Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 770

It seemed to be to smash the table where Mu Hantian and Chiho were sitting. This was where the ceiling fell initially.

"Mr. Hantian!"

Although Chiho yelled, the voice could not be conveyed to Mu Hantian.Although I saw the ceiling began to collapse, I couldn't even escape the shaking with my legs stiff in fear.

The channel officially collapsed.In the raindrops of rubble, Chiho's fear broke through the critical point, and his consciousness melted in the darkness.

It does have the ability to open eyes.But even if he opened it, there was only the darkness Chiho could not help but yell.

Although it was the first time experiencing fainting, because of the vivid memory before, fear spread across Chiho.The stiff hands and feet moved tremblingly, feeling the touch of countless rocks and gravel.

Chapter 875 Today’s author is very happy

"Wh, how is it?" Chiho couldn't help muttering.

"Great, regained consciousness." A woman's voice sounded beside him.

"Yes... who is it?"

"It's me, don't be afraid."

From the total darkness, a woman's voice came.There are echoes around and I cannot hear clearly.but……

"you are……"

Suddenly a dim light appeared in the darkness, and the face I saw was the woman who "cut in" with Mu Hantian inexplicably while drinking tea.

The moment he recognized the woman's face, he remembered the conversation before falling into such a gaffe, but he noticed something dark flowing from near his forehead on the glowing face and became wet.

"Does it matter?"

"Ah, you said this, it's not a big deal."

From the thing on the forehead that was randomly wiped by the woman began to flow again, Chiho couldn't help groaning from deep in his throat.

"But, but, so much, blood."

"It doesn't seem to matter. Don't worry, it will freeze."

The woman who said it was okay was holding the phone in her hand.The light source seems to be here.But even so, Chiho's gaze still followed the blood strips dripping from the woman's forehead.

"But there is no way, I am completely locked in."

The woman used her mobile phone to illuminate her surroundings.The rubble of the underground passage completely blocked the surroundings, and there was barely room for Chiho and the woman to stand up.

"Then... that, is it because of the earthquake?"

"Yeah, the underground passage collapsed, and many people were buried underground, I think so."

"I, how long have I fainted?"

"It's been less than thirty minutes after the collapse. Neither of them felt out of breath, which means there was a passage for air circulation."

The body was moving tremblingly, but there was no special pain. It seemed to be infected by the woman's leisurely appearance. The fear of darkness gradually decreased, and Chiho sighed greatly.

"It looks pretty calm."

"Yeah. This kind of thing was commonplace before. Although you don't seem to be used to this absurd thing, didn't you calm down?"

"It's because the big sister is here. If you are alone, you will definitely cry."

This is the occasion, and the woman is still smiling.

"I'm Yuzuo Huimei. In front of you, Mu Han and I really have nothing."

"This is Sasaki Chiho. I am doing this now."

This is a handshake in the climax of an extraordinary event.Despite this situation, Chiho was surprised at his calmness.

"Mr. Hantian..."

"At least not by our side. Although it's impossible to be far away."

"No, it's not like this..."

Before this happened, he was clearly separated by a table, but now he is no longer around.In other words...

"Ah, do you mean being held down by rubble?"

Chiho was dumbfounded at Emi who simply said unspeakable words.

"Yes, although for me, I would be very happy that that fellow died here."

Excessive and ruthless words one after another.But this ease is proof that Huimei doesn't think so.

"That guy is definitely alive. Is it possible to die in such a place? It's me who will defeat that guy. Being involved in a disaster or dying in an accident is really a tragic way to die, I don't allow it." However, Emi confidently asserted Tao.

This confident statement somehow made Chiho even more courageous.

"Yeah, it must be fine."

"En, it's okay." Emi said so, and sat next to Chiho.

Because they confirmed the location, Huimei turned off the phone to save battery.The space is once again dominated by darkness.

"Also, don't you think it's weird?"


"There is just room for the two of us here."


At least Chiho has seen reports on the scene of the disaster.Thinking of the survivors who could not move their bodies at all and waited for several days to be rescued, not only could they survive, but there was even room for physical activity. It was a strange phenomenon beyond miracles.

"There should be several such places in this rubble. It seems that there are several magic enchantments. It must be something he did."

"Magic barrier?"

"Maybe no one has died. And the barrier that is farthest from here is less than fifty meters away. Maybe the loss is smaller than imagined." If Emi was talking to Chiho, it would be better to say Half is talking to himself.

"If it's true, I should thank him. The devil suddenly saved so many human lives. Is that what happened?"

"Is it Mr. Hantian?" Chiho didn't find Emi's pronunciation strange.

"Leaving the magic power to create these numbers of barriers for a moment, I really can't neglect it. It is estimated that this space is also made by the demon king."

"Is it here? Mr. Hantian made it?"

"Yes. To save us. It's really hateful. Why do you want to save the brave as a demon king? I can't make the protective barrier of holy magic in an instant, don't I seem to be a self-centered bad person." Darkness Emi in the middle vented in a self-deprecating tone.

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