Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 714

They exchanged and squabbled for a while, and Emilia and Rem successively followed the dragon cart.

The destination of this trip-Wangdu Hotel.

After staying in the capital for a day, it is the occasion of the king's election.

"I don't know where the cold sky is. It seems that he might not be able to ride on such a magnificent dragon cart." Lai Yue Pleiades smiled, opened the door and leaned out of the car, suddenly a gust of wind almost blew him Fly out.

"Really, Subaru. Can you sit in the car peacefully?"

Emilia complained, she didn't want to let Ang follow, but due to the statement that Ang always wanted to help her, she finally nodded and agreed.

"That's right, Master Emilia is right, Subaru, you shouldn't follow." Rem said in a cold tone on the side.

"Really, even Rem said that to me. Ram is not as cute at all. Well, if it were cold, I'm afraid you would have assisted."

Raiyue Subaru's seemingly complaining words made Rem's face flush without being noticed.

"How can I say that I have helped me in the capital, so I just took the opportunity to say thank you." Lai Yueang said sternly, while thinking of the red-haired young swordsman in her mind.

"Master Emilia, have any friends gone to the royal capital?" the old man driving the car asked casually.

"Yes, Lord Will. His name is Mu Hantian, and he is the capital of the king who went to the other day, but I don't know where he is now."

Emilia nodded, recalling the black-haired and black-eyed guest who usually looked lazy, but his relationship with Rem looked good.At the same time, he is also his lifesaver.

"Speaking of which, I was picking up a young man who looked pleasing to the eye the other day."

"The young man kept talking about old drivers, drag racing, and other things that are unclear, but it doesn't sound offensive."

"Ah, hearing you say that, that person must be Hantian undoubtedly. I didn't expect such a good luck." Laiyue Subaru said on the side. It turned out that Mu Hantian had already been in a dragon cart a long time ago. Alas, he was ready to show off. Something.

Soon, the dragon cart arrived in the royal capital.

Subaru and Emilia and others hurried down.

——The bustling neighborhood.

"Oh, isn't this the pauper brother?" Someone behind patted Subaru on the shoulder, but turned his head and found that it was the owner of the fruit shop.

"It's you, boss, this time I'm here to repay my favor."

"That's it, it's kind of loyal, I admire you." The boss smiled boldly, and took out a wooden box from the store and placed it on the counter.Inside the box that made a heavy noise, the red and round fruit was glowing softly.

"Okay, this is a good Ringguo. How many do you want to buy? Now it is a copper coin."

"Give me ten big ones. This is beyond the agreed amount. Check out the bill for me." Subaru, who was generous in his shot, asked the boss to applaud.Seeing this Pleiades reacting in a good mood, he reached out into his arms and prepared to take the wallet, only to find that Emilia next to him did the same.

"Strange, why are you holding your wallet, Emilia?"

"Why do you take a wallet? You can't trade without giving money?"

"No, Emilia, it's weird for you to pay the bill for me... Hey, uncle, what are your eyes."

"I will come back to buy anything if I make money. It turns out that it is a woman with money to help me pay the bill. Uncle I can't agree with it."

"Don't tell me, I'm all advocating to pay the bill by myself!" Subaru panicked out of his wallet in front of his boss who looked suspiciously at him.

In it is the salary of working in a luxury house-thanks to the generous Rozval, the current Pleiades is actually a rich man.

"Ringuo has two copper coins...Ten are two silver coins?"

"Hey, don't you know the current currency exchange rate? Now it is one silver coin for nine copper coins."

"So it's silver coins, two copper coins, two coins, come." Subaru neatly took out the currency from his leather bag and handed it to the boss. The boss fell silent unhappily and sighed deeply at Subaru who tilted his head and expressed incomprehension.

"Although I said it, you actually believed that. Brother, you shouldn't trust people so easily. The exchange rate of currency changes will be written on the signboard at the entrance of the market. Bad businessmen should be fattening sheep.” It is not so much honesty, the boss is more like seeing something dangerous before giving advice.

"Uncle, you are really super nice." Subaru smirked, expressing his affection for the character of the poker face boss.

"Only occasionally. Customers who come here to fulfill promises that I almost forget will have nightmares if they buy something from me and lie down and starve to death. That's all."

"A man will benefit if he plays arrogantly, I understand now."

"Hurry up with Rinko! The payment has indeed been received, thank you for your patronage!" The first half was rude and the second half followed the spirit of respecting the customer. Facing this extreme reaction, Subaru smiled happily.

Holding the opponent and handing out the bag with Rinko, Subaru followed Emelia and walked out of the shop.

Chapter 342 She has a problem with her mind

Mu Hantian took the donuts made by Sakuya from the system, walked on the road, and ate them with big mouthfuls.

"Huh? What's the situation. Did I trigger the legendary event?"

"What a joke, stinky woman! Be careful I beat up your beautiful face, ah!"

"Don't be yelling and arguing, fool. People who lack style are not even good at making trouble."

The arguing sound came. A young girl was surrounded by three men in a narrow alley and blocked her way.

This is a very common incident of small gangsters finding ballast, but compared to the fact that they are bored, the girl is enough to blow away the cramped air in the alleys, and it is clearly branded in Mu Hantian's consciousness.

The bright orange "colored" hair was pinned up with a hairpin and drained to the back, reflecting the sun's rays and shining brightly.The pure red "color" dress like blood gives a violent impression to the beauty of the girl.

The many accessories on the neck, ears, and fingers are all top-notch items that laymen will know at a glance.Even though her body is full of gorgeous accessories, the girl's outstanding looks are not inferior to her.

The bright red "color" eyes full of provocative "color", the girl's light pink "color" lips and the white as snow skin match each other, and the beauty of the "color" and Anastasia is presented in Mu Hantian's eyes.

Like Emilia and Anastasia, this girl has alternative beauty and charm.However, the three of them have their own special "colors", and their respective beauty "colors" and temperament cannot be copied.

The men surrounding the girl spoke harshly.

But the girl just puts her hands around her chest, as if she was holding up an unusually plump **** leisurely.Such behavior makes the men look down and feel even more disgusted.

But this is not the point.

The point is... those three men.

"I said, why are you so familiar? It turns out it's you guys again!"

A shout of surprise caught the attention of the people in the alley.

A black-haired man walked in in a knight costume.

"Hey, I said, Aton Azhen Ahan. Is there only three of you bastards in King Capital?"

The familiar three were the gangsters who were robbed by Mu Hantian on the first day Mu Hantian came here.

The familiar figure, the familiar voice, the man who left a deep shadow on the three gangsters.

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