Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 876

Leohart deeply believed that now the Demon Realm undoubtedly only his group can accomplish this great task.For this reason, Leohart still needs to obey them in order to keep the position of the demon king, but he cannot completely satisfy the Cardinals.

When Leohart thought about the name--

"I have a reason to let others obediently see us attacking the prudent faction."

The same people who participated in this convocation but never spoke.That was Narase Mio's new watcher after Zokir caused the problem.

It is a young man who sneaked into the human world under the pseudonym Takigawa Yahiro and attended the same school as Mio Naruse.

"What reason, Russ?" Leohart asked with frowned.

Lars replied simply, "Wilbert's daughter Mio Narase is in our demon world now."

"No way?"

Lars shrugged at Balfreia, who opened his eyes incredibly wide and said, "What I said is the truth... After Wilbert's death, the conservatives have been burning their butts for serious lack of combat power. Those people In the end, the way I thought of was to bring Narase Mio to the Demon World. Although I don’t know whether she will be regarded as Wilbert’s orthodox successor to support her as the Demon King, she will only use her inherited power. …In short, we must use her to regain her previous momentum."

"In that case-we only need to use their idea. The conservative wants to use the daughter of the former demon king and her inherited power to rule the demon world again-as long as we send troops to prevent them from rebelling, it will be enough to stop the mouths of other forces. Got it."

"So... if what you said is true, there are indeed good reasons to send troops."

Listen to Leohart's pointless say--

"Oh my lord-don't you believe what your subordinates say?"

Lars replied happily.The irony of fellow comrades in the previous war-

"Russ, there are only a few of us here-less disgusting tone."

"Okay, okay... So, don't you believe me, Leohart? This piece of information is indeed the top secret, and only a few people in the steady faction know it, so it's no wonder it would doubt it."

Leohart said to Lars, who said with a smile, "No, I believe you-you are a spy sent to us by the steadiness. It is normal to receive confidential information."

Chapter 988 Plan

Leohart knew for a long time that Lars was a spy sent by Prudence.

How early to say-I knew it from the beginning.Leohart accepted Ras when he knew the possible consequences, and Ras also became Leohart's subordinate when he knew the possible consequences.

Lars's status in the current Demon King faction is a newcomer who left the conservative faction for his former War comrade Leohart; for the stable faction, he plays the role of a spy who smoothly enters the enemy camp.This is the mask that Russ voluntarily put on.

Now-only Leohart knows the true identity of Lars.

"Is that all right, Russ?"

Leohart asked:

"Aren't you the spy they sent, and the task of protecting Mio Naruse. For you who grew up with a moderate education, isn't Wilbert the most respected person?"

"It's okay—it's all over."

Russ went on to "after all" and said: "I have already killed Zokir with my own hands and avenged my eldest brother... I have no obligation to do more for the steady faction."

That's right-Leohart and others learned from Russ that he killed Zokir.

Leohart will send Balfreia to investigate after Zokir’s soul reaction disappears because of an agreement with Lars beforehand.Leohart’s goal was to annihilate the old thieves of the Cardinals-and Zokir was one of them, and many people whom Russ respected as brothers and sisters died under him; so the two agreed that at that time As soon as the machine arrives, Russ will have to kill Zokir himself.

Therefore, when Zokir’s soul reaction disappeared, Leohart's first thought was that Lars had successfully avenged him-and later it was confirmed by his own words that he had accomplished his greatest goal.and so--

"Didn't I say that, from now on, I will continue to help you clean up those pests-those scumbags who are not much different from Zokir, don't worry."

There is no breath of lies in Lars’s words, but—

"Not always."

Leohart said faintly: " will do things for me until now, because I want to get rid of those old thieves, just to help you achieve the goal of killing Zokir by your own hands, right? And you did it too. For this purpose-then, you really have no obligation to help anymore, am I?"

"In terms of facts-you chose to cooperate with Xun Dongcheng's son to kill Zokir, not me. In this way, continuing to cooperate with him in the future should be a more natural result, right?"

"Didn't I say that, I didn't think he was better than you to choose him..."

Lars sighed, then lowered his voice and said, "It's just because-if I sit and watch, Mu Hantian will really kill Zokier, and my plans for many years will follow suit, so in order to personally After Zokir was killed, I had to cooperate with him. It's that simple."

"Xun Dongcheng's son has this ability?"

Balfreia said suspiciously: "The Marquis of Zokir is old and old, but he still has considerable strength in the past known as the'Sword King'; and this young man named Mu Hantian... really works?"

"Ah, he is a big trouble, no matter whether it is strength, wisdom, scheming, patience...he is not lacking, he is completely accumulated through countless battles. Leohart, you better not take the initiative to provoke He, he is really terrifying, I am afraid he is stronger than Xun Dongcheng."

Lars' serious tone made Leohart and others naturally silent, and then—

"Besides-the chance of killing Zokir just fell from the sky, how could I let it go?"

Russ smiled bitterly and said: "Well, that's it anyway, you don't need to "chaos" think about what you have. Don't worry, when the war just ended, someone asked me to take care of you."

"Who would ask you to do something like that—"

"It's your Royal Highness Liara."

"Sister-sama...?" Leohart looked a little surprised.

"Please be pleased by that kind of smile, who can refuse? If necessary, you can send me to take the hero to fight the prudent faction; on the other hand, if you really believe that I want me to leave, I will leave obediently. ."

"There is no need, I appreciate your kindness."

Lars’s proposal made Valfreia sigh and say: “I have known each other for so many years since the war, of course I believe you-just in case you let you take away the heroic spirit or drive you out, and you will Go back to help the moderates. After all, My Majesty Leohart and I know how troublesome you are."

"Oh, this is it?"

When Lars shrugged and smiled at the words-

"Leave it to me."

After saying this in a low voice, the giant who could not help looking up took a step forward-it was Galdor.

"As an adjutant, Balfreia should try to avoid staying away from Leohart. Since Lars can't do it, I will be the only one left."

"Sorry, Galdo."

Leohart lowered his eyes and said to the self-recommended older male "sex" Demon: "It is you who should be the demon king-no, you are the one."

Galdor, a high-level demon of the same generation as Leohart, is a conservative figure other than the old people in the Cardinal House, whose strength and bloodliness are considered the most qualified to become a demon king.

However, in order to change the image of conservatives and radicals in the past, and emphasize that the devil world will be a new era from now on, the old people of the cardinal chose Leohardt.Galdor also complied with this decision without objection.And voluntarily became a direct subordinate of the demon king, assisting Leo Hart.

Such a selfless man smiled and said, "Don't mind, I'm here to help you. You want to remake this world that even Wilbert can't clean up completely. As a result, the power is still concentrated on the cardinal. The condition of the hospital, then of course I would be happy to help you."


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