Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 741

Julius reached out to the forest on the battlefield.There are still traces of fighting in the forest, fallen trees and remnants of blood.

"In the beginning, five people were killed on the spot by an invisible attack. Add in the two who fought in the attack of the Witch's Cult-this time the number of deaths totaled seven."

"There are seven people..." This unexpected number deeply hurt Subaru's heart.

"Where are the witches who attacked?"

"There are nine Witch Cultists here, and all of them died. Two of them were captured alive, but as before, they succeeded in'suicide.' Phyllis...has worked very hard."

"The report here is over. What about you?"

"At least, get rid of the'laziness' that planned this attack."

Hearing Subaru's heavy answer which is not good news, Julius immediately realized the key to the problem.At this point, Subaru had to admit the true face of the previous madwoman.

The madwoman who launched a surprise attack on the crusade team and used her power to get Subaru out of the battlefield-this evil that is comparable to the already defeated guilt, is an existence that is called'laziness' and nothing is exaggerated.

"At the very beginning of this battle, we should have killed the'lazy' chief sinner. I am more convinced of this than anyone, and I am sure of this fact. But the feeling just now... Wrong. The guy just now was'Lazy'....Second place, "'Lazy'!"Mu Hantian said aloud.

The second place was'lazy', this sentence made Julius frowned thoughtfully.However, seeing Mu Hantian's serious eyes and thinking of the actual situation, he could not refute it.

"The'lazy' who was killed in the beginning is a different person from the'lazy' now. That's right?"

"I can't forget the face of that bastard. Moreover, the second place'lazy' is a woman. It can't be mistaken." When he first saw the madwoman, Subaru gave birth to her as Petir. The illusion of Qius.

That's because between Petrchius and that woman, he felt something connected except for the appearance.

It's like, although the madman is two people, they basically feel exactly the same.

"The power is the same, the words and deeds are exactly the same. I have a super annoying premonition."

"The first'Laziness' hit was just a stand-in, and the second place'Laziness' was the real sinner...No, the true and false can't be confirmed. Moreover, the problem now is--"

"--Maybe it's not the time to pay attention to which side is the real one." In the process of constant speculation, Mu Hantian took Julius' words and came to a conclusion.

"In other words, there are several people in the "Lazy" Clerk of Great Sins. ——The true face of the "Lazy" Clerk of Great Sins is actually a group acting under the same power and purpose?"

"The'laziness' I know is only the sick and evil party I encountered at the beginning. However, now that I have seen the second woman, it is no longer possible to deny this speculation."

Madwoman calls herself a "finger" and possesses the consciousness of being a "lazy" priest.The situation matches.It matches unexpectedly.It is consistent with the situation in which the'lazy' sinner is a group composed of many people.

"It is no exaggeration to say that the'finger' is part of the Great Sin Secretary. However, assuming that the'laziness' is a group composed of multiple people, the scope of the'sorrow' and'chaos' will spread across countries, which can be explained. Up."

"The Witch Cult, is the doctrine enforcement unit'lazy'? It's too sensational, this idea."

"This is nothing more than speculation at best. I think we should avoid the spread of gloomy and uneasy emotions that will shake everyone up."

Phyllis lowered her head and pressed her lips, then looked at Mu Hantian after a short pause.

"What you just said, where is the second'lazy' body?"

"What's wrong in the forest over there?" Mu Hantian looked at Felice with some puzzlement.

Phyllis looked in the direction of Mu Hantian's fingers, her yellow eyes shot sharp gazes.

"Maybe if you investigate it, you will find something different."

"Different? What kind of difference?"

"The'finger' that Ang Qin is worried about is different from that of other believers."

Hearing Phyllis point this out, Subaru held his breath.Then Phyllis blinked one eye and said "wait a minute", and then ran to examine the corpse with several companions.


Mu Hantian and the others, who returned with the remains of their companions, surprised the knights who remained in the position.

"First, report the results of the investigation of the second corpse of the'lazy'. As I expected, it is slightly different from the corpses of other witches. There are strange traces of the technique." The first report was completed. Phyllis of the investigation of the madwoman's body.

"In other words, is it different from the magic stone set on the witch's cultists and used to "suicide"?"

"That's it. It's hard to see because it's mixed together, but if you look at it beforehand, it's clear at a glance....Presumably, other believers who are like'lazy' have the same technique."

"Does this technique feel like it was done with power?"

"Then I don't know Meow. However, since this special treatment appears in the believers, we can only suspect that it has something to do with the strange power used by the Great Sin Secretary."

"Then the question is how many'lazinesses' are there other than those two'lazinesses', right?"

"Now there are only two, but it is dangerous to think that there are only two. In the worst case, all people called'fingers' are likely to be'lazy'. Do this well. Kind of psychological preparation."

The number of "'lazy'" is the same as the number of fingers, is Petrchius just one of those fingers."

"There are a total of ten. If there is a'laziness' arranged in each base, it may just happen to have no chance to fight back so far, so it has been solved. Even though this way of thinking is probably too optimistic. That's it."

"There are three remaining strongholds, and three more'fingers'... It's better to think that there are three more people."

Needless to say, Julius's speculation, Phyllis's words also have a weight that cannot be ignored.In any case, you must prepare for the worst.If you casually underestimate the enemy's threat, you will pay a high price.

"Actually, I have a guess, based on the clues we already know, is this possible? The'laziness' taught by the witch is indeed only a person, but when it comes to those techniques, will it be in the'laziness' body? After the destruction, immediately transfer to another body." Mu Hantian said his thoughts.

"Hantian's idea is also possible. Anyway, we will immediately stop their conspiracy."


Chapter 869 Accident

Subaru walked forward with a look of difficulty, and suddenly, the sweet fragrance of flowers penetrated into his nose.

The small blue "color" flowers blooming on both sides of the road were swaying in the wind. Subaru was impressed by the fragrance and lovely appearance, and he remembered the flower field engraved in his memory.

"Originally, because of the dull atmosphere, I want to triumph more brilliantly..."

In Subaru's heart, eagerness and shrinking emotions were at odds.If you follow this road back to Alam Village, you can begin to guide the villagers to evacuate.

Of course, it will include the people in the mansion, which means we will meet them again.

"If you meet again after everything is perfectly resolved, you can be a little handsome."

The crusades of the Witch Cult couldn't be achieved, nor could the tasks entrusted by the king be completed.The most important thing is that Subaru's mental preparation for going to meet is not good enough, and his mood remains the same as when he said it a few hours ago.

Subaru has not been able to save the situation that he messed up in the capital.In this state, he couldn't stand up to meet Emelia.This made Subaru feel very painful.

"Ahhhh, I don’t want it anymore! Why do I have to go back with such a mood. Since I am going back to help, I should be like a prince charming. Although the earth dragon is dark, the identity is not a prince, but it is also It should be more upright..."

Go to war.Hasn't Wilhelm said that.Such a will is not limited to the battlefield.In the various scenes of life, the power to rejuvenate the frustrated heart is very important.

"Is that so, Mr. Wilhelm."

"Mm?...Yes, exactly."

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