Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 860

Mio also asked a little serious: "So...this moment, it's finally here."


"Let's also start-our games."

The 972nd chapter sports meeting in progress

The students enter the venue on time.The students in sportswear followed the music and circled the track in the order of the school year, and then positioned the entire row on the "playground" in shifts.

In the audience area, almost every pair of eyes and lenses are aimed at the "playground".

There is only Noaka Walnut, mixing in the crowd to do other things.She wants to identify the problematic person in the academy and destroy him if possible.

I have seen Nanao Tachibana at the school gate with Mu Hantian so far.And Dojo Shohei who passed by on the way to the "playground", and Kajiura Lika who stayed in the headquarters tent.

Now that the sports meet has started on time, compared to those who have private grievances against Mu Hantian, Tachibana and Kajiura, who hoped for the successful end of the sports meet, should be less dangerous—but Noaka Walnut did not relax.

Now, Valia cannot leave the Dongcheng family due to Zokir’s incident, and Mio, Yuxi, and Gengxizi cannot act openly, so as not to provide reasonable excuses for the stable faction, the current demon king faction demon clan, or the brave clan. Judgments or actions that are unfavorable to Mu Hantian.

Therefore, the only people who can actually act in this incident are the older brother who was attacked, and I who witnessed the scene of the incident and "intervened".Watch me catch you!Walnut thought in her heart.

At this time—Walnut found Yuxi’s fanatical supporter Kaiji Hozuki in the headquarters tent where Mu Hantian and other executive committee members were located, unlike other students.

So there are four.

After counting in her mind, Walnut directly panned her gaze and found the last two suspects in the faculty tent on the right end of the headquarters.

One was Mamoru Sakazaki, who looked at the students on the court with a hearty smile.

Come again...

The other is Chisato Hasegawa, a health room teacher wearing a bright white robe.

There are six people in total.Today, Walnut is entrusted with the task of monitoring and tracking all the suspects who attacked Mu Hantian. The number of other executive members exceeds three digits, but that is not a problem for Walnut.

When the principal on the commander stage began to give a speech, Walnut closed her eyes, and then—

Concentrate, set up a magic circle with yourself as the center, and in the magical light that ordinary people can't see...

Please, everyone...

I called out to the elves living in the surrounding atmosphere in my heart, begging them to guard the entire campus and report to her the suspicious characters.After feeling that the elves agreed, Walnut opened her eyes and met Mu Hantian inadvertently.

The principal finished his speech under the gaze of the elves and Walnut, and then the players took the oath.

A female student came on stage, raised her right hand straight up to the sky, and said: "I take an oath. On behalf of all the students, I swear an oath. I am willing to use the valuable knowledge and experience learned on campus and use the healthy spirit and physique of growing up on campus , Abide by all competition rules and compete fairly. The student representative, Kajiura Lihua, swear."

As soon as the voice broke, the vortex of applause swept across the entire "playground".

In the intertwining of various thoughts, the sports meeting of Shengzaka Academy officially began.


In almost all sports games, success or failure is judged on the basis of physical fitness.

There is only one thing that allows Mu Hantian, Min and Youxi to participate generously, and there is no doubt of unfairness.

That is, in addition to tacit understanding but also luck, the three-legged four-legged obstacle course.

"Now, the game comes to the finale of the morning-the men's and women's three-post obstacle course!"

Exciting and high-pitched shouts erupted from the loudspeaker.Mu Hantian is also quite familiar with this voice, and the broadcaster who is in the same class as him, Taiichi Shimada, broadcast the live broadcast of this project.

"This is a three-person four-legged race in which one man and two women are dispatched to each class to break through three obstacles while circling the track. It is claimed to be the favorite competition of the school’s male “sex” compatriots! However, only the two raced out This is a blessing for the talents selected by a girl! The first part is the first grade. Of course, everyone’s focus is on the sixth track where Class B is located. This year, as soon as I enroll in the school, I will "sex" and "fascinate" the whole school year. The fascinated Naruse Mio and Noaka Yumo!"

The atmosphere of the male "sex" audience also instantly boiled with Shimada's excitement, but-

"As for the lucky one who can compete with the two idols of our school-Mu Hantian!"

The left and right feet were tied to Miao and Youxi, and Mu Hantian, who was also in place at the starting line, was bathed in merciless boos.

This is also no way, after all, this is a contest in which all participating men will be jealous.

As the executive committee member of the Games, Mu Hantian can give priority to the selection of participating events; and Mio and Youxi chose this three-legged obstacle course.

So - they naturally named Mu Hantian to play.

"Don't think too much, just treat it as a pumpkin or something."

"Hantian, don't worry-I will definitely protect you." After speaking, Mio and Youxi cling to Mu Hantian as if they were deliberately doing it to others.

"Well, no matter what."

Mu Hantian also smiled bitterly and hugged the waists of the two who came close, feeling that Min and Youxi's body temperature and softness were completely in a state of "hugging left and right".

The firing of the starting gun burst out clearly.

"At the beginning of the competition, all the participants rushed out of the starting line together-Oh! Class D fell in the first step, and also dragged Class C and Class E into the water! The other classes seem to have escaped... ! This powerful, much-anticipated B class has opened up the gap with other classes from the beginning, and the speed is getting faster and faster!"

The balance beam in the first level is really not an obstacle; the three of them slammed horizontally, using the same stepped crab steps to successfully pass the level.When they ran on the runway again, they had already left the other classes far away.

"Class b will soon come to the second level-which is the most cool thing for boys in this project.

"Come on, here and here." Geng Xizi, one of the assistants of this pass, waved to them, and then—

"Come on, here are these two balloons for you."

Mio and Yuxi each handed over the inflated balloon that Geng Xizi handed over. They clamped their belly to belly, back to back, and squeezed their bodies hard—but no matter how they were squeezed, the balloon would not break.Min and Youxi are members of the executive committee, so naturally they know what is going on. Geng Xizi gave them the most difficult balloon to squeeze.

In order to shorten the speed gap of each class and create an atmosphere of the climax of the competition, the committee specially prepared balloons that are easy to break and strong balloons.then--

"Oh-! Class b used to have a good trip, but now it's completely stuck here! The following classes also took advantage of this time to pass the first level to catch up, and the gap with class b is getting smaller and smaller!"

Mio and Yuxi felt that the situation was not good and became anxious, and wanted to squeeze the balloon quickly.But no matter how squeezed, it just won't break.

There is no choice but to cheat a little bit.Thinking secretly, Mu Hantian guided a trace of magic to the balloon.After being chased by the next two shifts, the balloons of Mio and Youxi finally exploded one after another—the three of them once again got up and ran to the last level, crawling through the net.

Chapter 973: Sudden Accident

The appearance of Mu Hantian and others crawling tangled in the net was all seen by someone.

"Really, where is the enemy?" Walnut complained a little dissatisfied.

At this moment, Walnut's expression suddenly twitched.Because the guard elves issued a warning, and then—

"Sorry, excuse me a little bit." A polite voice asked her.

Turning his head to see, Tachibana stood beside her.

Walnut asked indifferently, "Is there anything to do with me?"

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