Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 758

"Yes, although I didn't have much to buy when I went to the market so early, but when I passed a supermarket, I found a lot of food in it, so I bought it." Sakiya, wearing a maid costume, bowed his head slightly and said respectfully.

"That's it, let's eat first. After eating, I can go out to find a job. This task is also cheating, but forget it, don't let the free exchange point be for nothing." Sit down and start breakfast.

You ask why not wait for others?I'm the boss, why should I wait for others.

After ten minutes, Mu Hantian finished his breakfast very quickly, said hello to Allen and Arciere who came downstairs, and went out.

"Let me see, it seems that there is not much work to find around here, alas, it is really troublesome."

I walked aimlessly, walked along the road, and kept observing the surroundings, but the result was nothing.

"Oh, I have been walking for more than half an hour, and I haven't seen any recruiters. Really, this is obviously Kyoto, but why can't I see any recruiters?"

Mu Hantian was sitting in a fast food restaurant named'McGraw' eating burgers, and complaining helplessly at the same time.

"That... are you looking for a job?" a woman came over and asked.

"Yeah, is there any job? I need a job urgently now."

"So... the manager of this store is me. If you want, you can work here. The salary is calculated by the hour."

"Is it okay? Is it really okay?" Mu Hantian was very moved. As expected, there are good people in the world.

"Well, if you want."

"Well, I will do it!"

"Okay, then the salary will be 100 yen per hour for the time being as a long-term part-time job, and then if you do well, it will be turned into a regular job, right?"

"No problem!" Mu Hantian was very excited.Although the kid at a fast food restaurant has never done it before, he at least got a job.

"Ding Dong, mission two is complete, but mission three seems to be triggered by you yourself."

"Let's do this first." After finishing the conversation with Xiaoguang in his mind, Mu Hantian came back to his senses, said hello to the store manager, and then started to work from tomorrow.


It has been half a year since he came to this world, but the mission has not been triggered, but Mu Hantian has been successfully promoted many times.At this moment, he is an A-level employee in front of McGraw Hatagaya Station.

Shixin has increased by 200 yen compared to six months before joining the company, which seems to be an exceptional treatment.

Mu Hantian said it didn't matter, I just came to experience life.In the past six months, Alcheel has fully learned Japanese, and at the same time he named himself Shiro Ashiya.And Mu Hantian also said not to call me Lord Demon, and called me Mu Hantian.

As a loyal minister, Ashiya collected all kinds of information and paid attention to all kinds of news. Today, he also visited art galleries and museums in Kyoto.

The result of Ashiya's investigation confirmed that there is magic power in a certain place on the earth, or a place where magic power exists.

Stonehenge in Britain, pyramids in Egypt, ground paintings in Nazca in Peru, etc., there are indeed buildings and cultures that seem to be composed of magical powers all over the world.

This is the result of investigating the world's relics and cultural relics one by one in the library.There is no high-end equipment called network in Mu Hantian's Devil City.

But which one is genuine?unconfirmed.I don't want to waste the time of Lord Demon Lord.

So Ashiya first investigated the cultural relics around him.It seems that museums and galleries in Tokyo regularly rent and display cultural relics collected in overseas museums.He looked for things in these cultural relics that matched the wavelength of his own magic.

On this day, he set his goal for a special exhibition at the National Museum of Western Art in Ueno, and decided to set off for Shinjuku first.

Because it was raining outside, Maou held the plastic umbrella he bought and went out.After all, someone at home was watching, so he was not in a hurry.


Soon I noticed that the thing that actually shook myself was an earthquake.

Because in this year's life, they deeply understood that Japan is a major earthquake country, so they didn't panic at all.

Sure enough, the shaking stopped for about ten seconds.The earthquake that occurred in Ander Isla has nothing to do with the scale. It was the wrath of the gods or the attack of the Demon King’s army. Humans would panic. However, in Japan, very few humans would perceive this kind of shock, even The tram will never stop.

Ashiya did not take the train to Shinjuku.In fact, there is only one stop on the Keio Line from Sasazuka to Shinjuku.It only takes 20 minutes to walk by legs as a man.


Mu Hantian riding a bicycle rushed straight to the place where he worked.

From Sasazuka’s villa to Hatagaya’s McGraw smoothly, it didn’t even take 10 minutes.However, because I drank a cup of Sakuya tea at home, it is now raining.

Because it was a red light, the car stopped on the crosswalk.There was a harsh sound from the brakes and the front wheel plunged into a puddle.

Although Mu Hantian's car was expensive, the brakes became a bit harsh because it was destroyed by Ashiya the next day.

Crossing the residential area inside from Koshu Street, at the entrance of the cross, there is a small park and a restaurant whose walls are decorated with one piece of glass.

Mu Hantian came from the opposite direction of the pedestrian crossing line, and under the rain-proof roof of the restaurant, Mu Hantian saw a female figure.

Close to lunch time, among the many pedestrians walking in a hurry, there is only one reason why that person is most noticeable.Because she didn't seem to be holding an umbrella in the rain.

Chapter VIII The Demon King and the Brave

Even from a distance, she knew that the girl's face was frowning, and she wiped her hair and shoulders with a small handkerchief.

During the red light, the woman "sex" stared at the sky with hatred.Because it was rain unexpectedly.Sure enough, even if it turned into a green light, she still stayed there at a loss.

Mu Hantian obeyed the traffic laws and got off the bicycle and crossed the pedestrian crossing.When she passed through, the female "sex" seemed to notice the gaze from here, and looked over here like this.Mu Hantian, who gently paid his attention, entered under the eaves of the hotel and stood side by side with the female'sex'.

Mu Hantian did not appear to be warned at all, and naturally put a bicycle between the female "sex" and himself.

"If you don't mind, use this." Mu Hantian put away the plastic umbrella and stretched out the umbrella handle in the direction of the female's sex.

"Huh?" The clear voice appeared to be "confused", and the female "sex" was unknown so she looked left and right.

"I think you should be troubled, you didn't bring an umbrella."

Although she looked like an adult from the other side of the road, she seemed to be about the same size as a high school student if she faced it like this.

The floral-patterned top shows the body line next to the body. She is a beauty commensurate with this cotton fabric.Her hair is slightly curled, and her long hair is more delicate and beautiful because of raindrops.However, the small bag slung on the shoulder seemed to be missing a folding umbrella.

Her pupils, which seemed to be strong-willed, peeped into Mu Hantian's face nervously.

"But, but, is this okay? Besides, if I borrow..."

"The place to work is right there. If you run by bike, it will be there in two or three minutes, and I have a spare umbrella."

The female "sex" tremblingly took the umbrella handle that was handed over.Watching this scene, Mu Hantian immediately got on his bicycle and was about to leave before the argument turned into.

"Um, thank you very much. Um, please let me express my gratitude."

"It's nothing. That umbrella is for you."

"not because of……"

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