Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 728

After putting everything in the car, Mu Hantian took the driver's seat, and then turned back to say goodbye to Kurxiu: "Master Kurxiu, thank you very much for your dragon cart. Let's say goodbye."

"Wait." Kuerxiu stopped Mu Hantian.

"Is there anything else? Master Kurxiu."

"Although I don't know what is happening in your territory, I hope you are careful. It is dangerous to drive at night."

"Because of the white whale?"

"Yes, according to the reliable information I have received, the Beluga whale recently appeared near the capital, and the night is the time when the monsters are infested. So you must be careful, after all, no matter what happens in the territory, you have to arrive alive It makes sense."

"Thank you, Lord Kurxiu. I'll be fine, don't worry. Oh, yes, the marriage you said last time, I am only interested in Lord Kurxiu." Mu Hantian said half-jokingly Then he swung away.

Only Phyllis kept shouting and Kurxiu's blushed cheeks.


"Well, Fryegel's tree has passed."

Mu Hantian looked back at the big tree spreading its branches unscrupulously under the night sky, overlooking all beings with an overwhelming sense of "sex."

The big tree is huge, even if compared with the tree that the world said to be a thousand years old, it is actually only a hundred years old.But maybe the growth rate of plants is very different from the world over there.There is an awe-inspiring grandeur.

Not in the forest, but in the middle of the plain where there is such a big tree.As a mark of the streets of Lifaus, there is nothing more conspicuous than this.

Across the trees standing leisurely, the dragon cart moved toward the northeast through the road on the map.The distance with Methers was constantly shortening.

"Next, just keep going along the road."

"Yeah." Rem nodded.

"Then Rem, I'll go see Ang first, and I'll leave it to you." After speaking, Mu Hantian walked into the carriage.

"Is it okay? Ang?"

"It's very fast. But can't this dust do anything?" The fast-running dragon cart brought up a lot of dust and blocked the sight.

Ang, who raised the curtain and looked outside, said helplessly: "And can't it be a little more stable? I feel that my body is about to fall apart."

"No way, who said this is the last one, I can only wrong you."

"I know, but I still can't help complaining." Ang raised his head and looked at the sky. The flowing clouds and the moon slowly changing angles meant the passage of time.

It was much faster than before. Although there were no reinforcements, it was enough that the dragon car started not the next day.It took half a day to cross the street and was able to reach the mansion on the morning of the third day, which was half a day faster than the first time.

"Hantian, I have a question." Lei Yueang, who was bored after sitting in the carriage, asked.

"Say it."

"What is a beluga? I feel everyone is scared."

"I don't know the specific situation very well, but it looks like a monster like a super huge whale, and it seems to be able to fly. The king sent crusade troops more than ten years ago, but including the leader of the swordsman, Almost the entire army was wiped out. All in all, it is a very powerful monster, not even a bit stronger than the dog I killed last time."

"Such a powerful monster! Is it okay for us to drive at night? Didn't Kurxiu say? Evening is when the monsters frequently appear, and the attack is three days later. It's okay to rest for a night."

"Don't worry, the appearance of the beluga whale will be accompanied by fog, you see now, it looks like it is going to fog. Besides, the place where the beluga whale appears is usually on the street."

"Street? But didn't we just pass a street?"

"Huh? No! Rem, speed up, we have to leave this area quickly."

"Han Tian, ​​don't worry about it. White mist is not produced by beluga whales. After all, mist is also a kind of water vapor. It should be a natural reaction behind us. Hahaha!"

Hearing these words from Lei Yueang, Mu Hantian felt a bad feeling in his heart for some reason.He suddenly turned out of the carriage and looked outside. There was already a thick white fog that could obscure the vision around the carriage, and it was completely blank, especially on the side.

At this moment, staring at the blank field of vision of Mu Hantian, a sense of opacity suddenly oozes.

It was like a hazy feeling like fog in front of me.Mu Hantian blinked several times, but still couldn't erase this sense of violation.The blank darkness was like that, running side by side with Mu Hantian and their dragon cart.

This darkness always feels "hairy" creepy and incites anxiety.A ball of light appeared in Mu Hantian's hand, illuminating the blank to drive away the darkness.

Then, in the shining light——,

"Damn, Ang, you hapless boy, crow's mouth!"

Mu Hantian coincided with the too huge eyes that emerged in the blank.

Chapter 855 I choose to be just positive

Beluga whale-the posture of this monster is covered with the white "color" commensurate with this alias.

On the rough skin like a rock, there are countless white body and hair growing.The pectoral fin protruding from the lower abdomen is shaped like a sickle of death, and the smaller dorsal and caudal fins have the same shape.

There are countless potholes on the head and abdomen, and the potholes open and close like breathing.Apart from these ugly differences, the white whale's posture is indeed exactly like the whale Mu Hantian knows.——However, its magnitude is more than twice expected.

As far as Mu Hantian knows, the largest whale in the main world is the blue whale-about 30 meters in length, it can be described as the world's largest suckling animal.

However, from a distance, the huge body of the beluga whale easily surpassed thirty meters, and even "closed" to the fifty-meter mark.Such a huge body is not so much a creature, but closer to the mountain.A white mountain is swimming leisurely in the air like a joke.

"Han Tian, ​​do you say it will let us go?" Lei Yueang looked back at Mu Hantian with a smile.

"This question is very simple. I and Rem will be safe if you leave you behind." Mu Hantian shrugged.

"Han Tian, ​​stop joking, please, think of a way."

"Well, let's do it, Ang, look at it, it's possible that we quarreled it to sleep or something. We usually get angry when we wake up. So, you go and apologize to see if it works."

"That's it, let me try it." Lyue Ang really believed it, no, it should be said that there is no other way.

"Mr. Beluga, we are wrong for the noise that caused you to sleep this night, I apologize to you here, please go back to sleep. We still have an urgent matter, we must hurry up." Lyyue Ang smirked and tried to right This big monster knows affection and moves reason.

But it turns out that this is useless.

"Ah, I should say that you are stupid, or naive. If an apology is useful, will so many people die? I just said it for fun, you really believe it." Mu Hantian made a pair of me. Know what this person looks like.

"Then what do you want to do." Ang is also speechless, do you think I don't know, but you think of a way.

"Sure enough, your IQ is not saved. Obviously at this time you should... Run Rem!"

Right after that, roaring and roaring, the plain of Libaus became foggy.


Bathed in the wind with dew, Subaru had the illusion of being beaten from the front.

The violent wind that hits made the body float, as if being thrown out of the Gozhetai.The fingers hurriedly outstretched did not catch anything, and Subaru's body fell straight toward the darkness-before,

"Ang, be careful."

Being caught by the back, Subaru's body was forcibly pressed directly below. In his vision dimmed by his ass falling on the seat, Subaru saw Mu Hantian who had pulled him back, and Rem who was "fucking" the reins next to him.

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