Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 849

"Zokil's soul reaction disappeared?"

Demon King Leohart had just finished his inspection of the Western Regions and returned to the palace when he received this unexpected news.

After Zokir determined that the newly discovered ruins were worthy of exploration, he immediately returned to his home as he believed that the responsibility was over, while Leohart stayed in order to continue to inspect the surroundings, unexpectedly such a thing would happen.

"Could it be that...Zokil is dead?" Leohart asked suspiciously as he walked on the promenade.

"This is just the latest news just received, and the details are not yet clear."

The reliable confidant who came to pick him up, Balfreia, replied behind him.

The current Demon King faction, who established Leohart as the new king, is currently the largest power in the Demon World, but it is not united within.Some of them regarded the young Leohart as a casual lad, intending to "fuck" him between applause, and Zokir viewed him as one of the rival camps.

In the past, when Zokir was a watchdog for Narase Mio, but Leohart originally planned to impose a capital punishment directly on her, so as not to allow his greed and ambition to continue to grow, and one day it would become an unignorable harm.

Unfortunately, this proposal was protested by members of the Cardinals in the same camp as Zokir, and in the end it could only be suspended for review.however--

...What the hell happened?

According to Russ’ report, Zokir has made some suspicious little moves recently, but he is also a high-level demon, who is cautious and possesses high strength. He is not a person who can die so easily. There must be a big problem behind it. .

"Investigate in detail immediately and report back at any time-move fast."

"——Subordinates obey orders."

After receiving the order, Balfreia nodded and disappeared.

Leohart continued to advance, and when he came to the door of the Throne Hall, the guard stood at attention and saluted, opening the massive door.

"Thank you."

Leohart said short words of comfort and stepped into the hall.

Then walked towards the depths of the hall with the sound of closing doors on his back--

But suddenly stopped on the way, frowned.Because he found something went wrong in the hall.

——All the garrison guards in the hall fell to the ground, no exception.

They didn't die, they just fainted and their breathing was still smooth.but--

More than 20 guards were defeated...

They were not ordinary soldiers, but the full-time guards guarding the demon king, all elites; and such guards were knocked out without the guards outside the door.

It can be seen that this person's actions are extremely secret, and the time is extremely short.As far as Leohart knows, there are only a handful of people with such strength.

Just as Leohart increased his vigilance, thinking about whether to call the guard outside—

Suddenly he noticed that there was a man sitting comfortably on the throne that only he could sit on.Normally, Leohart could not ignore such an offense, but the man in front of him was able to avoid Leohart's attention and do such a thing.

Even Leohart disappeared completely without even realizing it.With such a skill, it is indeed possible to knock down the entire guard without revealing the figure or even the breath.At this time--

"You are finally back, the new Demon King... Oh? Strange, this time the Demon King is too young, right?"

The man sat on Leohart's throne and said this in surprise when he saw the devil.

——At present, there is no one who does not know Leohart's appearance in the Demon World.

But this man obviously showed a reaction that he had never seen before.

However-even though it was the first time to meet, Leohart recognized the looks and name of the man who did not know him.

"Xun Dongcheng!"

"Hey, do you know me? Even the new demon king knows my face and name. It's so glorious."

Xun, who was chanted by Leohart's name in a low voice, said with a grin, and then—

"Then, you also know what I am here for?"

Swift stood up slowly from the throne, Titici twisted his neck and said, "But what I want to say now has nothing to do with my business...My lovely children, it seems that they are working hard on their side. As a father, I really want to cheer them up and be handsome and admire them. This is the so-called fatherly love."

Afterwards, Leohart saw Dongcheng Xun approaching him leisurely.

The brave man who used to be known as the strongest in history, grinned with a grin, and said, "Thank you for taking care of the little ghosts in my family-I am here to pay some favor."

Chapter 963: News vs. Devil

Demon King Leohart...

After the death of the former demon king Wilbert, the young new king who came to the top of the demon world.

Although Wilbert, who belongs to the stable school, has the reputation of being the strongest in the demon world, he was willing to withdraw from the human world in the previous war and choose to live a stable life.Sixteen years after the end of the war-the conservative or radical demons who were loyal to their instincts and eager for revenge against the gods still had strong dissatisfaction with him.

Until Wilbert's death about a year ago, the situation in the demon world caused great turmoil.

The steady faction that was inspired by Wilbert and built a huge force quickly collapsed, while the radicals and conservatives rose sharply.

Finally-the new demon king elected after the two factions merged into a new force is Leo Hart.

His direct bloodline from the Duke family, who has produced many demon kings since ancient times, and his brave performance in the previous war are the reasons for his victory.

At that time, Leohart was different from the demon king Wilbert, who was in the rear and controlled the overall situation. He led his elite troops to fight on the front line and made outstanding achievements.Although there is another Demon on the front line with the same record as him, but that Demon lost the news during the battle, so the honor of the war hero belongs only to Leohart.

It was this kind of honor that allowed him to gain the support of radicals and conservatives, and he became the new demon king.However, Leohart is very young, and after taking over as the strongest demon king Wilbert, his majesty is slightly insufficient; therefore, in the palace symbolizing authority, he specially selected the largest and most solemn castle in the demon world for his use .

But now, Leohart's palace has undergone a fierce shock.This is not a metaphor, but the terrible impact that occurred in the Throne Court, literally shaking the entire palace, and then...

Leohart jumped out of the palace from the wall that the impact blasted through, landed lightly in the atrium and looked up, only to see a figure following him jumping out of the destroyed wall.The hem of the coat flew sharply due to the resistance of the air, and the one who lifted the huge sword at him was the strongest man known as the'God of War' among the brave men who participated in the previous war-Dongcheng Xun.

Leohart immediately waved his magic sword high, resisting Xun's slashing—"Kakqiang——————!" The metal slamming sounded instantaneously.

The force seeking catharsis because of this powerful slash, aroused the sound and impact of splashing in all directions, and suddenly destroyed the atrium floor and the fountain and other facilities.At the moment--

"Drink ah ah ah ah...!"

Leohart wielded the magic sword vigorously, causing Xun to retreat quickly with a "Oh!" The action is not the same as expected."

After speaking, he patted the shoulder with the ridge of the sword.At this time--

"Your Majesty Leohart!"

"Your Majesty is all right!"

The guards hurried to the side of Leohart who was confronting Xun, raised their weapons to use magic, and prepared to attack Xun.

"Retreat-you are not his opponent."

But it was restrained by Leohart's calm judgment. The elite troops guarding the throne court were all stunned by him. Ordinary soldiers wanted to fight him, but at least they were counterattacked and could no longer fight, and at worst, their lives were wasted.

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