Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 813

Lucifer, who claims to be Urushihara Hanzo and lives a life of nothing for nothing in Demon King City, naturally treats these complaints as deaf ears.

"It's okay, Mr. Hantian. Because I know Mr. Urushihara is such a person." Chiho smiled, but his words were stingy.

Because in the event that Chiho knew of Mu Hantian's true identity, she was stunned by the enemy at the time.

After being admitted to Mu Hantian, Chiho stayed in front of the computer from morning to night. Forget it, he didn’t even help with housework and lived a life like a parasite. To such a Ushihara, Chiho treated each other coldly.

Mu Hantian smiled bitterly, and patted her on the shoulder gently with the meaning of comforting Chiho.

"Well, thank you so much."

"Uh...ah, ah, yes, no thanks."

At this moment, Chiho's cheeks flushed like the heat.

Although Chiho had already expressed to Mu Hantian that he had a good feeling for him, because Mu Hantian did not have to answer, this confession was in fact still pending.

Of course, he can understand that Mu Hantian is not someone who can answer lightly, so he can adjust his mood according to the current situation.

But because of Mu Hantian's unconscious action, he was shocked, and his heart beat faster several times.

"Ah, by the way, Suzuno-san and Suzuno-san are also together...Huh?"

Chiho wanted to confuse her blushing heartbeat, and talked to Suzuno who had come back together, but she put her head out of the door and looked back and forth without seeing Suzuno's figure.

"It seems that Suzuno went out immediately after coming?"

"Yes, is that true?"

"Strawberries, matcha, and mint... what is this, pumpkin? Great!"

"Ah, Mr. Urushihara! Leave me Miss Suzuno's share!"

Hearing the noise of Urushihara, Chiho looked outside and hurried back indoors.

"Huh—Bell has a share—?"

Urushihara clearly "exposed" his dissatisfaction.Chiho puffed up his face and grabbed the ice cream from Urushihara, who was holding several ice creams by himself.

"If you don't keep it, I won't give it to you! You plan to eat a few by yourself! It will ruin your stomach!"

"Don't treat me like a child! Although it looks like this, it's actually hundreds of times older than you!"

"Even if he lives for a long time, Mr. Urushihara is still a child! Or a primary school student is more sensible!"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing." Mu Hantian mediated it tactfully, and took the small refrigerator to Ashiya.

"You can only take one at a time, and just keep the rest. Just give Suzuno vanilla."


Ashiya took it respectfully, saluted Chiho again, and carefully put the ice cream in the refrigerator one by one.

"Eh-only one?"

Urushihara held the strawberry-flavored ice cream and looked at those put in the refrigerator pitifully.

"Enough, what Bell's part—that guy is the enemy—?"

"Lu Xi? Fa? First born!"

"What are you doing? Sasaki Chiho! She is also an enemy to you! In every sense!"

Because of Urushihara's words, the heat on Chiho's face revived.

"Yes, an enemy! But even an enemy is a friend!" Chiho resolutely asserted.

"Huh? What is this—"

"This is this, that is that! I don't even know such things, Mr. Urushihara is really a kid."

"Yeah-I am a child so I don't know. The woman who is jealous of the enemy doesn't understand at all!"

Urushihara, who was childishly retorting Chiho, groaned because of the sudden impact on his head.

"That's the end of Urushihara. If you guy utters a wild word to Sasaki-san of Great Endance, the strawberry flavor will be confiscated, and the network will be cut off!"

The tearful Urushihara raised his eyes, just in time to see Ashiya looking down at him with a devil expression.

"You who eat plain rice, squander savings, and don't help with housework, are you terrible."

Looking at Ashiya's "color", Urushihara's "color" stiffened, and he took a step back

"I see... Really, Ashiya was tamed by a female high school student."

Urushihara murmured and "kneaded" his beating head, still holding the strawberry-flavored ice cream tightly, and retreated listlessly to the fixed computer desk.

"Okay, you can finish this with peace of mind." Mu Hantian smiled and shook his head, then...

"Master...Run!" Xiaoguang's anxious voice came in his mind.

Chapter 928: Dongcheng Gengxizi

"Mr. Hantian, behind you...!"

"Behind?" Mu Hantian hurriedly turned around, something like a black hole was slowly forming, emitting a strong suction.

"Xiaoguang, what the hell is this?"

"This is the'turbulent' flow of space. Just now, I suddenly felt that the space here has become very unstable. This is definitely not accidental."

"Are you saying this was done on purpose?"

As Mu Hantian retreated, he used magic power to prop up the barrier to protect Chiho.

"Absolutely artificial. Master, now you have two choices. The first is that you walk in, because this is for you, so..."

"I see, what is the second option?"

"The second option is to leave this world, but relatively, this world will be destroyed."

"You can't do this, it seems I can only choose the first one."

"But master, if you go in, there is a 90% chance that you will "sex" die, there is a 9% chance that "sex" will go to another world, and there is a 1% chance that "sex" will survive."

"Enough, even if it's only one percent of the possibility of'sex', I can't give up a world. Xiaoguang, sort these things out for me, and then..."


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