Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 881

"Miao, I can't do this, and only in this way can I end this matter."

"Is it over... Brother... I understand." Mi looked at Mu Hantian and nodded.

"Okay, then everyone, come with me."

"Master Hantian, please wait a moment! Master Mio will stay here until the battle is over!"

"Klaus's order!" Mu Hantian said lightly.

"Yes, this is an order from Lord Klaus. Because Lord Mio'shows' his face at this time, the name of the enemy's attack will come true. It is the most effective to'force' the current demon king to take responsibility for this atrocities. The method is to make the reason for their attack untenable!"

"The enemy used amplifying magic to tell everyone in Verda why they wanted to attack, and asked everyone to hand you over. The people were panicked. Many people grabbed the soldiers who helped guide the people to the castle and asked what was going on. If Lord Mio showed up in this situation, the anger of the people would most likely be transferred to her; even if they successfully resisted this attack, Lord Ramsay and Lord Klaus would lose popular support and cause the people to feel angry. Politics is completely disappointed and may even cause riots."

"Noye, you have to know that in the face of absolute strength, conspiracy is useless." Mu Hantian didn't care about Noye's obstruction at all, and directly led Miao and the others away.


The shock wave kicked by the heroic spirit hit a group of people.

That is the guard of the city.They attempted to attack the heroic spirit from the side and tried to approach along the adjacent road parallel to the heroic spirit's path, but they were disintegrated by the fish of the previous attacking team.just now--

"Uh...ahhh...ok, damn!"

One of the guards who were bombarded along with the house was still breathing.That was the Gu Lun who wanted to indecent assault on Jest in the alley behind the cafe but was repaired by Mu Hantian.

Even though the blood was bleeding from the head and shoulders, Gu Lun stood up and looked around at the miserable conditions.

The neighbourhood nearby has been devastated.

Among the guards of the same team-no one survived except Gulun.

"It does not make sense……"

Gulen came to Wilda after Wilbert's death-the steady conscription.It was originally intended to join the current Demon King faction, whose power has just begun to develop. I chose here because I thought that even if I did not have a prominent record in the war, I would definitely be able to win public office in the stable faction that lost Wilbert and suffered a severe loss of strength.

Sure enough, Gu Lun was hired as a guard in the city.However, Gulun had no choice but to choose the modest pie for the sake of eating, and he did not have much feelings or sense of belonging to the city and his work-at least, he used to think so.However, no matter how boring the life in this city is, and the time passes by day by day, I will naturally get used to eating and drinking in certain stores, and the friendship with my colleagues is getting stronger.This is what Gulun could still get in this city when he chose to become a solid soldier.

However, all this-Jia Jin, has disappeared from Gu Lun's eyes.The murderer is a huge hero of the current Demon Sect.

Grumbling his teeth, he launched the flying magic on the back of the light armor to directly lift into the air, his eyes locked on the heroic spirits on the neighboring road towards the city of Velda.On the shoulders of the heroes, there is a high-level demons who seem to be "fuck".They destroyed so many houses and killed so many soldiers, but they kept moving forward nonchalantly.therefore--

"What do you think you are!"

Gulun turned his passion into a shout, and cast attack magic on the heroes.The electric ball "shot" from the right hand passed straight through the air while discharging to the surroundings, hitting the side of the hero with a violent crackling sound.

"Haha...haha...know it's amazing..."

It was Gu Lun's all-out blow.He thought that he could at least vent his hatred, but the heroic spirit seemed to laugh at this idea, and his speed remained unchanged.He couldn't even drag his footsteps--compared to Gu Lun who was at a loss for this fact, the heroic spirit swept back his right fist without looking back, and blasted the huge chimneys of nearby buildings.


When he heard the boom, the huge chimney fragments had been "forced" in front of Gu Lun.

Before he could even close his eyes, the chimney was about to hit Gu Lun who was waiting to die-but just before that, a magic circle opened in front of him as if to protect him, and the chimney instantly broke into stones when it hit the magic circle. Broken sand scattered on the ground.The change was so fast that Gu Lun didn’t know what had happened for a while--

"That's not an opponent you can handle-retreat quickly and leave it to us here."

There was a quiet voice from above.Gu Lun quickly looked up--

"you are not……?"

That is a familiar woman.Not wrong, even though she was wearing a maid's costume when she saw it on the street, she was undoubtedly the object of Gulen's attempt to be frivolous-Jeste.

"Miss Geng Xizi, this is the task given to us by Master Han Tian, ​​and we must complete it."

"I know, leave it to me!" Geng Xizi nodded and rushed towards the hero.

Then, she jumped away just before the heroic spirit slammed a fist in response.Amidst the rumbling and destruction of buildings and the roof tiles flying all over the sky-the girl who fell on the hero's arm rushed over her shoulders and slashed towards the high-level demons.It's a straight cut.

And the high-level demons just waved their right hand and opened the wall to resist the boy's slashing attack. However—

"Drink!" The girl roared vigorously, and at the speed of the sprint, she forcibly cut down the magic sword.The sword blade split the guard wall in half on the spot, and "compelled" the high-level demons.

The high-level demons who failed the defense were forced to evade, jumped backward, and retreated into the air from the shoulders of the heroic spirits.The girl also leaped from the shoulders of the heroic spirit, chasing the demons into the air.

"That is……"

The girl did not use flying magic.The building destroyed by the heroic spirit changed its shape and became a stepping platform into the air.

That was the magic of Jeste from directly above Gulun.

"I'll say it again-retreat quickly."

In the end, Jeste didn't even look at Gu Lun, leaving behind these words, and flew to the heroic spirit-the battle between the girl and the high-level demons and the battle of Jeste against the heroic spirit began.


A location that is absolutely untouchable in Gulun.

Galdor looked at the human girl, stepping on the stepping platform created by the dirt magic and quickly "approaching".

Did Jeste do it?

Below him, the heroic spirit that Galdor was riding in was beginning to fight with the winged demons.

Galdor knew that under the Cardinal Zokir, there was a close friend named Jest.

Although she knew she was good at using earth magic, she had never actually seen her tactics.It was really possible to support his companions while fighting the heroic spirits.I heard that after Zokir died, she took refuge in the steady faction-looking at her fighting, the loss of her master seemed to have no effect on her.

After Galdor ordered the heroic spirits to solve Jeste, the heroic spirits clearly locked Jeste as the enemy and launched a real battle.


Galdor's attention returned to the human girl running towards him.Before the opponent shortened the distance to the combat distance, Gardo deployed numerous magical arrays around him-in the next instant, he "shot" countless fireballs at the girl at the same time.

The girl immediately reacted to the fireball blast, holding the magic sword in her right hand, and swiping the steps created by Jest.The huge body of the counter-holding sword destroyed the rock platform with a beating different from that of cutting, and the small gravel became an interference piece——

Hiss, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Hit Galdor's fireball and cause an explosion-and cause a large-scale chain detonation.Immediately after--

"watch out!"

The girl burst out of the group and burst into smoke.In response to the slash that he twisted and hit in the air, Gardo sent magic power to the right arm to meet him.

The next moment, the girl’s magic sword slashed on Gardo’s arm

Ka Keng............!

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