"The children are back to the village safely. You have worked hard to buy time." Turning the skirt elegantly, gently holding a white apron dress in one hand, and a fierce iron ball in the other, the blue-haired girl descended to the forest battlefield gracefully.

Chapter 837 Throwing You Rem

Not long after Subaru and Rem went deep into the forest again, Mu Hantian came here.

The bodies of several monsters fell to the ground.

Mu Hantian finally saw the monster's appearance, it was a creature like a wolf.

"Well, it's all about the dog."

"Chaotic" biting is not good, Mu Hantian will kill the beast blocking the road in one blow with a random sword.

"I don't know who created you Beasts, but I know from the way you look-the aesthetics of the master who created you must be extremely poor."

The creator of these monsters was the "Gluttony Witch", one of the six great sins swallowed by the jealous witch, Mu Hantian heard Betty talk about it.

These trash-like beasts had no effect in Mu Hantian's eyes except for blocking the way and delaying time.Therefore Mu Hantian was too lazy to pay attention to them.

At Mu Hantian's speed, it was much faster than these monsters.It's like a motorcycle chased by zombies in the last days. I don't want to pester you, and you can't catch it if you are exhausted.

As they got deeper into the forest, the surrounding monsters rushed inside like they gathered.

In this way, Rem and Subaru should be inside, and it seems that the speed should be faster.


"Hello, this is not good."

Subaru fell to the ground holding a little girl, and several huge monsters appeared in front of him, and their indicator, the monster that looked like a "puppy", stared at Suba with grinning teeth.

I have to say that the witch’s "scent" comes with 360 degrees of ridicule and the addition of a "force" engine to pull hatred.

The surrounding monsters surrounded Subaru and Rem, and if normal, Rem could rush out.

But now, without horns, she cannot "ghost upper body", and if she can't be transformed into a ghost, it will be difficult to escape the hunt of these monsters.

What's more, these monsters are constantly increasing, and the entire forest is covered with huge scarlet eyes at a glance.

"After handing over this child to the villagers, I will get along with you right away. Please don't mess with it."

"Is it all right, Rem?"

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