Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 774

"I don't need it. There is nothing worse than... being worried by the enemy."

"That's it, well, that's it." Mu Hantian smiled awkwardly.

"Well, forget it, please go back to me as soon as the matter is finished."

"You don't need to say that I can do it too." Hui Mei walked back quickly.

"Wait a minute, Huimei."

But Huimei would not even stop in order to leave this place as soon as possible.

"The stairs on the second floor, if it's boat shoes..."

The information that Mu Hantian should convey was not finished at the end.

"Ah!" The only voice of Hui Mei that Mu Hantian heard was this.

"Because you can slip, be careful." At the end of the "commotion", Mu Hantian finally said this sentence.

Ashiya, who had just woke up wearing a sweatshirt, opened the cabinet containing the first aid kit with a sullen face.

In a corner of the room, Emi, who didn't know where to release her emotions and trance, sat on the sofa.

" can be said to be an illusion. The hero Emilia, who almost "forced" His Royal Highness into a desperate situation, actually fell off the stairs of the apartment and fell all over her body...This actually hurt His Royal Highness. Fame."

The wound on the forehead that was treated last night also cracked, and blood began to appear through the gauze.It seems necessary to get a new one.But Ashiya showed the demon lord the contents of the first aid kit with a troubled expression.

"Only first aid adhesive plaster. I haven't bought anything like bandages."

"Because I didn't expect to suffer such a serious injury, nor did I think about buying bandages and gauze. Hey, Ashiya, although it is a bit troublesome, go to the drug bureau in front of the station to buy gauze and bandages. It's already time to open the door. I still don't want to be criticized by this guy."


Ashiya, who was wearing the sweatshirt when he woke up, made the sound of leaving on his bicycle.

Mu Hantian glanced at Huimei and said, "Then, before things arrive, they can only be disinfected first. Wash them with water and then use disinfectant'liquid'..."

Mu Hantian wringed out the wet "wool" towel and sat forward. Huimei recovered her senses and grabbed the "wool" towel from Mu Hantian's hand.

"Don't, don't touch me! I'm not a child anymore, I will do it myself!"

"Well, it's impolite. You can do whatever you want. The tissue is there."

When I wiped it with a paper towel soaked in a disinfectant "liquid", Emi just felt very sad.

"Does it hurt?"

"Not at all!"

Because of Mu Hantian's random words, Hui Mei really threw the disinfectant "liquid" bottle with the lid open.

"It's dangerous! What are you doing!"

"It's so noisy! What are you doing! You are the Demon Lord! If you are the Demon Lord, do something cruel in this world like the Demon Lord!"

"Huh? Why did you say that suddenly?" Mu Hantian was really surprised not knowing what Huimei was trying to say.

Huimei's shouting did not stop."What! I have never heard of a devil who is very rich but still works in a fast food restaurant and is admired by high school girls at the same time!"

"Uh... if you want to say that, even I have never seen a brave who is crying and being healed by a demon after stepping on a stairway!"

"I haven't seen it either! The demon king who sent his subordinates to the "Pharmacy" bureau for the brave! And the demon general who bought it immediately!"

"Uh, even if... even if you say that..."

Huimei didn't know how to deal with this turbulent feeling, and roared like a child: "Why are you so gentle to me!"

Huimei's yelling reached Mu Hantian.

"Why should you be so gentle to me, to humans, and to the world! Why, why can you be so gentle to me!"

"If you can be gentle... why... why...!"

Regardless of her tears, Huimei shouted, "Why kill my father!"

Emi gasped and sobbed.Mu Hantian stood silently all the time.

"The devil I am chasing should be cruel and only treat human life as an ant, his favorite being full of sadness and blood!"


"It is the devil Satan who burns down farmland with flames, destroys cities with thunder and lightning, washes streets with floods, and condones all cruel behaviors of monsters! Even if you die, I won't forgive you! Take away my father's home and father's farmland , Father's life and all my peaceful life, you and I will never forgive you like this!"

"Hemi, I..."

"But...why...why does the demon lord want to...the demon lord should be so gentle to the brave..."

"All in all, that, I'm sorry. I can't tell you many things. If I can do it, I promise you that if I have the power... I will help you resurrect your father."

Huimei did not answer.He just didn't answer, his crying face opened his mouth in a daze, staring at the man's face in front of him.

Huimei didn't intend to deduce anything, but she didn't expect such a reaction at all.The fact that she was panicked in front of Mu Hantian made her face flushed immediately, and she turned her back because of her shame.

"Excuse me..." The moment the entrance door was opened with a familiar voice.

The two looked at the entrance in surprise, where Chiho was frozen as if being led by Ashiya from the open door, just looking at Maou and Emi in the room.

Ashiya also never expected that the two of them were in this state, and was stunned by keeping the door open.

Wearing a navy blue sailor suit, Chiho is holding a paper bag with the logo of the Japanese confectionery shop in Shinjuku Department Store printed on it.

"Well, that, I met Miss Sasaki who wanted to see His Royal Highness..."

Ashiya was just holding the bag from the "Pharmacy Bureau" and after saying this, Chiho didn't grasp the paper bag that fell in his hand after a moment of daze.

Chiho staggered back."Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

"Chi, Chiho..."

"Sure enough, that, Mr. Hantian and Ms. Yuzuo are like this." Chiho's knees trembled.Although there was no emotion in his eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched with a strong smile.

"It's not like this, Xiao Qian, this is..."

"Little Qian, please, calm down..."

"Hug, sorry..."

He didn't listen to Huimei and Mu Hantian's explanations before they landed, they turned around and ran out quickly.

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