Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 748

"Julius, we're going a little bit faster, although the specific number of witches is not clear. But I think the number is increasing during the attack. Moreover, all the remaining'fingers' should also come to the village. Now." Mu Hantian said his thoughts.

"It's true, and they will definitely do it in their minds." Julius nodded.

"Ah, but if you can get rid of all the remaining three'laziness' and win in one breath...Ah!?" Suddenly, Mu Hantian saw that the sky right in front of him was filled with black "color". .

It was just above the village where the tongue of fire was rising, with countless black palms overwhelming the sky.This amount is like a nightmare.

"It's the'invisible hand'!"

Seeing Mu Hantian raising his head and shouting, Julius' expression instantly became severe.But even if he stared intently, he couldn't see the same nightmare.

The black "color" falling from the sky smashed trees, houses, and the earth to pieces with overwhelming "sex" power.

As if to vent his anger, he kept repeating destruction, destruction, and destruction—this repeated action clearly conveyed the enemy’s anger that could not be resolved.

"This kind of breath... It's Wilhelm. We're hurrying, Wilhelm is hurt after all."


Julius nodded and ran forward with Mu Hantian.


The invisible attack that fell from the sky was breached by Wilhelm with agility beyond his limit.

The trajectory changes from side to side, and the speed is fast and slow, making exaggerated jumps as much as possible, seeing through all the enemy's movements, approaching, and approaching again, and critical attacks are staged again and again.

The attack from the power called the "Invisible Hand" is tricky even if it is no longer "Invisible".The attack distance and angle of attack can be changed freely, and the incalculable destructive power can bring death with just one blow.

These "characteristics" will be an absolute advantage when put into battle, and the extremely strong ability will "force" the enemy to death.

Now, the reason Wilhelm can cope is only because of the gap in combat experience.

"So, just stop here, Witch Cultist--!"

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly! Can resist until now!"

Confronting Wilhelm in the front is a slender man.His neck and waist bend unnaturally, like a doll "handled" by human hands, which is "hairy" creepy.

In fact, this madman's body has indeed lost freedom, and accordingly, he is using his power to grasp his body to control it, and this is not within the scope of Sword Demon's consideration.

What needs to be considered is the fact that the person in front of you is the enemy and the third place'lazy'.In the man who assembled the merchants, there was no intention to hide his true identity.

Sword Demon was disgusted by the evil taste of his incorporation into the insurance measures prepared by Subaru.At the same time, he was also concerned about the safety of Subaru and Phyllis who were beside the exploded dragon cart at the time.However, the worries that emerged in the battle were immediately thrown away, and the sword ghost focused on facing his battlefield.

The anxiety is not without it.If Phyllis fails to return safely, he will face Kuroxiu without face.However, another corner of his heart was telling him not to worry.

It's just that level of danger, Subaru and Phyllis will definitely be able to break through.Sword Demon even had a slight over-confidence in this.


Swing the sword and cut the earth away.Use the rain of soil to see through the invisible attack trajectory.Facing this murderous barrier that almost completely sealed the path between the enemy and ourselves, Sword Demon broke through with extraordinary dodge skills and moved forward.

There is no need to worry about the safety of Subaru and Phyllis.I can only do what I should do.Then, there is only one thing I should do from the moment I hold the sword.

"Facing such an increase in my love! This obsession that is still entangled! Faith! The respect of being a diligent apostle is hard to suppress! Oh, ah! Love! The brain is trembling and trembling!"

Different looks, different faces, different voices-even so, the expressions corroded by madness are the same.

Wilhelm stared at the mad male "sex" before him, speeding up further.The sword ghost flew like an arrow from the string, throwing off the entangled invisible attacks.

'Laziness' ignored the rain of soil falling from the sky, and continued to launch invisible attacks regardless of the consequences.As if there was only one thing left in his mind.Not only is crazy, even the tactics are the same.So natural, the result will not change.

The madman seemed to yell something.But Wilhelm, who was flying at full speed in a straight line, turned a deaf ear.Set aside all the unnecessary things, transform into a sword, and conduct assaults in order to cut away the evil with this sharp sword.

Of course, as the distance approaches, obstacles will increase.The number of bruises kept increasing, and there was tingling pain from the body, but Wilhelm didn't care.Raise the sword and swing a blow.

The ground was cut longitudinally, and the figure of the madman inclined.Sword Demon's sword pointed directly at the opponent's body, and then passed through.

"It's done!"

There was a slight sense of lag from the tip of the sword, and the sword ghost felt what he had experienced countless times, that was the touch of tearing life apart.

The sword penetrated the madman's left chest, completely destroying his heart.With the death that even Phyllis couldn't save people, he mercilessly drawn the finish line for her life.

"Sure enough, it's your words..." The madman, who was pierced by the blade, vomited blood and said something.

Regarding the final lie of the dying man, Wilhelm was about to draw his sword deaf ears.

However, the madman said in Wilhelm's ear: "He will only focus on the invisible hand and fight, and neglect to guard against the visible... What a laziness."

For a moment, thinking stagnated.In order to think about the meaning of this sentence, Wilhelm's fighting spirit appeared unnecessary gaps.

The madman leaning on Wilhelm raised his short sword with trembling arms.After that, without hesitation, he pierced his left eye with a short sword.

The tip of the sword penetrated the eye socket, pierced into the brain, stirred the brain, and cut off his vitality.


At the moment when Sword Demon's sight was taken away by the "suicide" blade, the light was bright.

Chapter 876 Fight

When I walked around the corner of the collapsed house and came to the destroyed street, the ground began to shake.

The shock from under my feet and the tremor from the air made me hold my breath.The ensuing storm and flames rushed towards Mu Hantian who was running over.

"Cut, trouble."

"Be careful, Hantian! Ailuo! Iku!" Julius ran to Mu Hantian, raised his hand, and the green and yellow elves bloomed under his call.

The gravel that rose from the ground blocked the wind blade that broke through the air.The frontal heat waves were all intercepted, and the earth wall protected the two and resisted everything.

"what happened?"

"I don't know. Before the explosion, I seemed to see someone on the road..."

After the aftermath of the explosion passed, the two crossed the collapsed earth wall and ran towards the center of the explosion.The huge crater brought the tragic explosion before our eyes.

Then, the figure lying in the center of the pit made Mu Hantian's voice froze.

"Wilheim!" Mu Hantian cried, and quickly ran to the white-haired old swordsman who was crouching on the ground.The whole body is full of serious injuries from the flames of the explosion and the storm. This state can still have all four limbs, but it feels incredible.However, there is still a weak breath.

"It's absolutely impossible to put it like this again! If you don't bring it to Phyllis..." Pulled Wilhelm up and held it.Mu Hantian gritted his teeth and said.

"However, things don't seem to go so smoothly."

Feeling the sense of alert and tension contained in this sentence, Mu Hantian raised his head.

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