Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 853

"What's the matter?" Hasegawa was puzzled.

"It's about Sakazaki, I will kill him, is it okay?"

"You decide this for yourself, but when did you find him? He should hide well, even if I don't pay attention, he will still be deceived." Hasegawa showed his beautiful posture in front of Mu Hantian come out.

"I have my own way. But Qianli, don't you know how strong the charm of'mature female'sex'" is, stop playing with me." Mu Hantian smiled bitterly.

"If you want, it's okay. It's not that you haven't done it." Hasegawa smiled lightly and leaned toward Mu Hantian, wearing a swimsuit to show off her proud figure.

"Okay, I'll go back first, so that's it for today."

"Wait a minute! Can you come to my house?" Hasegawa stopped Mu Hantian.

"This... okay." Mu Hantian smiled helplessly.

Chapter 960 Walnut

Because I was going to be with Hasegawa Qianli, and in order not to worry Mio and the others, Mu Hantian sent a text message to let them go home first.

After Mu Hantian and Hase Chuan left school together, they got in the car she was driving.

After driving into the national highway from the street, the car drove for a while, and finally stopped at the destination.

This is a high-rise apartment—and she lives on the top floor; but the space is a bit big for a woman living alone.

After arriving in the room where the guest restaurant was used, Mu Hantian drank the tea made for him by Hasegawa and waited for the dishes to be served.

The rhythm of the gradual completion of cooking flows from the kitchen on the melody of Hasegawa's humming.

I just saw Hasegawa taking off his usual white robe and putting on an apron. It feels quite fresh and has another charm.

"Long wait, come and sit here."


After hearing Hasegawa's call, Mu Hantian drank all the black tea, left the sofa, and sat down at the larger dining table. Hasegawa followed him with the dishes.

"It looks really good." Mu Hantian couldn't help but admire so much.In the process of cooking, the kitchen smells constantly; coupled with Hasegawa's personal cooking, it is very much looking forward to.

What Hasegawa prepares for Mu Hantian is the "color" that is common in ordinary households, but the quality is clearly high from the presentation to the seasoning; but what surprised Mu Hantian is the amount of "color" and the unevenness at all. Nutrition.

The grated radish hamburger steak, curry rice, potato stew, Caesar salad, ginger roast pork, beef sauce omelet rice, fried chicken nuggets and miso soup fill the table.

"Come on, eat as much as possible."

"Okay... Then I'll start."

Mu Hantian folded his hands to Hasegawa sitting opposite and the table full of dishes, and began to eat.

"It's delicious."

Hearing Mu Hantian’s praise, Hasegawa smiled shyly, and said, “Actually, it’s the first time I personally cook food for others...but I just know what to prepare, so I just think of my age. All the dishes that boys like you would like to eat are made."

"That's it." Mu Hantian nodded, and then sandwiched a piece of grated carrot hamburger steak.After cutting into bite-sized pieces, the gravy immediately emphasized how delicious he was. Mu Hantian unceremoniously put the meat into his mouth, and the essence and flavor of the meat suddenly spread in his mouth——

"How is it?" Hasegawa asked uneasyly.

"Yeah, it's delicious."

This made Hasegawa caress his chest in peace, and said with a smile: "That's great... that's great. Then don't be polite and try your best to eat."

After hearing this, Mu Hantian nodded, and feasted on it.

Every dish prepared by Hasegawa for Mu Hantian is extremely delicious.

There were many varieties and large portions. Originally, he thought that he might not be able to finish all of them, so Mu Hantian quickly emptied the dishes one after another—one hour later, he swept up the entire table.

"Qianli, I have to leave first, otherwise Geng Xizi and the others will be worried. Sorry!"

"Well, I originally planned to do something with you, so I can only see it next time. Do you need me to send you?"

"No, it's not far, and there are still trams at this time."


After the evening, this line is basically crowded with office workers returning home from the downtown area. In addition, since this station is closer to the downtown area, many people get on the train from here; now, like Mu Hantian, there are people waiting for the tram. , There were long lines on the platform.

At this time, the announcement to inform the downstream platform that there is a car entering the station sounded.but--

"The express train is going to pass the second platform. Please the side of the platform--"

At this time, darkness suddenly fell around.The lights at the station are all off.

When the sudden change caused Mu Hantian to jump out of the word "power failure"——


He tilted his head to the right, swept down like a left hand, and put aside the fist that attacked Mu Hantian's head from behind.

"Cut, it's really dying, then I'll make you okay." Mu Hantian whispered, while calmly watching the passengers waiting for the bus near him.

The passengers waiting for the bus around all rushed up, their eyes were not like normal people.Mu Hantian felt the surrounding space, and found that the entire space had been covered by a space dislocation type barrier.

Seeing the civilians being pulled in, Mu Hantian didn't have the intention of killing them, and now he only needs to stun them.

At this time, countless magic circles appeared around Mu Hantian, and the people who were "fucked" used magic at the same time.

When Mu Hantian discovered this situation, he knew that he had to resolve it quickly, but when Mu Hantian was about to do it, the barrier was suddenly unlocked.

People who are "fucked" are still "chanting" magic, if it is an offensive "sex" magic and successfully activated, it will definitely cause damage to the station.


Especially the light spot approaching from the other end of the track made Mu Hantian anxious.The express train mentioned in the previous broadcast is coming. Although the station is out of power, the express train will not stop and should pass the station directly.If the magic released by these people destroy the track or directly hit the tram, it will inevitably cause a lot of casualties.

Thinking of the miserable picture, Mu Hantian couldn't help gritting his teeth.

At this time, a cold female voice came.

"Suddenly I noticed that someone opened the enchantment and came over to take a look. I didn't expect this to happen."

The moment he heard this familiar voice-Yi Mu Hantian quickly turned around and saw a young girl right in front of him.She was wearing a battle suit of the brave clan, and she wore a special hand armor for the use of "Fuck" spirituality on her left hand.This girl with a cute appearance but a little unhappy expression is--


That's right, Yuuki's sister, Noaka Walnut, the wizard magician, was there.

"Big brother, are you okay?"

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