Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 857

"No, you are welcome, there is nothing like this...Are we friends, right?"

"Ah, we are friends." Mu Hantian nodded afterwards.

Tachibana smiled happily, and then said: "I will work hard. Han Tian and other executive members have worked so hard, how can they do a sports meeting that makes you proud to participate in the preparations?"

The natural smile finally returned to Orange's face.

"Although I can't handle as much work as Kajiura-senpai, and I'm just a half-hearted general affairs team member, but—"

Tachibana Nanao poured full determination into his gentle eyes, and said, "As a member of the student union and the sports meeting executive committee-I will definitely give my all."


As the days passed, the operation of the Executive Committee became "chaotic".

The reason is the inter-class women's cheerleading competition-in order to rehearse the dance, Miao, Yuxi and Gengxizi often cannot participate in the executive committee on time, and the days of having to ask for leave are gradually increasing.

As a result, the members of the Mino faction, Youxi faction and Gengxizi faction in the committee also began to skip work.

Yuxi and Gengxizi are okay.Although you know that Youxi and Gengxizi will leave before they come, they are both willing to do things, and at least they have completed their tasks according to the scheduled schedule.

The problem lies in the general affairs auxiliary department where the Miao school and others are located.They often act in groups, just hide in the audio-visual classroom, laugh and laugh, and do nothing about business.

If this is the case, it may not matter. Kajiura can transfer staff from other departments, and then transfer them to other tasks assisted by student union members such as Mu Hantian or Tachibana; then rewrite the assignment and schedule so that the problematic assignments can be completed smoothly as scheduled.

However, one day a week before the Games.

"What's going on!"

After school, Kajiura Lihua's roar rang out in the audio-visual classroom that became the headquarters of the Games Executive Committee.

She vigorously slapped a piece of paper on the desk and glared at the leader of the Mio faction. In fact, the people of the Mio faction were also fooling around because of Mio's absence. This move focused the attention of the entire classroom.

"Xue, senpai..." Tachibana who followed Kajipo said worriedly.

He was not in the classroom because the supervising Sakazaki held a faculty meeting, and he was afraid that there would be a conflict between Kajiura and the third grade classroom.

"Ah? Vice President, what are you doing so badly?" The hall who was playing mobile games with friends raised his face from the liquid crystal screen and asked.

"I'm asking you what is going on with this payment request!"

What Kajiura brought was a purchase receipt that did not exist in the records of the accounting department.And it was mailed suddenly today.

"I just called and asked. You bought this from the senior in class."

This request form comes from a pyrotechnic shop, a long-established specialty store that supplies a well-known fireworks festival every year.When you want to purchase additional materials used in the sports meeting, you have to request the accounting department first, and then pay the receipt and find the excess to complete the process.If it is not 100,000 yuan, even 10,000 yuan is not allowed to be used without authorization.

Therefore, shopping without the permission of the accounting department in the hall is already a major violation, and-

"Two hundred thousand yeah...what are you thinking about spending such a large sum of money on fireworks!" Kajiura's voice trembled with anger.

But the hall still laughed and said with a smile: "I was also taken aback. I didn't expect fireworks to be so expensive. But don't we have a lot of fireworks at the party after the sports meeting every year? Let us buy more fireworks, right? "

"Don't say such silly things! The fireworks in the party have always been to factories that have friendship with our school, and sell us the remaining inventory of the fireworks season every summer at a low price!"

"Ah? I don't know that kind of thing... Since it's so important, please tell me earlier?"

"In short, please take this order back now!"

"It can't be refunded. The grandfather of that shop said that it cannot be cancelled."

"Why can't I withdraw?"

"Because the glyph fireworks are completely custom-made. He also said that the Chinese character'' is too complicated and needs to be changed to'mio'. It seems that this well-known old store is nothing too great. I have time to say that I am a pure firework. Master, why don't you want to make more progress?"

Seeing the hall scornful and sneer in front of her, Kajiura became angry again, and said loudly: "Stop nonsense! Since I can't withdraw, I will have to buy it by the senior himself!"

"Ah? What's the reason... Why don't I understand at all?"

The hall stood up and stared straight into Kajiura’s eyes, who couldn’t help but shrank, and said, “The executive chairman should be responsible at this time? I really wanted to make the sports meet a little bit more fun. How about shirking the responsibility quickly? We are going to help you prepare for the super boring sports meeting you have come up with. We stay for so much time every day. Please don't lose your temper in this "chaotic", OK to do your thing? This is the last sports meeting for our third grade, and it doesn’t work, that doesn’t work either. Whatever I say, you will oppose it... You are too authoritarian in the second grade? Don’t think that you are a student union and just take school activities as your own. what."

What was said in the hall left Kajiura speechless, who could not understand for a while.

make it their own……?

As the vice-chairman and executive chairman, we must hold a successful sports meeting. Kazuura believes that she has been working hard with such enthusiasm, but the words in the class completely negated her efforts and enthusiasm.

Kajiura wanted to refute, but couldn't speak.Because she was afraid that what she said was not words, but sobbing.But this time...

"Don't you feel ashamed when you say this?" A quiet voice said to the hall instead of Kajiura - and the owner of the voice had already stood in front of the hall.

"Who do you think you are? Don't think that you are Princess Miao's brother and you can order us." The hall shouted.

Then he threw his right fist across the desk, intending to attack Mu Hantian's face by surprise.

Mu Hantian took his fist with his left hand, and then Mu Hantian narrowed his eyes, silently squeezing the fist in the hall.

"Uh! Ahhhhh! You, you fellow...!" Tang Shang immediately changed his face and groaned in pain, but Mu Hantian didn't let go of it, and looked at Tang with a smile.

"You said what should I do with you?"

"Um... asshole, bastard..." Even though his hands were pinched and his face was flushed, the hall still did not change his evil behavior.

"What are you going to do here?" Suddenly, it seemed that Sakazaki opened the door and entered the classroom after the meeting. I don't know who notified him.

"Nothing." After speaking, Mu Hantian slowly let go of his hand, but he still didn't leave the hall.

The hall followed and held down his right hand, staring at Mu Hantian with resentment, but he did not dare to cause trouble in front of Sakazaki, and soon led a group of men from the Miao group to leave the classroom. Mu Hantian didn’t take this in his heart, just a trick. You can't even add experience to the protagonist.

Sakazaki who watched them sighed helplessly, and then resumed his former hearty smile and said: "Okay, get back to work soon. There is only one week left in the Games, and there is no time to play!"

This sentence made the people watching this whole thing go back and do their own thing.And Sakazaki should know what's going on, he turned around--

"Ah... Hantian, can you come?"

"Yeah." Mu Hantian replied.

Chapter 970 Preparation

After leaving the audio-visual classroom, Mu Hantian followed Sakazaki all the way to the top floor.

"Autumn is really here..." Sakazaki said as he leaned back against the protective railing and looked back at the distant scenery.

In the park next to the school, the maple leaves bathed in the soft sunset are even more red.When you lower your eyesight, you can see how the sports clubs are doing their muscles and sweating in every corner of the campus.

"There is one thing I have always cared about. Han Tian, ​​are you also affected by'her'?" Sakazaki whispered.

"Who... does she mean, teacher?" Mu Hantian pretended not to know.

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