Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 777

"Don't panic. Let's chase."


"Wait a minute! Was it a bluff just now?"

Taking advantage of the hidden place in the alley, Mu Hantian and Huimei fled the two people above.But the blood stains from Ashiya that they carried on their shoulders remained on the ground bit by bit.Maybe it will be tracked.

"That's not the case, just because Chiho is in their hands, I can't fight well."

The flower pots in front of the nearby courtyard made a terrible noise and exploded to pieces.

"I was attacked!"

"Look at it and you will know it!"

Unable to even look back at the sky behind, Hui Mei jumped into the shadow of the telephone pole, and Mu Hantian hid under the eaves of the residential house.But just like that, if she hides her head while holding the tall Ashiya, she will show her ass.

"Where did the motivation just now go!"

With the loud sound of Lucifer falling like thunder, the huge magic ball hit Mu Hantian's house directly.

"Cut..." Mu Hantian now has no good way, so he can only keep avoiding.

"Why, why do you want to do things..." Huimei looked at Lucifer, who had involved this world without hesitation, was very surprised.

"Hurry up!"

Mu Hantian didn't even show the appearance of fighting. He picked up Ashiya, desperately trying to escape.

"Don't run away!" Lucifer aimed at Mu Hantian who was running away, using his fingers to make a gun shape.


When Huimei saw this, before she could scream, Mu Hantian was pierced through her shoulders and lay on the ground with Ashiya.

"Are you okay?" Hui Mei jumped out from the shadows, hiding Mu Hantian and Ashiya behind her, staring at Lucifer.

"Huh? Emilia, are you protecting His Royal Highness?"

Lucifer let out a mocking laugh, but Megumi was not fooled by this provocation.

"Lucifer, you haven't used your skills yet, have you?"

Time must be delayed to see the situation clearly.Ashiya was dying, and Mu Hantian would definitely not be able to become a fighting force.More importantly, it is necessary to consider the personal safety of Chiho, who is held by Lucifer, and cannot recklessly attack.

"So what." Lucifer did not deny Huimei's words.

"Whether it is a magic ball or a command, you who fought with me are not at the same level as you are now."

"To ruin you now, that's enough."

Huimei didn't miss the slightest pause."A rebellious character who is calm will definitely lose."

"In short, you can't show your true ability here either. And..."

For some reason, Alba followed Lucifer slowly.

"You can't waste it anymore. By the way, even if the fallen priesthood is different from Lucifer, if there is an evil means to restore it, it won't be so hard."

Alba should have heard it, but said nothing.

"But, I also have the limits of patience. The brave Emilia is not naive enough to do nothing."

"What's the plan? You can't escape, right?" Lucifer "showed" a calm smile.

"What are you laughing at? It's disgusting! It's not a joke! It's me who wants to kill the devil!"

"Hurry up, now I can be ruined with Emilia. Because I have to leave the power to control the gate." Alba said, taking out something like a pistol from his robe.

Huimei opened her eyes wide and watched.Pistols and the like are certainly not Ander Isla’s weapons.In other words, I don't know if Lucifer or Alba got it from this world.

Chapter 901 Tactics

The sniper incidents aimed at Mu Hantian and Huimei, as well as the continuous street robber incidents, are all supported by Alba.

During Ander Isla’s travels, he was respected by everyone as a great priest as a great priest. Using the power of the heavens and the smile of a loving father, he continued to relieve Emilia from the pain of their journey. Someone in the skin of the man's skin is now facing him with a weapon from another world.Emi is Emilia gritted her teeth because of grief and regret.

What is it that makes Alba like this?

The dirty priest didn't care about the thoughts in Huimei's heart, and aimed his gun at Huimei and the fallen Mu Hantian.

At this time, Huimei heard many police sirens coming from a distance.The fire police started to search this area, right?Although they came here, whether it was Mu Hantian or Lucifer, they all attracted the attention of many people.It is natural to be notified.But if Lucifer is the opponent, the damage will increase.

"Lucifer! If you delay, you will increase the number of witnesses!"

"Alba, you are too timid. If you increase it, let it decrease."

Huimei shuddered.With Lucifer's dangerous words, the magic suddenly increased.

"What do you want and do!"

"A "mysterious" general terrorist explosion, houses collapsed, and many victims. That's the point based on the common sense of this country." Lucifer "showed" an evil smile.

"But the devil will never recover."

Huimei immediately looked to the side, and a light passed by.

"Goo, Ga!" The moan came from behind Huimei.

"The Devil!"

Lucifer's bullet penetrated Mu Hantian's chest.A black hole opened in Mu Hantian's chest, and the hand supporting Ashiya lost his strength, and Ashiya's body was thrown to the ground.

"Devil! Devil! Cheer up!" Emi slapped Maou's cheek, but she couldn't move after twitching.

"A lie! A lie! How could this be, Devil! You are going to be defeated by me, how can you!"

I was lying down and wanted to have a heart massage, but I was so surprised looking at my chest being penetrated.The place where the human heart is is indeed penetrated.There is no way to recover him.

Seeing Huimei and Mu Hantian like this, Lucifer "showed" a satisfied smile.

"It's useless anymore. The girl will give it back to you." As he said, he threw Chiho into the air like throwing confetti.

"Chiho!" Emi raised her face wet with tears, and slid to the landing point in a panic.


The fragile human body was easily broken just because it caught the girl who fell from a few meters above.Emi, who had slipped under Chiho, bent her feet in an impossible direction.

Lucifer, who watched this situation from a long distance, "exposed" a sadistic smile.

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