Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 712

"Why do you want to take Firut away from him?"

"The kid came here just now and asked us if we knew where you were, and Firut answered that he didn't know." Lord Roma looked at Mu Hantian, swallowed, and continued: "I couldn't find the target. He seemed to want He left, but he glanced at Firut intentionally or unintentionally, and he seemed to find the same surprised expression, and then he wanted to take her away forcibly, saying something to confirm.

"So that's it." Ikuya said with a smile and said, "Then you tried to protect Filut, but the other party gave him a hang, right?"

"Tsk. I haven't seen you for a few days, your boy's mouth is still very annoying!" Seeing Mu Hantian's words so bluntly, Lord Roma yelled.

"Well, since they haven't been long, let me catch up and ask hello." Mu Hantian shrugged and said with a smile.


The slum is not far away, facing each other.

"Rein Harut, why did you take Filut away, can you tell me? After all, I have been chasing you for a long time."

"This..." Reinharut looked at Filut who was knocked out by himself and put it on his shoulder, and he didn't want to say.

"Hurry up, I won't tell anyone." Mu Hantian was speechless.

"Well, let me tell you, this girl is, long gone, the blood of the royal family." Reinharut said the truth with a serious expression.

"That's the case, but aren't the royal family members already retreating behind the scenes? And the royal bloodline shouldn't be there." Mu Hantian said lightly, recalling what he knew.

"I know you would say that, but these blonde and red eyes are the best proof. Fourteen years ago, a culprit invaded the city. The king's brother, Lord Frud’s daughter was kidnapped, and the culprit successfully escaped. The whereabouts of the daughter is also unknown. It is a kingdom scandal that must never be known from outsiders."

"Well, I probably understand. You want her to be a candidate too. You have to treat her as your master, right?"

"It's true, I hope you don't stop it." Reinharut said.

"Okay, okay, but I hope you don't let her get hurt, or I won't spare you."

"I know, this is my duty as a knight."

Chapter 340 I want you to take me in

"Well, it looks very prosperous. There are many decorations that you haven't seen before, maybe merchants from other countries."

Before arriving at an aristocratic restaurant, Mu Hantian sorted out his clothes and walked in pretentiously.

Before coming here, Mu Hantian had already changed his outfit. It was the blue "color" knight uniform that he wore in the world of sao.why?Because it suits this world's clothing, the most important thing is handsome.

Mu Hantian who looked like a noble knight, the waiter in the restaurant didn't show any surprises or other expressions. Perhaps it was a young man who was accustomed to seeing this kind of dress.

"Not bad, here."

When Mu Hantian walked into the restaurant, he was greeted with a Western style full of ancient royal families.

In a luxurious and perfect environment, a "fascinating" alien beauty, there are several inexplicable oil paintings hung on the walls like a crystal palace.

There is a special fragrance in the Noble Dining Room, which invades Mu Hantian's nostrils, and smells comfortable.

But Mu Hantian's entry did not attract the attention of others.

Following a beautiful human girl waiter to a dining spot that tends to inside, Mu Hantian took the girl's menu and ordered a few dishes at will.

While waiting for the meal, Mu Hantian looked around curiously.

At the table closest to him, several young men and women dressed as aristocrats were enjoying their meal.

On the other side of the dining table, a young man dressed as a knight sat opposite the noble girl, saying something that Mu Hantian could not hear clearly.But Mu Hantian vaguely heard the words Wang Du and Wang Xuan.

The girl has long lavender "color" hair, and small bright gold "color" star hairpins are decorated and dotted on her forehead.The weak and petite figure is like a weak beauty in a flower, and the light green "color" of the "fascinating" person is as seductive as a magic gem.

On the girl's head, she wore a snow-white hat that looked like "fluff", and smiled quietly with a confident smile on her face.And she put one hand on the red handbag slung around her waist, and the other hand was making incomprehensible gestures.

The young man on the opposite side had purple hair combed behind him. He was about 1.8 meters tall, and he looked thin but did not give a weak impression.It's a beautiful man who can be described as lean. Perhaps under that knight's uniform, what is hidden is the strong abdominal muscles.The charming amber pupils match him surprisingly.

But what can make Mu Hantian sure is that these two people must also be one of the people who participated in the election.

In thinking, Mu Hantian's dishes were delivered one after another, and then he gradually looked away.

And the two people who had been watched by Mu Hantian before, at this time also cast their gazes at Mu Hantian intentionally.

"Yurius, that man looks like you are a knight..." the soft girl said casually.

"No, that's not right. This person is so good-natured, he is definitely not a member of the Knights of the Kingdom Guard."

"Oh? Don't you even know the one who has been called the'best knight' and claims to be the'Kingdom Sword'?" The girl said, and at the same time she looked at Mu Hantian with interest.

"Yes, Lord Anastasia, I can be sure that this person is not a knight in the kingdom." Yu Rius frowned, trying to judge Mu Hantian's identity from his appearance.

"Will it be one of the attendants of Wang Xuan?" Anastasia nodded and said.

"Probably not. Besides, even if he is someone's knight, he is no better than Anastasia-sama's best knight-me."

"You are really not humble."

Anastasia answered with a smile, but kept her eyes on Mu Hantian.

The identity of a girl.Anastasia Hexin.One of the candidates for this election is the president of the "Hexin" Chamber of Commerce.

Business can be called a peerless genius girl, and only Hexin himself can match it.And beside her, the deputy commander of the Knights, Yukulius, her knight attendant.It was the belief that Anastasia's ability could save the kingdom's economy and supported her as a candidate for the election.

But Anastasia's gaze had been on Mu Hantian, which made him unable to understand.

"That man, it feels very difficult for me." Anastasia said half-jokingly.

"Is there anything about him that you care about?"

"Maybe, but maybe I'm dazzled." Anastasia shook her head and smiled.

"It seems that the'knight' from the lower zone is a young man who enjoys at least twenty holy gold coins in a noble restaurant...There must be some unknown difference in him. If it is not a candidate for the king's election. Human attendant, then is a young man who has suddenly made a fortune."

Anastasia's speech made Yu Rius nod to second.

The meal time is over.After hurriedly checking out, Mu Hantian stood up to tidy up his appearance.

Following the departed "tide", Mu Hantian walked out of the noble restaurant.At the same time, Anastasia and Yurius also followed out of the restaurant.

"Please wait, the lady over there." Mu Hantian shouted at Anastasia's back.

"Huh?" Anastasia stopped in place, looking at Mu Hantian who walked in front of her from behind.

"Is there anything wrong with you?" Anastasia asked.

"When the king is elected in a few days, I would like to ask you to take me into the palace."

"Are you a knight too?"

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