Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 842

——The brave clan is an existence that protects the world and is capable of exerting special abilities.

Among them is the power obtained through the conclusion of a contract with the elves or the beasts controlled by the gods, and it is the power borrowed under the restriction of'use only in legitimate things'.

Therefore, even if there is an innocence talisman such as defeating the demons, if the natural environment is excessively destroyed, or innocent creatures are killed, the'filth' produced by this behavior will no longer be able to gain power from the elves.More importantly, if the stability of the earth veins is destroyed, large-scale natural disasters are likely to occur in the future.

Chapter 955: So Tired Today

"Moreover, if there is no place around, because there is no shelter, the enchantment will easily be directly injured. If you accidentally destroy the enchantment, it will be too ugly."

Sibo continued: "But, if you are here, there is no need to worry about these. Anyway, the enchantment to be unfolded is also a type of copying the environment on the basis of separation from space. There are so many buildings in front of the subway station, which are destroyed. It will only be a copy of the building, and the only one who can enter the barrier is us, who excludes ordinary people."

"But... even so, there is still the danger of destroying the barrier."

Wan Liya said, "Since we are going to fight, I think at least it should be done in the middle of the night when there are few people?"

After hearing this...

"It's a failure... it will make you the demons worry about your surroundings."

Spo smiled bitterly and said: "We have indeed considered this dangerous'sex', but the environment around here is too complicated. Although the barrier will be made by our Gao Zhi and yours, who inherited the power of the former Demon King. Unfolding together, but unfortunately, if you want to unfold the enchantment with a certain extent, it is impossible to fully replicate it based on the consciousness of the two people. Therefore, you must rely on the power of the people around here."

"It turns out to use the consciousness of the surrounding humans to reflect the spatial structure in the barrier."

After hearing the reason Geng Xizi who knew how to expand the barrier, Spo showed a smile.

"Exactly. Now, there are a large number of people around here, and everyone is perceiving this area by looking at the scene here and listening to the sound coming from here. It's like a camera-even we didn't see it. They can also see clearly. The barriers made with these clear images will be more refined and more importantly stronger. Moreover, this kind of difficult space to reproduce the barriers must be constructed Concentrate, so that it will be more difficult for both parties to do small movements. And..."

Sibo continued: "No matter when and where it is carried out, once the barrier is destroyed, the battle must be temporarily interrupted. Therefore, fighting in a place like this, for you, I think it should be a good choice. "

"What do you mean by this?"

Looking at Min who frowned and asked questions, Spo shrugged and explained: "If you are at a disadvantage-deliberately removing or destroying the barrier, it will be difficult for us to attack you again. Because doing so will Endanger the humans around."

"Whatever you say, but can the battle begin?" Mu Hantian frowned and stopped Min who wanted to say something, and looked at Sibo and the others.

"No problem, let's start Gao Zhi."

Thus, the construction of the barrier began.

First, Hayase Takashi "inserts" the "white tiger" into the ground, and Mio uses it as a medium to start using enchantment magic.

Ordinary people without special abilities not only can't see Miao's magic, even the spirit gun "White Tiger" can't see it.Because of this, Mio can calmly expand the enchantment.

Mio focused on her consciousness.The scope of the enchantment to be unfolded is an area with a radius of several kilometers from the center of "White Tiger".Although it is an enemy's weapon, the power of the'White Tiger' guarding its position is also to lend its power if it is to expand the enchantment surrounding it to avoid being implicated.

At the same time that Mio's chant ended-the enchantment magic amplified by the'White Tiger' was activated.

Existing in surrounding buildings and the like, all the'materials' are reproduced in the form of'conditions', and the space within the enchantment is reconstructed.However, in this process, some things are gradually disappearing.

Unrelated ordinary people who must not be involved in this battle.

Just when the construction of the barrier was about to be completed, Mu Hantian's figure began to disappear.

"Okay, I'll go back first, Mio. Come back when you are done. Remember to bring the victory back."

"Don't worry, you will definitely win."


There was a reason why Mu Hantian went straight back.

"What's the matter? Sakuya, call me back so soon." Mu Hantian asked directly when he walked to the house where Sakuya and others lived.

"It's this thing. We don't know what it is, but the energy inside is so strong that we don't dare to touch it." Sakuya walked two steps to the left, and Mu Hantian could see behind her clearly-it was a The white light group.

"How did this thing come from? I can feel that its energy is not ordinary."

"We don't know either. When everyone was eating just now, this thing fell out inexplicably." Huimei said.

"Xiaoguang, can you check its information?" Mu Hantian could only ask Xiaoguang in his mind.

"No problem. Please wait... this thing is the prototype of the world."

"The prototype of the world?"

"Yes. The prototype of the world is an indispensable part of the birth of a world. It can be said to be the world's heavenly path. But how can it be. This is the prototype of Ander Isla. But they are not saying that the world is destroyed. ?"

"Huh, Ander Isla's?"

"Yeah. But this thing is no longer useful, and the will of the world inside has been destroyed. The only value left is this huge energy."

"That means I can absorb it?"

"Yes. Although it can't be absorbed completely, part of it is fine. I can store it in your body, and then slowly absorb it."

"Then start."

With a light breath, Mu Hantian ended the conversation with Xiaoguang.

Then he placed his eyes on the light ball on the table.

"Mr. Hantian, do you know what this is?"

"Ah, this one came from Ander Isra. Originally, this one could rebuild Ander Isra, but unfortunately, it is useless now. The only use is to absorb the energy inside." Mu Hantian patiently explained to Chiho.

After speaking, Mu Hantian beckoned to the ball of light, and the ball of light flew into Mu Hantian's body instantly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Sure enough, I can't completely absorb it at all now, I can only take it slowly.

Enduring the pain and burning sensation of his body, Mu Hantian began to disperse the power of the light ball and slowly absorbed it into his body.

"Mr. Hantian! Are you okay!" Chiho kept yelling.

"I'm okay, don't worry, Xiao Qian. But this power is really huge. I only absorbed a quarter of it, and all my strength was restored, or even stronger."

"It's okay." Chiho patted his chest in fear.

"Okay, I'm going now, I have to take a rest."

Chapter 956: Min and Youxi

After returning home, Mu Hantian lay on the bed for three hours and then went downstairs when he heard the door opening.Geng Xizi and the others have returned.

"Have you won?"

"Of course I won!" Wan Liya looked excited.

In contrast to Wan Liya's excitement is Geng Xizi's distress.

"What's wrong? Geng Xizi."

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