Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 828

Mu Hantian could only shook his head helplessly at Takikawa's joke.

Then he looked towards Mio: "Mio, I think Geng Xizi should be waiting at the door, you can go home with her, don't wait for me."

"I'm fine alone." Yuxi said in a cold voice."This matter was originally my job. Hantian doesn't need to help."

Mio felt the same way.This kind of chores was originally the work of the monitor.but……

"Okay, it's so decided, I'll help. Youxi will be busy until late by yourself, I don't worry. So Miao, you go back with Gengxizi."

"I see. Brother, you have to come back soon." Miao said with a slight smile.

"Don't worry, this kind of thing that you and I will be able to do soon." Mu Hantian smiled and patted Min on the shoulder, then "rubbed" and "rubbed" her hair before letting her leave.

By the way, that matter...

Seeing Miao's back, Mu Hantian suddenly remembered a plot. She seemed to be in the health room.

"Youxi, I have something to do. You go to the staff room by yourself." After speaking, Mu Hantian rushed out of the classroom. His goal was clear, that is, the health room.

When I came to the health room, the teacher in charge of health care was not there for some reason.The health committee was not there, and the beds were all vacant.There is no one.

After thinking about it, Mu Hantian decided to sit down and wait.After about three, the door of the health room was suddenly opened.

"This classmate, what are you doing here?" A woman in a white coat stood at the door and looked at Mu Hantian.Because Mu Hantian lowered her head, she did not see Mu Hantian's appearance.

"Come here." Mu Hantian raised his head and said lightly.

"It's you!" The visitor was shocked after seeing Mu Hantian clearly.

Chapter 941: Hasegawa Thousand Miles

"It's been a long time, are you okay?" As if seeing an old friend, Mu Hantian greeted the people.

"What do you think?"

The female "sex" has a beautiful face, a good figure, and a great temperament.All aspects are very moving.The Xiong Department is bigger than Min, and the man's tone and the charming voice match when she speaks, highlighting her femininity and enchanting charm.The fluttering of the white coat accompanied by the walking posture seemed very generous.

"Sorry, Hasegawa, I was also forced at that time. If you want to terminate the contract, just kill me."

Mu Hantian smiled bitterly.

In fact, Mu Hantian is also very distressed.But without Hasegawa Thousand Miles, Mu Hantian's power would not be able to slowly recover.

On the night of a full moon three years ago, Mu Hantian went out to buy things, which was cheating.Originally, Mu Hantian had bought everything and was about to go home, but on the way he met Chiri Hasegawa. Because of her special sex, the system forced her to sign a master-servant contract with her.Of course, the master is Mu Hantian, this is beyond doubt.Then, because of Hasegawa's rebellious psychology, Mu Hantian was scammed by the system and opened a room, xxooting her.

"Kill it? Forget it, I'm used to it. And you take away my important things, so that you won't die so easily. Besides, who will protect Geng Xizi after you die." Holding the glasses, Hasegawa Chisato said indifferently.

"That's what you think. If you want to cancel the contract, you can come to me anytime." With a sigh, Mu Hantian was about to leave.

Suddenly Mu Hantian's cell phone rang.

The phone screen showed that the other party was Takikawa.Press the answer button,

"Han Tian, ​​where are you now?"

"I'm in the health room now, and I feel a little sick, but Hasegawa-sensei is helping me see it."

"Well, that's good... Don't worry about Sakazaki's affairs. Me and Nonaka will do it."

"Well, trouble you."

"it's OK."

"Thanks then. I apologize to You Xi and the teacher...well, please." After speaking, Mu Hantian hung up the phone.

"Then I will go first."

"Wait a minute!" Just as Mu Hantian was about to leave, Hasegawa suddenly grabbed his hand.

"what happened?"

"Because I saw you... that contract... has started again... so... I..." Hasegawa hesitated, but Mu Hantian still understood what she wanted to say.

"No problem? Here."

"It's okay, no one will come at this time."

"Okay, but let me call home first." After speaking, Mu Hantian took out his mobile phone and dialed Wanliya's number, telling her to go back later.then……

"Got it. Then I will pick you up later."

Then Mu Hantian hung up the phone.

"Then... come on." "Lu" gave a wry smile, and Mu Hantian closed the door of the health room and locked it, and then pulled Hasegawa Qianli into his arms.

"Sorry." After that, Mu Hantian kissed Hasegawa Qianli's red lips without hesitation, and then slowly threw her onto the bed in the health room.(Ahem, I can’t write anymore.)


The air in the health room is unique.It is so soft that it makes people feel very comfortable, and it is the most calming atmosphere in the school.

Beside Hasegawa lying on the bed, Mu Hantian was already awake.

Looking outside, it was already night after the sun had set.After looking at the time,

"It's eight o'clock... It's time to go."

Mu Hantian scratched his cheek.At this time, I saw Hasegawa on the bed still sleeping quietly,

Let her sleep for a while, I should go now.

After making a decision, Mu Hantian got out of bed gently, put on his underwear, and quietly left the health room.

"Hey, Malia, you can come and pick me up."

"Brother, Master Miao has come to pick you up."

"Really, then I'll wait for her at the school gate."

Mu Hantian twisted his neck and walked slowly down the corridor.

In Xia Ye's teaching building-in the slightly hot air, Mu Hantian walked towards the canteen.Even when people fall asleep, they consume the water in the body.Especially in this season, it is easy to get heatstroke or dehydration.Mu Hantian just felt thirsty, and by the way, he had to prepare something for Hasegawa, who had not yet woken up, so he planned to buy some drinks.

The commissary is closed.Of course no one.But there are lights.The light from the vending machine placed in the corner of the commissary illuminates the dim commissary.

"It seems there is no problem..."

Probably for faculty who will stay late.Mu Hantian bought two bottles of sports drinks from the vending machine that was still working.

When I was about to leave—suddenly, all my surroundings were hidden in the darkness of night. The lights of the vending machine suddenly went out.

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