Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 781

"So, what to do, the situation nearby."

"What to do. The demon general who has lost his magic power is really useless at all."

Lucifer became completely honest, only because Mu Hantian had absorbed Lucifer's magic.

"That, that..."

It was Chiho who "cut in" the words tremblingly there.There was no obvious injury, and Chiho was fine except for being exhausted by Lucifer's negative emotions.

Therefore, he asked Mu Hantian with a very incredible expression."Although it is strange to ask about this kind of thing until now..."

"What's wrong, Xiaoqian."

"Everyone...this is...what's going on."

For this extremely reasonable question, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

"Um... I'm embarrassed to be asked again, I, being a demon king in another world. It's hard to believe it." Mu Hantian scratched his head and said as if he was really shy.(You shy ghost.)

"It's not like that! And Mr. Hantian has done a great job, didn't I see it. Then, that's it."

The direction of Chiho's finger was the motionless crowd of onlookers and fallen vehicles that were sealed by the magic barrier.

"Okay. But it's not such a great thing."

"His Majesty, although humility is a virtue in Japan, I said that I can't be more open-minded." Ashiya murmured from the side.

"Although this guy is a demon, I am a human being. Ah, half an angel." Emi said seriously.

Chiho laughed.

"What are you doing Chiho!"

"Yes, I'm sorry! But, but, it always feels strange."

"Hey, are you a mixed-blood with an angel? This is the first time I heard it." Mu Hantian was also a little surprised.

"What are you going to say so far. Although it is the devil, what do you think of me?" Hui Mei exposed Mu Hantian who said such funny things.

Unable to bear it, Chiho's laughter grew louder for a moment.

"But, devil, angel, and more...Aha, I just think it is such an amazing existence that is so overhead, as far as it is, from me, so, so close..."

Although Chiho was smiling because she insisted on speaking, she choked in the middle of speaking.Emi hurriedly stroked her back.

"Chiho, have you calmed down?"

"Yes, yes, sorry."

Emi leaned closer to Chiho's ear, who finally stopped laughing.

"Hello? So Mu Hantian and I have absolutely no special relationship, don't worry."

"You, Miss Yuzu..."

Emi, who had solved the misunderstanding, stroked her chest down.Looking at this scene, Mu Hantian and Ashiya couldn't help laughing.

Chapter 904 The Brave's Companion

"By the way, aren't we discussing the issue of Lucifer? Why are we pulling further and further." Mu Hantian suddenly realized at this moment.

"Yes, then what do you say, Devil. He is your subordinate after all."

"Well... let him pay off for the time being, um. Go and sweep the street." Mu Hantian made a decision.

"No, Your Highness!" Lucifer was crying.

" hurts. What's going on? Why doesn't everything move?"

"Please don't ask me~ Is it a magic barrier or something else~"

"Who is standing there?"

"Looks like Emilia..."

"Where is it buried?"

"It's Alba."

Amelia’s friend, emperor Albert Ender, who understands the plans of the Dafa God Church, and Emerald Emerald Aitva, the holy Irish imperial court wizard in the Western Continent.The two followed the tracks of Lucifer and Alba through the gate, and arrived at Sasazuka exactly at this time.

"So what is this? You are the Demon King Satan?"

A dark man in his thirties who surpasses Ashiya's physique.Neat white hair, white beard and dark skin are most characteristic of the golden pupils.

Albert crossed his arms and looked down at Mu Hantian.In order to emphasize the muscles of the whole body, wearing a slender black leather suit, standing with Mu Hantian is like the gap between a wrestler and a middle school student.

"Are you Arciere~?"

Amirada is a short stature.The turquoise "colored" short hair with curly tips fluttered gently, and the pupils of the same "color" as her hair looked up at Ashiya.

Wearing a robes similar to the vestments worn by Alba, but compared to Alba’s simplicity, her gorgeous "color" tone is dyed with red "color" and orange "color", with gold silk embroidered on the back of the Holy Irish Empire National emblem.Neither of them carried anything that looked like a weapon.

"Hi, I am the devil." Mu Hantian nodded and said.

"It's not good, what should I do, Aimi. I didn't expect to face the devil suddenly, so there is no stamina left."

"Such words~ I think it's better not to speak in front of the enemy."

"Really? Is it so? No, I'm gaffe." Albert grinned with his white teeth showing while scratching the back of his head.

Chiho, who had been silent since the two appeared, seemed to have discovered something when he heard Albert's laugh, and pointed to the giant man.

"Mr. Hantian! The telepathic voice I heard is this voice!"

"Huh? Miss, did you hear my idea of ​​giving it away?"

The topic that had been off-track ran in a very strange direction, but Emi hurriedly stopped.

"Anyway, everyone, it's also to sort out each other's situation. Let's talk calmly now. Alciere, go to where you live. Besides, there is no need to say it here."

"What! How could it be possible to entertain the hero's partner in Demon King City..."

To Huimei who continued to talk more casually than anyone else, Ashiya gritted her teeth, but was stopped by Mu Hantian.

"I see. Ashiya, this is an emergency. Let them go together."

As for Mu Hantian's words, Ashiya could only nodded reluctantly.

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