Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 743

"It's you..."

"It's okay, Ang." Mu Hantian stretched out his hand and pulled Subaru's wrist to make Subaru stand up.

"It's okay." Ang shook his head.

"Look." Julius pointed around with his chin.

Subaru turned his head to look, and was surprised to find that the members of the crusade team were standing in a daze.All the members of the crusade team lined up neatly, whether they were people or riding beasts, were all still in place, motionless.

"This is a deliberate attack. Using the magic technique of the illusion system, people lose consciousness for a few seconds. Now only the three of us have recovered. How did you recover?"

"A few seconds? I feel like a few minutes have passed over there? Is it just a fantasy?"

"I didn't expect you to have resistance to this magic. How did you recover?" Julius asked curiously.

"This, is everyone involved? If you are delayed here for a few seconds or even a few minutes like this, it is not a good thing, you must do something!"

"So I'm asking how you recovered!" Julius was angry at the state of asking each other in a similar dialogue, but unable to clarify any facts.

Subaru's eyes widened at his rare reaction, and realizing that it was not the time to argue, he switched his mood.

"In the illusion, just destroy the flowers that cause all of this."

"Flower? That's the case, did you use the fragrance of flowers as a medium to use the suggestive technique. But..." Having said that, Julius looked around at his companion who was deeply involved in the technique.Then, in front of Subaru's wide-eyed observation, he slowly stretched out an arm.

Then, Julius straightened his arms horizontally, and several rays of light appeared from it.There are six kinds of colorful light, and the red light that saved Subaru's life also exists among them.

"You! This is...!"

"This is the brilliance of my buds. Now I want to tell everyone how to crack the illusion.——In, Nes!" Julius answered the words of the violently reacted Pleiades, spreading out the one that stretched out. hand.The light gliding towards his fingertips was black and white.

The two rays of light mixed, the light increased sharply, and Subaru stared at the world in front of him with brilliance.

"Fa, it happened..."

"What", just before uttering this sentence, there was an abnormal change in Subaru's mind.

"Hmm—! Wait a minute—! Wait a minute—! No one—yes! Where is this—!"

"Huh?" What Subaru heard was the voice of the girl who was still in the mist without understanding the situation.No, it is not strictly speaking.

Because it is not a sound, but a thought.The silent emotion did not pass through the eardrum, but directly echoed in the brain, conveying her thoughts to Subaru.Moreover, more than one idea was conveyed in this way.

"It's, it's quarantined. Oops, if it goes on like this" "It's not good, this is awful. No matter how the forest is destroyed, there is no movement." "Sister! Sister! Where is it!?"... …

"Gah, ah...!" Information flooded in.Information keeps coming in.The torrent of thoughts relentlessly stuffed a large amount of information that could not be processed into Subaru's ears, pressing it against his head and his brain.A lot of doubts and thoughts rolled around inside the brain like a spiked ball, causing Subaru to groan in pain.

It hurts, it hurts—it doesn’t seem to be this way either.No pain.It's not uncomfortable.But it's heavy.

"Affinity is too high, right? Sorry, take a deep breath and bear with me."

"You bastard……"

"Now there is no leisure time just to adjust the wavelength for you alone. Pulling back everyone's consciousness is the top priority." After speaking, Julius closed his eyes and concentrated the technique and stopped moving.

Knowing that the cause of the pain seemed to be this beautiful boy, Subaru raised his face unhappy.Even if he listened to him and took a deep breath, the situation did not improve at all.Now the brain is still in a state of bursting with a lot of thoughts.If this continues, the brain will be squeezed out of the ears.In order not to be overwhelmed by these thoughts, Subaru thought.

Thinking will be "chaotic" and consciousness will be mixed together, all caused by Julius' behavior.In order to convey the means to break the illusion, a certain method was used to create this situation.

Thinking.There are blue "colored" flowers in someone's hallucinations.A few people broke away from the hallucinations, from the whirlpool of thoughts.There are many more, and many more people are trapped in hallucinations.Waves of thinking are constantly intertwined.However, gradually, as if the thorns were pulled out, the number of disorderly thought waves decreased.People escape the clutches of illusion and return to reality.

"Just so, if you save everyone..." Subaru wiped his sweat, enduring even the chaotic wavelength of tinnitus.He roughly wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead, looking up at the sky and panting.Just after this.

Subaru heard a slight breathing.The sound source was in the air, above Subaru's heads.Subaru looked up at the edge of the forest. The sun was hanging high in the street, and the white shadow facing the sun landed beside him.

The shadow was like that, completely ignoring Julius who was dispelling the hallucinations, and pulled Subaru's arm.

"Oh, wow...!"

Julius, who was concentrating on the technique, did not move, and Subaru was caught by Bai Ying and was almost dragged down.

Wearing a white cloak on his head, the white shadow who can't see his face intends to take Subaru away regardless of the blue, red and indiscriminate white.At this moment, Subaru intuitively concluded that this was a warlock using hallucinations.Of course, it is the Witch Cult.

"Do you want to ignore me? Ram." Mu Hantian stopped in front of the two, and at the same time revealed the identity of the person.

"Mr. Hantian, you really can't leave."

Facing Mu Hantian, the person in the white cloak also put down the hood.

What appeared in front of Mu Hantian was a girl with peachy hair, red eyes and a cute and serious face——

"It really is you, Ram!"

It is the maid of Rozval House, Ram.

Chapter 871 Betrayal?

"Ram, don't you explain?"

"Explain? What else do I have to explain to you two guys who are not grateful?" Ram stared at Mu Hantian and Ang coldly.

"Huh?" Mu Hantian was very surprised by Ram's words.

"This is the fact. Lord Rozval has shown great kindness to you, but when you see that there is nothing to use, you immediately ran to other masters to wag your tails. Or, from the very beginning, it was just for penetration. Is it the acting skills here? If this is the case, it really has been severely put on."

"What are you talking about?" Mu Hantian became more and more confused.

"Huh, that's what it means to eat inside and out."

"Can you listen to us explain it well."

"Explanation? Is there anything that can be explained, isn't that the case? And the letter sent from the capital city, thinking of a messenger with a lot of background, sent the letter-but it was blank The letter written by yourself is really interesting. What is this for?"

"Carefully use wax to seal the seal, and it is printed with the Kalsten family's "Grinning Lion". In other words, this is a declaration of war by the hostile candidate, Duke Kursho Karsten... This is so understanding."

"Ang, what are you doing? Why is the letter blank? Explain." Mu Hantian turned his head and stared at Ang, and said coldly.

"No, I obviously put the letter in it, and you wrote it too, it's impossible to make a mistake." Ang frowned.

"Huh? Did someone deliberately frame it?" Mu Hantian was also very suspicious. If what Ang said was true, then it would be interesting.

"Ram, you made a mistake. We didn't betray at all. Even if you don't believe me and Ang, then you have to believe Rem." After calming down, Mu Hantian explained again.

"This..." Ram hesitated. Indeed, Rem would not lie to himself, but...

"Sister, you really misunderstood." After Rem sensed Ram, he ran over immediately.

"Rem, are you okay?"

"It's okay, sister."

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