Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 745

Subaru admitted that he had failed in persuasion and began to apologize.Also noticed.

Among the villagers, some were lamenting, some were angry, and some "showed" an expression of hatred.

Their negative thoughts were not directed at the Witch Cult that made them terribly unable to control themselves.Yes, their negative emotions are not directed at the Witch Cult, but the half-elf that they have never met before.

"Why did it happen like this! This has nothing to do with half-elves and Emelia!"

"It can't be okay! If it has something to do with the half-devil, the witch's sect will appear. The little ghosts in the village know this! However, the lord hid the half-devil, and even recommended her to become the king of this country. Oh! Please don't kid me!"

The young man's screaming roar made Subaru so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Seeing his reaction, the young man also looked away and lowered his head.However, he did not correct his statement.

Subaru looked around, and in the eyes of other villagers, he could more or less vaguely see the same emotion.

"Everyone, do you think so? All, it's the fault of the half-elves in the mansion."

No one answered.This silence is the most powerful answer.They are villagers close to them.Having experienced various things together in the past two months, Subaru thinks that he and them are already good enough friends.That's why I tried so desperately to save them.And I believe that this mood will be accepted by them without any doubt.

"It's just that I'm just taking care of my own business, is that right...?"

The horror of the Witch Cult—has been deeply rooted in the hearts of this world, and Subaru has despised the depth of its roots.This is something that even Pleiades believes that the kind-hearted people cannot resist, and the dark side of history has scratched their hearts.

The reality made Subaru hang his head feebly.——At this moment, Mu Hantian patted him on the shoulder from behind.Walked to him, stood side by side with him, and sighed.

"Hold your head up. Ang, you have to believe in yourself, know? Or, do you think what you are doing is wrong? If you don't think it is wrong, there is no need to bow your head." Mu Hantian said flatly.

Subaru understands the reasons why the villagers are taboo against half-elves.It is also true that this incident left a deep shadow in Subaru's heart.

However, even though this is a real fact, it is definitely not something that can be changed immediately by doing something now.But you can't do nothing.

"Obviously I haven't done anything yet, don't say anything that cannot be changed. I have fully understood your feelings and what you want to say. I will not say what I want you to do now. Of course you will have your own ideas. Yes. Although it hurts, I understand."

"Master Ang."

"But, put these thoughts back in your heart for now. Really, I really understand your feelings about all kinds of things you want to say. So in order to say those things, listen to me first. Now, this village is very dangerous. , This is true."

Hearing these words from Subaru with sincere eyes, the villagers were silent.The whole village fell into silence, and this reaction made Subaru feel sad, and time passed by without sense.

"What the servant in charge said is the order of Lord Rozval. Originally, your leader did not have the right to refuse. Please obey the instructions as soon as possible." However, what severely broke the stagnation was to observe the situation from the side. Ram.

She walked out of the crusade team, came to Subaru's side, and confronted the villagers.Ram's deterrent gaze and strong speech made the villagers whisper in astonishment.

"Any loss caused by this refuge will be compensated under the responsibility of the lord. If there is anyone who is dissatisfied, please report it.-This is Rozval's judgment."

The statement is harsh, and the content is also harsh.However, what she said with an irrefutable attitude made the leaders feel even more uneasy, and both the Pleiades and the villagers were dumbfounded.

However, Subaru and the villagers also understood.Ram is standing in the position of agreeing with Subaru's opinion, using the authority of the lord to make the villagers accept his words.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm sorry for Ram's statement a bit bad. But to put it bluntly, my opinion is the same. I hope you will leave the village and seek refuge. I also know that things have come too suddenly, and there is no way to prepare adequately."

"So, in terms of compensation for losses, I will take the responsibility to negotiate with Rozval. I hope you can believe this and take refuge obediently. Please." After listening to Ram's opinion, Subaru gave up the emotional theory. Begin to tell again "sex".

The ruthless Ram and the sincere Pleiades, in front of these two, the villagers nodded helplessly after a brief silence.

In this form of compulsion, there is still a long way to go before they can understand.Even so, they have finally obtained their consent.You can start evacuation.

This came to an end, Subaru let out a sigh of relief, and the companions standing behind him also let out a sigh of relief.Everyone is nervous, everyone is uneasy, but after all, this obstacle is overcome.


The longest evacuation time is only two days. You can only bring a minimum of personal belongings. When you are ready, you will start evacuation.This was the instruction given by Subaru who made the villagers reluctantly agree to take refuge.

After that, the problem that had to be solved was...

"I want to explain the Emilia-sama and Betty-sama in the mansion." Ram said as he stared at the road from the village to the mansion.

The problem of preparing villagers for refuge has been resolved.After that, as Ram said, the problem over the mansion.

"The village here is so "sorrowful", what is Emilia doing now?" Mu Hantian asked.

For Mu Hantian's question, Ram cast a slightly worried gaze.

"Because I have been busy until morning, I should still be resting now. In the past few days, since the return of the royal capital, there has been no leisure time to relax, and I have been exhausted physically and mentally."

"During the time Lord Rozval went out, only Emilia-sama could handle the abnormal changes between the mansion and the village. However, the villagers' reaction to Emilia-sama can be understood by seeing their attitude just now. ?"

"I probably understand, the burden on Emilia is really heavy." Mu Hantian sighed, what he could experience, the hard work.

"When she noticed the forest change, Master Emelia tried to persuade the villagers to take refuge in the mansion. Then, the villagers denied it. However, Master Emelia did not know the current situation after being denied. Retracting lord, you know that too."

"Ah, but after that, what happened to Emilia?"

"After being rejected several times in a row, I felt that I had to do something, so I went to consolidate the barrier of the forest again. Because it is impossible to determine that the source of the mutation is the Witch Cult, I also guarded against the possibility of "sex" on the side of the monster. ."

"Then last night, because I got the white paper declaration of war, I worry about it till morning."

"In any case, the evacuation side is already prepared to this point, Emelia-sama will not object, right? As long as you go to the mansion to report, you should immediately nod and agree.

Chapter 873 Danger

"I've already explained the alliance's affairs. Is the next step to take Phyllis to the mansion?" In order to better explain the personal letter, at least one member of the Kursi camp must be present.So Subaru decided to leave most of the crusade team to guard the villagers, and returned to the mansion with only a few main forces.

"So, Phyllis...what are you doing, that fellow?" Subaru was searching in the village, and then found the cat-eared knight in a corner of the square.

Traders and their dragon carts gathered there, and it seemed that they were surrounding Phyllis in the middle, arguing loudly about something.

"After all, I concealed the Witch Cult. I think it's dissatisfaction exploded." Mu Hantian guessed.

"Well... the reason is right. Sorry, I will go to arbitration for a while." Mu Hantian's speculation made the Pleiades "exposed" bitterness, and then walked towards them under the dumbfounded gaze of Ram. go with.

After the Pleiades joined their quarrel, Phyllis clearly "showed" a relieved expression.

"Ah, Subaru."

"That's it! What are you arguing about? Explain to me."

"This group of people has been clamoring,'The situation is different from what we said'! It's all said, it's not me."

After Phyllis grumbled and complained, roars flew toward Subaru one after another.

"Yes, brother. We just want to talk to you!" Pointing to Subaru, panting, it was the representative of the tradesmen-the man named Kaiti.

"The situation is different...Is it really about this?"

"Isn't this nonsense! What you told us is to let us help you take refuge while you exorcise Beasts. That's exactly what you said. But what is the truth now!" His face flushed with anger, Kaiti rudely. Pulling up the clothes on Subaru's chest,

"It's actually a troublesome matter related to the Witch Teaching! This lie is so big! What are you trying to do? Tell us such a big lie!" Seeing his angry appearance, even Subaru was at a loss. .

"In this case, do you want to apologize by adding a little more reward?"

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