Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 872

After hearing this, Ortiga hummed, and said, "Don't bear this unnecessary heart, which way to cool down-staying any longer will hinder my business."

Then he turned around as if he had finished the conversation, and disappeared in the shop.


After bidding farewell to the mysterious shopkeeper, now-Noye led everyone around the town.

"Well, in the end, you have to have a cup of tea in this shop to be considered complete."

She returned to Yadbie Square again and came to a cafe.There is an observatory with a view of the plaza, and it is a famous shop that is popular with men, women and children, and crowded with customers.

When Mu Hantian followed Noye and lined up at the counter, Jeste scanned the store.

"What's the matter, Just?"

"Sir, please take your time, I'll just wait outside."

After saluting Mu Hantian, Jeste turned and left the cafe.Then she walked to the dark alley behind the shop.

It's safe here.

There are a few people in the shop whom Jeste had better not meet.Now I am not alone, and there are a few Mu Hantians, so I can't let my problems cause them trouble.

After arriving at the empty place, Jeste sighed and leaned her back against the store wall.At this moment...

Something left the dark part of the alley and appeared in front of Jest.With long ears, it looks like a kitten, but there is a small horn on the forehead-it is a cub of a unicorn.

It doesn't have a collar, it's not like someone's pet; either he broke into the city from the forest for food, or he was driven out by the team-anyway, it was not big enough to live independently.

The little unicorn looked up at Jest, and jogged to her feet to smell the shoes.Seeing how close it looks like--

"This is not where you should be... but you have nowhere to go, either."

Just squatted down slightly, "touching" and "touching" its small head.The little unicorn also squinted happily and played with her hands.Seeing it, Jeste couldn't help thinking-this kid is just like me.

Although Zokir has the lowest power in the Cardinals, he is still one of the incumbents in charge of the current Demon King faction.Jeste was created as his subordinate and lived the life of his subordinate; twice was saved by Mu Hantian.

Mu Hantian not only saved Jeste’s life, but also found the best way to deal with her who was nowhere to go. Then he negotiated with the stable faction to give her a new place to stay; she volunteered to take care of Jest’s Xuela , And treat her very well.

All of this is so grateful, and I can't say enough about Mu Hantian's gratitude.


Jeste still thinks like this once in a while-whether he shouldn't be here.But thinking about returning, she now has no other place to go.

No, in fact, she still has someone to rely on, but she doesn't have that choice.

"Mr. Hantian." Just quietly said his name.

After turning to the conservative, Jeste didn't miss him one day.

Not only that, but the thoughts of "I want to stay by his side" and "I want to serve him" are increasing day by day, and they can't stop.On the day the messenger of the Modest Sect came to the Dongcheng home, Mu Hantian told Jest that if something went wrong, she would welcome her back to this home at any time, but she was unable to do so.

Because... If you really go to the Dongcheng House but are rejected, you can't stay by his side - then he really has nowhere to go.

So when Xuela asked Jeste to take care of Mu Hantian, she was really happy.When I saw him again and heard him call his name, tears almost burst into my eyes.


Just can’t be with him because she thinks that Mu Hantian thinks she should stay in the stable school; when he gets along with Mino, Yuxi, Valeria or Walnut, the caring gaze he "shows" to them from time to time, I'm afraid it will last forever You can't photograph yourself.

"Even so, I still—"

Just hugged her knees and squatted down, and the little unicorn "licked" and "licked" her hands as if worried for her.After keeping this position still for a while-

"Hey hey, what are you doing there?" A rude shout came from the entrance of the alley leading to the main street.

Just looked up and found that the people standing there were those who made her decide not to enter the cafe.

The four men wearing blue "color" armor are the guards of this neighborhood.They all left the cafe to avoid meeting them, and gave up a few opportunities to have tea with Mu Hantian——

It should be a little further away.When Jeste felt sorry for her judgment--

"This dress... is the maid of the castle? If you remember correctly, it should be—"

A guard looking into the alley noticed Jeste's appearance, and the guard beside him nodded and said, "Yes-this woman is the subordinate of Zokir who was taken in above."

The expressions in their eyes looking at Jeste also cooled drastically at this moment.

"Hey, what are the people who have been the current demon king's running dog doing sneakily here? Do you want to secretly blow up the full shop from here?"

"No. I go to the streets to do errands, just take a break here."

"Hidden here to rest alone?"

Hearing his suspicion, the other guard sneered and said, "I said Gu Lun, it should not be'one person', but'one', right?"

Even with the extremely contemptuous gaze of the guards and the verbal insult, but--

Just silently endured all this.There is nothing to be surprised. From the perspective of the stable guards, Jessie, who used to be the current Demon King cadre, would never have a good impression of Jess, and there are very few people like Mu Hantian who will consider the enemy.But also because Mu Hantian is such a person, Jeste will have undesirable feelings for him.

Chapter 985: A lot of trouble

"I really don't understand, how did the people above make such a stupid decision, but what about the pet raised by an oversized scum from the enemy army?"

"Maybe that's the way it is. If you are tired of serving your own maid, those big people can't be "chaotic". At this time, it is of course good to have different tastes to play, even second-hand goods are not bad."

"It makes sense... so I found a playable toy above."

The insulting guard looked at Jeste's eyes more and more evil, and walked around her unscrupulously, and finally stopped somewhere.

This strange look made Jeste just feel sick.

"Hey, please let us refresh ourselves?"

After the guard named Gu Lun said so, the others also looked at each other and laughed and stepped closer.Upon seeing...


Just nudged the little unicorn's back, letting it hide in the other side of the alley first, and then confronted the guards in front of him.

"What's your look in your eyes... Do you often serve those people in the castle?"

To these guards with nasty smiles, Jeste said nothing.

There is no way to be thought of like this.Just sighed inwardly.

Zokir's lust is well-known in the Demon World, and few people can compare with him. It's no wonder that others will regard Jeste who served him as his object.But in fact, when Zokier created Jeste, he set chastity and "fuck" as the source of strength, so Jeste was never asked to do sex with him.Although I don't know what his intentions are--

But... now I am grateful to him for doing this. If Zokir was involved-he would curse him for a lifetime.

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