Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 804

Qiyuan loudly stopped Mu Hantian who wanted to hang up while saying that.

"Wait a minute. Is it okay to say that? That Qiande Chicken—though I'm sorry, it's not easy."


From the other end of the phone came the sound of khaki moving the mouse.The sound quality is unexpectedly clear.

"The name of the store manager is Sarue Sanyue, and the store name is Hatagaya Station Front Store, right?"

"That's right."

"That Sarue Sanyue, according to the company's roster, is 180 centimeters tall and played rugby as a student. Is this someone who feels like this?"

"Huh? You are right? No matter how tall you are, the short shop manager who is about the same height as you is more like a guy who botched a conversation in a dance hall than playing football."

"Is this to say that I am also a dwarf? Anyway, after reading the personnel management form of Chitokuji Shibuya office, there is only this person in the office under the jurisdiction of the rare name Sarue."

"Also. The original Sarue clan seems to belong to the advertising department. The person registered as the store manager in front of Hatagaya Station is a man named Tanaka, and she is "sex"."

"What!" Could it be that Chiho and the others...

"Just a little bit, do you have the convenient skills to find the person's location by mobile phone number?"

"What are you doing suddenly? I think there will be something to look for."

"Is there any!" Mu Hantian couldn't help but complain.

"Nothing right now. This kind of thing takes a lot of time to analyze. I didn't know if this broken computer could work..."

"I'm so sorry, broken computer!"

What's this to say about things bought with other people's money?

"But, do you want to know whose location is?"

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Mu Hantian was puzzled.

"I probably know where Emilia is."

"I secretly put a gps transmitter for track measurement and recording in that guy's bag."

"When did you put it in?"

"The morning before yesterday. It's a trivial matter. In order not to'expose' immediately, it was installed under the cushion at the bottom of the bag."

Although it was an indirect answer, Mu Hantian remembered that the things that Huimei poured out when Huimei fell down the apartment's stairs were sorted by Urushihara.

"So where is Emi now?"

"Wait a minute."

After some sounds of "manipulating" keyboard and mouse...

"What is this?" Urushihara called out unexpectedly for some reason.

"what happened?"

"From the crossroads between our home and McGraw, I pierced the building and moved in a straight line. It seems to be a trajectory flying in the air."

"Where to go?"

To this question, Urushihara simply replied: "Tokyo Metropolitan "Government". The GPS signal has always stayed in the first office building of Tokyo Metropolitan "Government"."

"That's it. It's enough to know this. It's rare, very useful, praise you."

"It's so rare and superfluous."

"Don't complain, I'm going to save people quickly. Don't come, stay at home." Mu Hantian hung up the phone.

Mu Hantian breathed deeply, as if choked by various smells in the staff lounge, patted his face to cheer him up.

"If you really just stop by to play, you can't just let Emi go."

"Sorry, I want to go out a bit."

"Huh? Where are you going?"

Mu Hantian was speechless for a moment, but immediately answered seriously."Go and get rid of the obtrusive."

"Although I don't know what I'm talking about... Ah, wait for Mr. Han Tian!"

Mu Hantian ignored the clerk's pursuit and ran out.Then he rode his bicycle and started running.

Chapter 922 The Archangel Sally

"Huh... can't you let the angel fall to heaven..." The cross floating in the air'shot' purple light.Looking up at Emi who was tied to it, the perverted bandit sickle messenger muttered.

Standing next to him was Suzuno who also looked up at Emi.

Because of the strong wind, Huimei's hair fluttered with the wind, and she stared down at the two even though she was tired.

Above the head is a huge crescent moon that is impossible on the earth, showing Hymi, no, the whole picture of the first office building of Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

On the roof apron of Shinjuku's first office building closest to the moon and sky, it is a quiet world that is completely inaccessible to the noise of the city at night.

"Stop making trouble... Give up."

Being tied up like a saint waiting for the verdict, surrounded by purple light again and again, the holy magic energy in Emi's body almost disappeared.

Sure enough, the purple "color" of the perverted sickle messenger seemed to have the power to dissipate the holy magic energy.

It seemed that the guy's goal was the "Evolution Sacred Sword and Wing" that Emi possessed, but only the Celestial Silver that produced the Sacred Sword in response to the holy magic aura, stayed in Emi's body no matter how much purple light was applied.

"Although I don't particularly want to resist, if I can, shall I start again?"

As a brave who defeated the Demon King, Emi’s power was recognized. Although the church used ancestral holy spells to inadvertently allow Tianyin to stay in this body, it has not yet considered how Tianyin is stored in her body. .

"Evolution Sacred Sword·Pian Wing" was originally an entity with a metallic texture like a forged weapon, but the evil-breaking garment was only entwined with light, without entity.

So there was a question of whether the composition of the evil-breaking clothes was Tianyin.

Although it was an ability that was used for granted until now to defeat the Demon King, it was the first time I knew it was a power of unknown origin after falling into this situation.

"Don't make trouble, give up, let go of me and Chiho quickly." Emi groaned weakly.

Behind the perverted sickle messenger and Suzuno, Chiho was still in a coma, lying down with his hands tied behind his back.

"It's not like that. I expect this cute little girl to have various effects."

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