Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 890

Because he has more important things to do.

"I'm back, sister."

After gently hugging her and saying that, Leo Hart's sister Liara, who rubbed his lovely forehead on his chest, raised her head.

"Welcome back, Leo. You have been busy today, too."

She smiled and bends her drooping big eyes, comforting him with a loving face.

Leohart's expression naturally relaxed as a result.Remove the face of the young demon king, and become the face of a young man who loves his sister.

Demon King Leohart has a big secret that only members of the family know.

That is, before he was adopted by Liara's family, he was just a war orphan who grew up in an orphanage.

Liara came from a very prominent duke's family with many demon kings.Of course, there is a reason why a duke with such a good lineage would specially adopt orphans like Leohart.

This is all because of Li Yala's appearance.Blond... is the most hated by the demons who were expelled from the gods before, the looks of the gods, but that appeared in Liya La, who was the daughter of the demon duke.However-Liara was not born like this.When she was born, she still had everything her parents gave; but as her self-personality gradually formed, her appearance became closer and closer to the Protoss.

It is a cruel and odious reversion phenomenon.

In order to protect her, the duchess "women" lied about her untimely death and concealed her existence from the society and even the entire family; because they knew that once people knew that she had a taboo appearance, she might be murdered.Then, the family asked the duchess "women" to give birth to a new heir to the duke's family, but the wife did not conceive again for some reason-she had to adopt an orphan boy and concealed that he was born later and was raised as the eldest son.

And this boy is Leo Hart.

Leohart still remembers the situation of Liara.The beautiful girl who appeared in front of the young Leohart, his age-and her kind embrace when she was panicked about the sudden meeting, everything was so unforgettable.

A life in which he is considered dead and never allowed to go out—in some ways, it is more sad than a war orphan like Leohart, but Liara is still more cheerful and innocent than anyone else... How long will Leo Hart fall in love with her.

"I hate it... Leo, what time do you think it is? It's already past midnight."

Leohart hugged Lia La gently, and said to the dissatisfied face: "I'm sorry...Suddenly there is a business task to be busy, and I accidentally delayed it too late."

"Leo, my sister doesn't like you making excuses."

Liya La's lips pouted harder.

"My sister was left here by Leo for so long, so lonely! How lonely, maybe I just can't wait for Leo to come back, so let's grab a "lick" and "lick" and take a bath together."

At this moment, Liya Laa suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, Leo, listen to my sister, "lick" and "lick" it is really too much! It's rare that my sister wants to clean it, but it's half way through. He screamed and ran away with his tail clamped in between. That smelly... just brushing hard with a steel brush a few times won’t work, it’s very masculine. Come out for me~ let my sister castrate it!"

Hearing Liara said this angrily, the Hellhound hiding behind Leohart trembled.

"Sister...I understand your feelings, but to castrate Bearu is really..."

Leo Hart finally rectified the name of the hell dog Lia La has always called'lick' and'lick' -

" don't care about your sister and want to help "lick" or "lick" to speak?"

"No, because Bearu was originally a mother, there is no way to castrate physically."

"This..." Liara was speechless for a while.

"Don't pay attention to it, and you're only halfway through it... You will catch a cold if you continue like this, go back to the bathroom."

"Um... Then Leo, you take me into the bathroom."

Leoha was so tall and gently hugged Lia La Heng.

At this time, Li Yala embraced his neck and kissed it like this.

However, Demon King Leohart was not surprised.Because he has kissed this unrelated sister countless times.There is even a deeper relationship.

"Um... tweeted. Leo, it's time for Leo's relatives."

Under the urging of Liya La's sweet voice, Leohart responded to the beautiful sister's request with his own lips, and kissed her like this, and hugged her into the bathroom.

The Duke's "women" will adopt, in fact, not only to find an heir for the duke's family.

They also asked Leohart to have an heir with Liara in the future, and not to cut off the incense of the duke's house.

But Liara's existence cannot be exposed, so Leohart must marry another wife as a cover, and exchange their children for support... This is the strategy the duchess "women" came up with.

Leohart received this request when the previous war between the demons and the brave showed signs of ending-temporarily returning from the battlefield.

As a parent, the duchess "women" wanted to protect Liara's "life" no matter what, and at the same time deeply worried about the obligation to continue the family blood; therefore, on that day, they confessed to Leohart like confession She told him the reason for adopting him, and at the same time told him-Lia La knew that they were going to do it when her parents decided to adopt.

The truth is so cruel.But Leohart does not resent his adoptive parents, because they have invested the same love and nurturing of their own flesh and blood for their unrelated self-knowing that they also love Lia La as much, or even more.

Leohart not only hopes to meet the requirements of his adoptive parents, but also has a crush on Liara since he was a child.Knowing that Liara was willing to accept all this-when asked if she would accept herself as a sibling, and she nodded for granted, Leohart's determination to repay his adoptive parents became firmer.

The first thousand and one chapter Leo Hart's dream

The demon king Wilbert at the time, despite the opposition or protests from the Cardinal House and other surroundings, welcomed a girl with strong human descent into the back seat, which gave him a lot of confidence.

Times have begun to change... Maybe, society will soon recognize the existence of Lia La, and there is no need to marry another wife to show it to others.Therefore, he told Liara’s existence to Valfreia and Ras, who belonged to the same unit of life and death at the time, and asked them to meet directly, asking them to fight for Liara’s freedom after the war. Fight with him.

Finally, Leohart and his adoptive parents met with Liara. When he returns after the war, he will discuss the method that everyone can get the best results and return to the battlefield-with a certain hope for the future.

However-this hope was shattered under extremely bad conditions.

It was the news of the death of his adoptive parents to greet Leohart's return from disarmament.

It is said to have died of illness.At this time, God deliberately chased Leohart, and another bad news came - Wilbert's wife Yaxue also passed away.In this way, it is almost impossible for Liara to gain social recognition, and she is justly married to him.

However, Leohardt did not give up.Regardless of the outcome, Wilbert still left a precedent for marrying a human hybrid.Leohart was awarded numerous honors during the war and became famous; he used this as a basis and desperately collected various materials to shut up the relatives who regarded the face of the duke’s family as his lifeblood, and broke the appearance of Liara. Regarded as taboo prejudice, do not bow to fate.

A year and a half ago, when Wilbert's death shocked the whole world of Demon, Leohart finally caught the opportunity.The head of the new forces formed by the merger of radicals and conservatives-the Cardinals will reveal to him that they will support him as the next demon king.

After bathing with Liara, Leohart moved onto the bed as soon as he got out of the bathroom.

Men and women who vowed to be married will inevitably have a relationship when they get into bed.

Leohart and Liara seemed to be afraid of wasting the time dedicated to the two of them, and they gradually accelerated from embracing each other with a deep kiss, seeking each other enthusiastically and intoxicated.

After touching every corner of the body with their hands and mouth, and even changing positions, after fully stimulating each other's most sensitive parts with their tongues, Leohart and Liara finally...

The enthusiasm (cough cough) of a pair of men and women who are familiar with the weakness and sensitive parts of both sides brought them supreme joy.

So the two of them repeatedly coveted the peak of the climax, and finally fell on the bed together—still connected to each other.

Until his breathing and heartbeat stabilized, Leohart left Lia La's body and hugged her with his left hand.

Then tell her why she only appeared so late.

The cardinal's order to attack the stable base of Verda, but Mu Hantian and others resisted and ended in failure. The cardinal wanted to take this opportunity to assassinate Galdor, and the injured Galdor was rescued by Lars. , At the same time, Leohart said to her about a few elite decisive battles.

"That's it... then it's fast." When Leohart finished speaking, Liara, who was leaning against him, smiled softly.

"Yes-everything is almost over." Leohart also looked up at the ceiling and nodded slightly.

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