Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 834

"After listening to Youxi's report, it is you who volunteered to participate in this task. Please, don't mix personal feelings in this and cause the task to fail."

"You don't need to tell me this kind of thing!" Gao Zhi said.

"If you want to eliminate Naruse Mio, you won't be merciful to those who get in the way. Even Keikoko is the same!"

"Me too. Now there is no reason to hesitate to her."

There is not the slightest "confusion" in Walnut's words.Geng Xizi, she has already taken the absolutely wrong path-since the day that'that tragedy' happened five years ago, she has been...

"Okay. What you think is your own business, and I don't mean to interfere. This time I'm just in charge of monitoring. It's you. I'm just a bystander."

"Then let's go now. As a brave clan who protects this world, let's fulfill our mission."

Spokane said.

"Go and destroy the guy who might become the demon king of the future."


The next day, Mu Hantian simply washed and left home. According to the agreement, he should also go to Chiho and the others.

I arrived at McGraw in the car and walked in to see that Chiho and the others were there.

"Han...Mr. Hantian. Where have you... been all these years?"

"Sorry Xiaoqian, I worried you. I... came back."

"His Royal Highness, I am so worried about you!"

"Sorry, sorry, I made everyone worried." Mu Hantian escaped from the Ashiya who rushed towards him, and Mu Hantian gave a wry smile.

"Who is worried about you, really!"

"Eh, Huimei, didn't you and Suzuno return to Ande Isla?" Mu Hantian was a little surprised.

"His Royal Highness Han Tian, ​​we can't go back. Ander Isla has been destroyed." Suzuno bit her lip, a little sad.

"How come? Did that time-space storm happen because Ander Isla was destroyed?" Mu Hantian frowned, and a good world was destroyed like this?Somewhat incredible.

"Then what are your plans next?"

"We can only live in this world. And even if we find the man behind the scenes, what can we do to get revenge? Can we fight it?" Huimei was a little depressed, but what she said was true.but……

"Emi, you and Suzuno will be my thugs for now. As for revenge... leave it to me."

"I'll leave it to you..." Emi lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

"By the way, Xiaoqian, what are you doing now?"

"I'm the only one now." Chiho didn't know why, feeling sad.

"Xiaoqian, what's wrong with you?"

Ashiya explained in a low voice in Mu Hantian's ears, "Master Demon, that's the case. Master Chiho and her parents were killed. Although we found the murderer and helped her avenge her, her mental state has never been well."

"What! So many things happened after I left."

Mu Hantian sighed, looked at Chiho and said, "Xiao Qian, you will be with me from now on, and so will everyone. Come with me to your new home."

"Mr. Hantian...I...I'm just an ordinary person, completely..."

"Okay, Xiaoqian, I will let Allen teach you about fighting. At the same time, you can also learn magic with Huimei and others." Mu Hantian also thought a lot, and finally decided to take Chiho with him.

"Okay, that's it."


Chapter 948, Date Me

Xiaoqian and the others were brought to the vicinity of Mu Hantian's current home, where someone happened to be selling a house, so Mu Hantian directly let Sakuya buy it.

Then I took them to the door, the reason was that a good friend Mu Hantian had known before, met recently.

For the time being, things are a little over, Mu Hantian thought.but……

On the second day, when he entered the Shengban Academy during the lunch break, Mu Hantian was surrounded.

The location is behind the school building next to the unpopular atrium.Mu Hantian, whose back was against the exterior wall of the building, was blocked by more than a dozen male students standing side by side.Because Takikawa didn't come today, Mu Hantian, who went to the canteen alone during lunch break, was stopped in the corridor.

"It's Mu Hantian, right?"

After hearing this question like the detective who found the suspect, before Mu Hantian nodded, his arms were grabbed from both sides and brought here.For Mu Hantian, because there are things that need to be confirmed, it doesn't matter.

"Is there anything you are looking for me? I haven't eaten yet, so please hurry up." Mu Hantian had a headache.

Why did it become such a situation, in fact, there are speculations in my mind.Naruse Mio and Noaka Yuma.Mu Hantian's righteous sister and fiancée (probably so), who are also classmates, seem to be idol-like existences in this academy called "Princess Mio" and "Princess Yuxi" respectively.Mu Hantian, who has just come to this school, doesn't know much about the school, but listening to Takikawa's tone, it seems that they all have quite avid fans.

"You seem to be living with Princess Mio... You haven't done anything strange to her, have you?"

"I heard that you were hugged by our Princess Yuxi. Are you really her fiance?"

Mio and Yuxi asked two people who looked like the leaders of various factions.These words all hint at the strong recognition that Mio and Yuxi are the common property of all of us.

...By the way, such a guy really exists.

From the lively type to the serious type, from the weak type to the light type, the fans of Mio and Yuki are really colorful.But now they have the same idea.The hostile gaze that was being released towards him clearly explained this point.

Looking at the fanatical expressions of these boys, Mu Hantian was a little helpless. It seemed that he could only do something today, otherwise he would not be able to go out.

Mu Hantian sighed and took a step towards the young man in front of him. He hit his chin and knocked him out with a palm. At the same time, he swiped his fists at the bodies of the left and right. Charge forward when timid.

With the momentum of the opponent who finally came into action at this time, he threw it to the left, knocked over the two people in that direction, and then approached the remaining five people at the fastest speed, stepping on and standing. The knees of the stiff boy leaped up.

Kicked on the back of his head, took advantage of the force to fly forward, and landed behind the two bosses standing at the back, hitting the back of the head with a knife to make the two lose consciousness and finish the work.

Clapping his hands, Mu Hantian left with a relaxed expression.But as soon as I walked outside, I saw Mamoru Sakazaki, the head teacher who was coming.

"Are you all right, Han Tian?" Sakazaki Mamoru asked nervously.

Seeing his hypocritical expression, Mu Hantian was a little bored.Although I only watched the second part, I also know what kind of person it is.It is great to think that you are a so-called Protoss, but in fact it is just a spicy chicken.Mu Hantian is also ready to deal with him now.

"I'm fine, but the students inside need to calm down."

"I really can't handle this kind of thing. You will only make you more troublesome. Forget it, let me handle the rest." Sakazaki said with a wry smile.

Mu Hantian nodded.

'Goodbye.'Speaking, Sakazaki left along the corridor.

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