Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 732

"Don't look around to me, silly big guy! Sajia is also your opponent!!"

The beluga's jaw received a direct blow from a machete, and the beluga's huge teeth enough to be embraced by one person were "inserted" from the root, and the yellowed molars made a muffled sound and bounced off.

Drive straight up like that, and what came to the beluga was Ricardo who was sitting on the liger and roaring.As he said before, compared to the earth dragon, Junmin of the bulldog spares no room to play out, just like that, carrying the owner, and jumping into the white whale in the air.

"Hey, it's far from over!!"

On the back of the flying liger, Ricardo roared more wildly than wild beasts and brandished a machete.Tear the skin apart, pierce it into the flesh, and fight bravely.

"Damn, you guys are enough, one or two of them are robbing monsters, is it fun? Underworld-Lightning Storm!"

The tornado carrying thunder and lightning went to the beluga whale.

"Brother, look at it, your teammates are still in the court." With a howl, thanks to the agility of the mount, Ricardo escaped the end of being electrocuted into a barbecue.

He escaped, but the huge white whale could not escape.

Being constantly attacked by storms and thunder and lightning, the beluga whale screamed more violently than ever.The "hair" turned into fly ash, and the bleeding wound turned into coke.

"Brother, can you tell me in advance next time you zoom in. What should I do if I hurt my teammate?" Ricardo, carrying a machete, came to Mu Hantian and said.

"Say it when you hit it."

"Hey, what's this? I'll leave like you." Ricardo yelled in horror, and Ricardo waved the big knife in his hand.


"Uh..." Ricardo was speechless, and could only vent on the white whale.

Chapter 859: White Whale Solved

"I have an idea, I don't know if it's right." Mu Hantian gathered Wilhelm and Ricardo.

"Brother, did you think of anything?"

"I don't think we need to work so hard, as long as we can get rid of the real body."

After hearing Mu Hantian's words, Ricardo's eyebrows twitched, and he looked up at Mu Hantian.

"Brother, you mean..."

Mu Hantian nodded: "Yes, we have been fighting, it is fake." Then he pointed to the monster in the air.

"Let your two clones fight desperately, the white whale that we ignore, what do you think it is doing?"

"Don't join the battle, are you treating the injury...?" Wilhelm guessed.

Mu Hantian shook his head.

From the naked eye, although it is called "Warcraft", its ecology has not exceeded the category of "biology".At least, the unreasonable ability of high-speed regeneration seems to be absent.

Then, the mission of the white whale in the sky--

"It is the ontology, is it?"

"That's it, I'm thinking about it."

"The reason that guy didn't come down, or didn't join the fight on either side, in general, is that'you can't be defeated', I think so." Mu Hantian said his guess.

"It makes sense in theory. But, if you say it the other way around..."

"Well, maybe the next two horses, even if they are killed, can't strike the body."

Even if they are exhausted and defeated, the corpse will only turn into a mist and disperse, and it may change into a new entity.If that were the case, it would rush into a battle with no end in sight.As a result, in the face of Beluga whales with no life-span restrictions, the results are already obvious.

"So brother, what are we going to do?" Ricardo asked.

"It's very simple. I'll leave it to you. I'll take care of the real body."

Now that you know the real body, there is no need to waste time.This is what Mu Hantian thinks at this time.

Seeing Mu Hantian rushing towards him, the mouth of the white whale's body opened again, and everyone who thought it was going to breathe mist was greeted by a harsh and strange sound, which was a discordant note that shouldn't exist in the world.A terrible sound that surpassed the limit that humans can bear.

"You won't get in the way!" Wilhelm and Ricardo prevented the support of the white whale clone. They understood that they must help Mu Hantian buy time at this time.

At this time, the beluga whale shook its fins, flicked its tail, and flew high in the sky shaking its head.No matter how you look at it, it looks like you are about to run away.

"Cut, want to run? Can it be done?" Mu Hantian was disdainful of the beluga's behavior, and threw the sword in his hand towards the beluga in the sky.

The pain of the slender sword body submerged into the body caused the Beluga whale to tremble all over, let out a scream, blood was shed from its body, but it did not turn back to revenge, but continued to fly in the air.

"As I said, if you can't run away, blow it to me!" Mu Hantian clenched a fist, and the sword "plugged" in the white whale began to glow in darkness.

"Bang...!" With a loud noise, the dark energy began to overflow.The white whale also fell from the sky.

"I will leave the rest to you, Wilhelm."

"Thank you very much, Lord Mu Hantian!"

"For my wife, Teresia Van Astraea." A sword ghost, waving the sword in his hand, stabs the beluga.

In order to gamble on this fierce battle of life and death, the grievances that have lasted for 14 years, and the conflict between humans and whales that have lasted for 400 years, have closed the curtain.


Cheers spread across the moonlit plain.

The giant body of the beluga whale was lying horizontally under the big tree of Fryegel, while Mu Hantian and others surrounded the huge body.


Two huge roars sounded, making the streets of Libavus tremble and overwhelming the cheers.Those are the other two beluga clones that have lost their bodies.

Affected by the death of the body, the clone that was flapping back and forth on the ground gradually collapsed and turned into mist.

Since the magic power provided by the body was interrupted, the body of the clone could not be maintained.Even if left alone, this sad look will disappear within a few minutes, but...

"It's a terrible sight." Mu Hantian and Kurxiu looked at each other, and then simultaneously shook their swords.

The sword cuts in from the head and easily cuts the twisted beluga's skin-the huge body was severed in two pieces, and its existence was truly foggy.

"Okay, we should also go, Kuerxiu, just go back and rest." Mu Hantian chuckled lightly, and Leim and Ang walked to the side.

"Oh, don't you need help? Just deal with the Witch Cult in the current state?"

"This one……"

"My old bone, what you can do." Suddenly "inserted" into the conversation is the tall figure approaching at a steady pace-the old swordsman who is bathed in the blood of beasts, now more tragic and majestic, Wilhelm.

"Ah, Wilhelm is right. We would not be able to kill the beluga this time without the help of Qing, so please let us do our best." Kurxiu continued.

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