Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 855

Of course, a soldier like Feio would not know political intelligence, even if he knew it, he would not say it.

However, he still answered the atmosphere in the palace, how Feo himself and other colleagues respected Leohart-and also criticized a few words about the opposition in the Cardinal's Court that was dissatisfied with Leohart's sitting on the throne.


According to Xun Xun's infiltrating the palace and eavesdropping on the conversations of other soldiers, he learned that the Demon Clan was recently exploring the relics of an ancient Demon God War era in the Western Regions.If the sleeping heroic spirit can be found and brought to the actual combat, the dispute with the steady faction may soon be over.

Something is not good.

The situation is gradually turning to the unfavorable side.If this continues, maybe even the current truce between humans and demons will collapse.The solution is of course again, but-

Okay, how can I make everything go smoothly?

When Xun cooperated with the current situation to deepen thinking--

"Well, can you answer me a question? You are Xun Dongcheng, right? It was the war god of the brave clan who was upset at the time of the war? People like you came to kill His Majesty Leohard-- Does it mean that the brave clan is going to war with us again?" This is an uneasy question.

The war ended sixteen years ago, and the prosperity of peace followed the Demon Realm; but after the death of the former Demon King Wilbert a year ago, the Demon Realm began to divide forces and kill each other.But undoubtedly, under such circumstances, Feo is still convinced that once the dispute between the current Demon King faction and the moderate faction ends, the Demon Realm will be able to regain peace; but he sneaks into the royal city quickly and fights against Leo Hart. Feel that the day of the end of the war seems to have become indefinitely and uneasy again.therefore--

"Don't worry...I came to the Demon Realm entirely by myself. Infiltrating the royal city is just a matter of course. Other brave men will not come over."

"Fighting with your Majesty was said by the way...then what do you want to do when you come to the Demon Realm?"

Dongcheng Xun smiled to Feo, who was surprised and wide-eyed, and said, "Ahhhhhh-I'm here to find the guy who separated from me." (Anyone who has read Dongcheng News should know that it is Who?)

The ninth and sixth chapters

The people of the Dongcheng family discussed a topic while preparing breakfast.

It was because he was suddenly so busy after returning home last night that he didn't have a chance to mention how Mu Hantian was attacked at the station.

"What do you think about your brother being attacked?"

"Yes, it's really weird to say..." Wan Liya, who was doing morning work in the kitchen, tilted her head in confusion.

She knocked the eggs into a large bowl with one hand, added cow milk and fresh milk oil and stirred them skillfully with chopsticks, and said: "The current Demon King faction should have discovered that we have had contact with the steady faction long ago. Lars said he would conceal his elder brother’s ability. When he was still in the human world, he also reported to them that Zokir tried to capture Lord Mio; therefore, the above should warn the bottom not to act rashly, and there will be no demons for the time being. It's okay to get close to Miao University casually."

"Yes, but you have to be careful not to be attacked." Mu Hantian, who was next to Wanliya, said while making the salad dressing, and according to the recipe provided by Wanliya, he combined several kinds of wine vinegar and olives. The oil is mixed.

"Even if they are not united, I don't think anyone will be stupid enough to attack you at this time. However, since there is a stranger like Zokir, I can't guarantee that there will never be anyone doing the same. That's it."

"So, could it be done by the conservative?"

The other possibility was Mio, who was putting tableware at the table.

"Didn't we refuse to hand over Wan Liya to them? The steady faction is not much united. It is normal for anyone to think that we are not pleasing to the eye?"

In Mio's tone, there were some worries that could not be hidden.She has been like this since last night. It seems that she has noticed the danger not only to herself, but also to Mu Hantian.

"However, we defeated the high-ranking demons Zokir, and made Jian Fang a high evaluation of our strength; besides, Lord Mio is the only orphan of His Majesty Wilbert, and no one should come to look for the edge at this time. Brother Miao’s trouble, just lose the trust of Master Miao.”

"In fact, you still overlooked one thing, that is the Protoss." Mu Hantian said his thoughts.

"Huh? How could it be possible." Yuxi was a little surprised.

"Yes, they have the brave clan as their endorsement after all, so they shouldn't do such a thing." Mio also agreed.

"Well, I'll take care of this by myself, after all, the other party's goal is me." Mu Hantian "showed" a meaningful smile.


The result-the other party seemed to have followed Mu Hantian and the others to raise their alert and stopped, and there was no more attack.

Due to the additional work of the Games Executive Committee outside of their regular schoolwork, the three of them are too busy these days to breathe, as if the attack on the station had never happened.

Looking at me again.

In the combined physical education class of the two classes, when the male classmates lined up on the "playground", Mu Hantian felt the sight of the secret "shooting" towards him again and frowned slightly.

The sight from nowhere, as if he was deliberately trying to discover Mu Hantian, emphasized his own existence.

If you want to die this way, I will fulfill you.

"Okay, let's do a stretch "fuck" in pairs."

After the physical education teacher ordered the name, the students began to stretch out with their partners. Only Mu Hantian stood alone with a bitter smile.

Such a bleak picture appeared because his usual partner, Takikawa Baxun, had now returned to the Demon World, and he had become a public enemy of the whole school.It is now in the second half of the second semester, and the students have a fixed partner for physical education when they need to be in pairs; Mu Hantian, who transfers to this school after the summer vacation, can’t just bring someone in just because Takikawa is away. alternative.

"Who should I find? Should I find a teacher?"

"That, that, Hantian classmate..."

Mu Hantian turned to the low-volume call to see that it was the lovely... pseudonym.

Mu Hantian looked at the young man with a girly attitude next to him, and didn't know what to do. He sympathized with his experience, but...what a fake mother, I can't stand it.Although he knows that he can become a female "sex", but...I really can't lift the energy.

"Student Hantian, what's wrong?" Tachibana asked.

"Ah, nothing. I'm just thinking about things." Mu Hantian perfunctorily.

"Then, do you want to stay with me?"

"This... okay." Mu Hantian really couldn't find a reason to refuse, so he could only mix up this lesson first.

"Well, let's do "fuck"-let's start with you first, orange."

You Mu Hantian started stretching out as quickly as possible, pressing the back of Orange sitting on the runway to help him bend forward.

Uh... why is it so soft.It is not the softness, but the tactile feel of the orange body.

"Um... Hantian classmate, it doesn't matter if you try harder?"

"This, this? Well, is this enough?"

The physique of Tachibana and Takikawa is so big that Mu Hantian doesn't know how to apply force.

——Besides, this "touch" is too soft, right? Where are the muscles going?Tangerine, you need to eat more meat instead of being picky eaters.

However, stretching "fuck" still needs to be done, so Mu Hantian exerted a little force on the shoulder blades, pressing the orange every time, "Hmm! Hmm!" He kept making sweet and dripping gasps.

Of course, he himself should be doing the stretching "fuck" very seriously, but the surroundings sounded different, and the atmosphere became more and more weird.

Alas, if you are a girl now, I don't have to suffer so much.

Mu Hantian thought this way, and after spreading his legs together and bending them to the left and right several times, Tang's body was almost stretched out, so--

"Okay, let me help classmate Hantian."

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