Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 818

"Haha." Dongchengxun laughed dryly.

"Why don't you do this, how about you take Mio around the neighborhood? First, explain to her yesterday's misunderstanding, and then let her familiarize with the surrounding environment." Dongchengxun suggested.

"Are you an idiot? Mio is too late to guard me now, how could he go shopping alone with me?" Mu Hantian said helplessly.

"Anyway, just leave it to me." Dongchengxun said confidently.


The sun is now westward.Mu Hantian was riding a bicycle.In order to get acquainted with the environment around the new home earlier, I deliberately went to the surroundings to stroll around.

"In the evening, the weather is much cooler."

The voice is small but not talking to himself.Mio was still sitting on the shelf behind.

"Why are you looking for me..." Naruse Mio grumbled dissatisfiedly while hugging Mu Hantian's waist on the shelf behind.

Riding with a girl, and it's still super huge, the "tit" should be the expansion of the heartbeat for men, but it is actually this kind of discordant riding.

"Don't say that... I'm not familiar with this neighborhood, but you come here often."

The high school Mio attended is near his new home.Therefore, I tried to invite Mio when I went out.If it is convenient, can you lead a way?Although I understood that what happened in the morning was Valeria's prank, the awkward atmosphere could not be easily eliminated.Mio showed an expression of blatant disgust, and kept groaning, but finally accepted the invitation and went shopping with Mu Hantian.

"Hey, Hanten, are you really going to transfer to our school?" asked Mio Naruse, who was sitting behind.

"Well, where is the person I want to meet." Mu Hantian replied in a daze. Naruse Mio looked behind her face, thinking that Mu Hantian was talking about her. In fact, the person Mu Hantian wanted to meet was Hasegawa Chiri, who was praised. It is Aphria, one of the ten gods of the God Realm, and there is a mixture of watchers of the Devil Realm.

His idea of ​​transferring schools was to protect Mio Narase, because he knew that those who followed Mio Narase and others had made up to deceive Dongseong. Dongseong also pretended to believe their words and looked at Mio Narase and they thought they were deceiving. I'm speechless after passing the Dongcheng News.

I want to fool Dongchengxun and their skills are not enough, even if Mu Hantian doesn't know the plot, they can tell that they are lying, let alone the old fox of Dongchengxun.

Mio snorted behind him, and didn't say whether there was any dissatisfaction. The bicycle was slowly moving forward on the street that was red by the setting sun.

Because they were asked to buy some ingredients while strolling around, Mu Hantian and Miao came to the supermarket.

"Bought a lot..."

Because I just moved into my new home, I eventually bought a lot of ingredients and seasonings.

"I'll go and push the bike over first. These things look heavy, so you can just push it to the door with a trolley."

"Well, good." Min nodded.

Mu Hantian walked out of the store first.When I came to the parking lot, "insert" the key into the car lock and open it.Then push the bicycle to the entrance of the supermarket.Miao was immediately found among the crowded people.

At this time, Mu Hantian frowned.Mio was surrounded by four young people who looked like rascals.

A young hippy smiled and stretched out his hand to his shoulders, was pushed aside and stared at each other.

"Don't touch me. If you dare to touch me, I will smash you into pieces! Right, Hantian!"

The four people in front of him still surrounded Miao with hippie smiles, without any intention to leave.

"Does it matter if you surround a girl like this?"

"Huh? Who are you?"

"Me? I'm the girl's brother."

"Huh... so what?" The young man closest to Mu Hantian was chewing gum and walked towards him with his head tilted.I don't know whether it is threatening or provocative, making an unpleasant expression.

"I advise you to leave as soon as possible."

"Boy, who do you think you are!"

"I've already said it." Mu Hantian said coldly, and at the same time he lifted the handle of the bicycle up.The front wheel of the bicycle was raised high,


When the attention of the young man in front of him was attracted and raised his head, the falling front wheel hit him heavily.Hit the target.The young man snorted and fell backward.

It happened suddenly and everyone present stayed there.

Mu Hantian used smooth movements to stand up the bracket of the bicycle, and quickly walked past the remaining three youths to Miao's side, protecting her behind him.

"You bastard--!"

The young people who had already understood the situation came over eagerly.Mu Hantian didn't care, rushed over quickly and punched them all.

"Ouch." The three little gangsters clutched their stomachs and fell on the ground constantly groaning.

"Hey, don't be in a daze, let's go!"

"Huh? Huh?"

Holding the "confused" Miao in one hand, he took the eco-bag in the other and ran towards the bicycle.

What we have to do now is to leave here as soon as possible. Although there are only four punks, who knows if there are any accomplices?

Tuck the eco-friendly bag into the basket in front of the car,

"Grab it!"

Mio sat down in the back and started to advance at full speed.Simultaneously,


Something soft on the bike.Probably the young man who was knocked down by the front wheel of the car.But, sorry, there is no time to control you now.

Mu Hantian stood and stepped on the pedal with all his strength, trying to evacuate from here quickly.The bicycle drove the two on the street.

"It's all here, there should be no problem..."

After riding at full strength, the breathing rate increased slightly, and sweat leaked from his forehead.At this time,

"Sorry. Because of me..."

The voice of Mio from behind contained admiration.Mi leaned his forehead on Mu Hantian's back.Mu Hantian turned his head and saw Miao's face through his shoulder.

Maybe it was because of the trouble that he caused but he felt guilty for involving Mu Hantian in it, Miao's expression looked painful with his eyes down.

"Well, let's go a little bit farther before going back. I'll take you to a place."

"Where are you taking me? Don't you want to do something to me, right?" Min watched, looking at Mu Hantian's eyes as if Mu Hantian was a lure or wolf who abducted an ignorant girl.

"How come, you have to believe me." After Mu Hantian finished speaking, he began to ride and hit the handle of the car in the other direction.

It was dusk at this time.It should be the time to go now.

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