Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 730

A beluga whale whose body was stained red with a roar

His body was trembling in hatred and anger.

Beluga opened its mouth.

The sound like a scream came out from the countless openings that grew throughout the body of the monster.The discordant sounds that shouldn't exist in the world directly attack the spirit of the audience, as if they are being violated from hearing to cranial nerves.

"Ah." A large amount of mist was released from the countless breaths.The fog fell on the plain in an instant.

"Cut, it seems that you are at your limit, so just smash your last hope. Hurricane Rider-Skyrunner!" drew out the sword, took out the angel of the Gemini Eight Dances, and used it directly. A huge tornado appeared at this moment, centering on Mu Hantian, expanding continuously.

"Die!" "Shoot" the arrow that was fully pulled away, the target, the white whale.

"Bang!" A stormy arrow "shot" the beluga whale, but...

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!" an even more angry roar came.

"Damn, this special cat is not scientific, it is not dead?" Mu Hantian was shocked, is your special cat Xiaoqiang.

The dense fog disappeared, and the white whale did not appear on the opposite side, but appeared below Mu Hantian.With his mouth wide open, Mu Hantian rushed towards him. It was obvious that he wanted to swallow Mu Hantian.

At this time, a new moon-like slash cut through the sky and slashed on the body of the Beluga.The speed of the beluga whale is suddenly reduced.

"Thanks, Sir Wilhelm." Although he didn't see anyone, Mu Hantian could still feel the power of that attack, which Wilhelm issued.

"Han Tian, ​​are you okay." The Earth Dragon Benz's voice went from far to near, and three figures riding on the Earth Dragon appeared in front of Mu Hantian.

"Hantian, I haven't seen it for a long time, well, although I really want to say that, but I only saw it during the day." Kurxiu's neutral voice came.

"Kurxiu, why are you here?"

That's right, it was Kurt Xiu, Phyllis and Father Wilhelm.

"I heard the howl of the beluga whale in Rufas Street. At this point in time, you are the only one who can hurt the beluga. It's really a fierce battle." Looking at the meat falling around, his body Kurxiu said, wearing a fine knight armor.

"Hmm, thank you Dade, the head of the Kalsten family came here because he was worried about you, and he saved your life, so he should kneel down to show his loyalty."

"That's good, but I want to correct it. Even if you don't come, it doesn't matter, the beluga is about to die." Mu Hantian completely ignored Felice's joke.

"Nevertheless, I am extremely grateful for you to come, Kursho."

"I'll accept your thanks." Kurxiu smiled.

"Okay, basically nothing happened." Mu Hantian fell from the sky.

"Wait a minute, Hantian," Kurxiu called.

"what happened?"

"I told you in the afternoon, the information I received, white whales will appear near the capital."

"Yes." Mu Hantian nodded.

"With this news, I have been buying materials everywhere recently, and buying dragon carts is also to transport these materials."

"So your goal is this whale."

"That's right, but there was a slight deviation in the plan. I didn't expect the earth dragon to appear today. And you just met."

"All of this is Lyue Ang's fault. I apologize for him." Mu Hantian had to vomit, this is Lyue Ang's luck worse than being a mother.

"It's okay, if you didn't see the Beluga whale, but now that you see it, Wilhelm can't look back."

"I'm very sorry, Lord Kurxiu, let you and the old man step into this dangerous place together." Following Kurxiu's words, Wilhelm spoke with six long swords on his waist.

Beluga killed his wife, and in the sixteen years of her death, she swung her sword with a hatred of nothing but anger that could not be vented.Now that I saw the white whale, I would never give up this opportunity, even death would not let him back down.

Chapter 857 Clone, Reinforcement

"It doesn't have to be the case, this was originally a promise, but the density of the fog on my head made me a little concerned..." Shaking his head at Wilhelm, Kurxiu turned his head and said to Phyllis: "Use a magic stone Dispel the fog, I want to confirm something."

The'fog' of the beluga whale seems to be a product of the huge magic power it possesses.

In other words, the beluga whale visualizes the spread of magic power with will, thus forming a'fog'.

Then the magic stone — its original effect is to force the surrounding magic power to be reduced to imperviousness. The magic stone belongs to the neutralization effect. It is this kind of power that nullifies the magic of the fog. Then dispersed.

Although it contains the gambling element that "if the effect of the demonite is too strong, it is easy to weaken the power of the magic attack here", there is no wizard here, so there is no need to worry.

"Understood meow." Taking out a crystal ore from a pocket hanging beside the earth dragon, Phyllis began to inject magic power into it, and after the magic stone glowed, she threw it into the air.

The magic stone shattered in the air released its brilliance and dispelled the white mist covering the field of vision in one breath.

However, it does not eliminate all the fog that fills the plains.At best, it can only reduce the density of the fog, but it eliminates the "difficult to confirm the field of view" situation.

However, even if this is the case, the effect is quite sufficient.But... this is not good news, because...

"White whale... actually has three!" With Kurxiu's muttering, the white whale opened its fangs.

In the high altitude, the illusory calls interlaced, overlapped and reverberated.

In the mist-spreading world, there are three fishes swimming with huge bodies shaking.

That strange existence used twisting openings all over the body, constantly making harsh sounds like scratching glass.It was a malicious monster who had eaten many travelers and attributed countless lives to nothingness.

"Such a monster has three heads!" Phyllis was so surprised that she had forgotten her mouth addiction.Even Wilhelm's momentum, who had remained calm, became serious.

"No, there is no intelligence at all that the beluga is a group of white whales. One has always appeared. What about this time... Is it Hantian that you have been fighting these three?"

"No, from the beginning I was only fighting a beluga whale. Although I don’t know if it is split or mirroring, only one of the three beluga whales is real. This is certain, because these three The wounds on the white whale are exactly the same.” Mu Hantian answered Kurxiu's question with a light smile.

"Oh, that's right, there is only this explanation now, but it is very difficult for us to deal with a beluga whale, let alone the current three. If there are reinforcements, it would be fine." Kurxiu sighed.

"There are reinforcements. We are the'Iron Fang' mercenary group that Anastasia belongs to, but we will come first, and some people are expected to arrive at dawn. In other words, we will probably stick to it. Only during the day."

The loud voice like a beast suddenly came from behind, making Mu Hantian and others' attention away from the white whale in the sky.

"Han Tian, ​​are you okay."


Because of the retreat of the fog, there were more than three kobolds riding on canine beasts, a little boy and a little girl who saw Mu Hantian and others running over.Rem also took Ang and rushed to ride a dragon cart.

"If I am not mistaken, the three of you are Ricardo, the head of the'Iron Fang' mercenary group, and the deputy heads Mi Mi and Hei Tarot. Why are you here?"

"Haha, like Patriarch Karsten, who has been preparing various weapons and resources, suddenly took the guard knights and sword demon from the mansion to leave the royal capital. This kind of thing, Master Anastasia is not curious, it is impossible. And it's impossible for ordinary team members to keep up with Sword Demon, so the Sa family can only bring two little guys to follow."

"So, what do you mean by reinforcements?"

"Master Anastasia decided to send our'Iron Fang' mercenary group to hunt beluga whales with you. After all, every time the beluga whale appears, it will cause great losses to our merchants, and to fight against the evil beluga whale. The "sex" major monsters can also greatly improve our reputation. It’s not enough to let your Karlsten family monopolize. Besides, can we go first? The white whale seems to be angry." He reminded everyone. So he took two children and ran away on a huge dog.

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