Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 839

After meeting Takashi Hayase and the others, Mu Hantian and Geng Xizi who returned home got in touch with Xun in the living room.

Xun, the parent of the Dongcheng family, is now sneaking into the demon world alone.It was said that he wanted to get in touch with someone, but was not told the details.

Xun’s cell phone is embedded with a special magic flake, although in the demon world, as long as some conditions on the place and time are met, it is possible to make a call like it is now.

"However, I didn't expect that the elders would actually let that Gongyi leave the'mountain village'..." After hearing Geng Xizi's explanation of the situation, Xun said in a rare and serious tone.

"However, it is said that Spoel's mission this time is only to supervise and will not participate in battle."

"Since letting that guy out, it must be to tie him a collar...but it's better to be careful."

"Ah, I will..."

"Hey, there is no way. There are people who take protecting the stability of the human world as their sole mission."

"Ahhh...I know this too. Even so, I still have something that I want to protect." Geng Xizi clenched his fist, his words full of firmness.

"Well, it is true. Although there is no meaning to deny the lofty "sex" of their mission, if you refuse to reconcile in any case, you can only have a fight with them happily."

"That's okay, dad?"

This is completely different from the situation of the demons of the modern demon king faction who focused on the power that Mio inherited.Although the identity has been expelled, the other party is a former partner and compatriot after all.What is even more troublesome is that for the brave people whose purpose is to protect the stability of this world, the power of Wilbert inherited by Mio is just a threat.

In other words, unlike the demons who want to use this power for their own use, Mio will be mercilessly punishable.Even if it defeated Takashi Hayase and the others this time, the possibility of "Sexuality" of "Yamamura" retracting the decision already made is very low.Maybe it will be considered as a very dangerous "sex", and a more powerful assassin will be sent.

--and.The brave family does not only exist in Japan.

The place where demons and monsters appeared is not only Japan.

It is not Japan that needs protection, but the world.Therefore, the brave clan divides the world into several regions, each responsible for guarding their own regions, and one of them is Japan.In other words, if you become an enemy of the "mountain village" of Japan, you will inevitably become an enemy of the brave people of the world.but……

"No problem. To protect Mio does not mean it will become like this."

On the other end of the phone, Xun said very simply.

"They expelled you from the village as an important surveillance object, intending to solve your problems when something goes wrong with you, and let me be the guy who monitors you. Now, what else is necessary? Do you want to explain the principles to them? Or... are you scared?"

"How is it possible, I also want to use my strength to protect my brother and everyone."

"That's right. Although I won't force you not to think about things after that, you are asking for too much. No matter how troubled you are, some things cannot be transferred by your will. Therefore, just First consider how to solve the immediate matter. At least, if you lose now, what will you lose, and if you win, what will you protect. This is something you absolutely cannot give up."

"I understand. Even without the power of my brother, I would never lose."

"Very good." Xun laughed.

"I'll wipe your ass for you. What if the other party holds the'White Tiger'-teach them a lesson."


There is still a week away from the final battle.However, if Keiko and the others continue as they do now, there is no doubt that they cannot defeat Hayase Takashi and others.

Therefore, training to improve combat effectiveness is undoubtedly necessary, but when time is limited, it is necessary to figure out the most effective way.

——For this, the first thing we must understand is the characteristics of the other party.

Mio and Maria already know that Yuki's skill type is an almighty swordsman who can use the sword "Saya" flexibly in mid- and close-range combat, but he is completely strange to Hayase Takashi and Walnut. .To fight those two people, you must first understand their situation.

In the clearing by the river where Mio used magic to drive away humans for training...

"First of all, Gao Zhi, he is the same speed type as me."

Geng Xizi began to explain to Min and Wan Liya about his former partner.

"The fighting style is a high-speed spearman. The main attack method is to use speed to "disrupt" the opponent while attacking when approaching the opponent. However, this was when I was a'mountain village'-already five years ago. ."

"You mean, is his current type likely to change?"

For Miao, who has been exposed to power knowledge for less than half a year, further explanation is needed.

Facing Min who frowned and asked, "No." Geng Xizi shook his head.

"That's impossible. I think Wanliya should already know that my natural aptitude has a great influence on the type of ability. Of course, it is possible to train the ability of other systems in the future, but it must be practiced to exceed the original system. The degree of possibility of "sex" is almost zero."


"Although I felt that my strength should be above him in the past, judging from the contact in the last confrontation, now the opponent's strength is probably above me... At least, Gao Zhi has the upper hand in strength. ."

"Why is it happening like that……"

"Please don't worry, Mio-sama. Even so, the opponent is only a speed type after all. Even if the strength is very strong, it can't be compared with the strength type I think."

Facing the uneasy Mio, Wan Liya raised her chest proudly and said.

"Yes. The magic method is also much stronger. The most important thing is the field you are good at. Don't worry too much about this question. Just find the most effective tactical combination from your own system. The magic power type-and it's higher level magic. Shi’s Miao, just focus on fighting with the enemy at a distance."


"Gekiko, you can tell us about the long spear in the hands of Takashi is a special spirit spear called'White Tiger'?" Maria quickly turned off the subject and pulled Mio Narase.

"It was originally one of the'Four Gods' of Chinese origin, as the holy beast that guards the West. The power of the'White Tiger' resides in the spirit gun. To be honest, the spirit gun is not hosted by the family. The'White Tiger'.

However, in Japan in the past, there were also "white tigers".In the era when Onmyoji was prevalent, some of the Onmyoji who were appointed to guard Kyoto deified the four gods and made artifacts as a medium for sacrifice.That spirit gun is one of them."

Having said that, if the weapon is too powerful, it will also restrict the user.There are also conditions and restrictions for the power of'White Tiger' to be used as a spirit gun.As long as this is used, it should still be a battle."Geng Xizi said patiently.

"Is it the holy beast that guards the West... Is it really difficult to deal with an attack facing the West?"

Geng Xizi shook his head in response to Wan Liya's question.

"No, it's the opposite. The power of the'White Tiger' guarding the West cannot be launched to the West. On the contrary, when facing the West and attacking the East, it will exert its greatest power."

"Although'White Tiger' belongs to the Chinese Five Elements thought, if it is classified according to the four major elements, it should be classified as wind-this should be the "sex" attribute of Gao Zhi who is most suitable for the speed type."

"Have Geng Xizi seen the true power of that spirit gun?"

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes. However, I have heard that it can generate a'power of sweeping everything'."

"Although the advantage of the long spear is in length, if it is "shooting" range, Mio's magic should be dominant, and in the case of close combat, it will be more beneficial to Valeria. In the battle with Gao Zhi, try to Fight with his back to the west. However, Gao Zhi should already know that we will do this, plus this guy can move faster than us. If he goes to the west, don’t let yourself be on the diagonal. On the east side."

Geng Xizi took a breath and continued: "Distance and direction-as long as you pay attention to these two points, you will definitely find a chance to win."

"I have a record of your analysis, but the most important thing is actual combat. Your opponent will come soon." Mu Hantian said with a smile.

But his words made the three of Geng Xizi shiver.

Chapter 953 Training

Naruse Mio felt the cold feeling in his throat and held his breath.

The girl in front of her was pointing at herself with the blade of the sword.

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