Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 896

"This is the self-esteem of the current demon king. It means that he can defeat us without any small actions."

This is not only a question of Leohart's face, but showing his tolerance like this is also a necessary demeanor of the king.However, he did not seem to be generous enough to give the right to go out freely.Two maids were arranged to stand by outside the guest house.Although they have said that there are any omissions or assistance needed, they are always waiting for dispatch; but to put it bluntly, they are here to monitor.


From the previous dialogue between Leohardt and Belfeg, it can be seen that the influence of the Cardinal House is indeed considerable.If you ignore this situation and win the decisive battle by playing tricks before the war, Leohart's momentum in the current Demon Sect cannot rise.

At present, Belfiger is still unclear about this decisive battle.Leohart's calculation was to settle the dispute between the two factions by reducing the room for the Cardinal's "intervention" as much as possible, and to draw the hearts of the people who easily fall to the Cardinal to himself.Well, maybe--

"For him... this decisive battle with us is likely to be his move to rectify the Cardinal House."

When Mu Hantian was thinking about the problem, he noticed Min staring at him without a word, and asked, "What's wrong, Min?"

"Is what that person said before is true? Brother."

Mio raised his uneasy eyes and asked what he said."When Takikawa killed Zokiel...Are you there?"

Mu Hantian shrugged as everyone watched "shooting", his lips pressed.

This kind of silence is almost indifferent if it is directly treated as an admission.soon--

"Yes, that's true."

Mu Hantian clearly admitted that he had concealed the facts that Miao and others have so far.The three people who have the deepest relationship with Zokir-Mio, Wanliya, and Jest, couldn't help but breathe in cold air for this, and their bodies tightened.

"Han Tian, ​​why did you do that?"

After Yuxi asked the three of them who couldn't speak...

Mu Hantian replied in a heavy tone: "In any case, I don't want Miao to get his hands dirty because of revenge, and live in the shadow of that kind of person all my life; however, as far as my own feelings are concerned... Not that guy."

"Brother." Miao understood that Mu Hantian values ​​every friend and family member around him, and he also knows that his mind is very firm; doing such a thing must be entirely for them, and he won't have two hearts.

"Having kept it for so long... I'm really sorry for you."

Seeing Mu Hantian bowing his head to apologize seriously, Mio could no longer restrain it.

She gently hugged Mu Hantian's head into her chest, and said, "Don't apologize... I'm sorry for leaving you alone with so many responsibilities."

What Narase Mio wanted to know-enough.I believe other people are the same.


"You mean... want me to change the rules of the decisive battle?"

Leohart’s doubts sounded in the high-level meeting room at the bottom of Lundwal city.

Leo Hart met with Naruse Mio, Mu Hantian and others in the lobby and then came to this conference room to explain the details of the decisive battle with the moderate faction.

At the other end of the question, Belferge, who stood at the apex of the Cardinal House, smiled: "Don't say that, what I want is not such an excessive thing."

"Your Majesty... Your Excellency Belferge is just asking if you can be accommodating and increase a few places for the competition."

The next speaker was another cardinal sitting next to Belferge.That is the high-level demons-Madonis who holds the seat of the seven deadly sins'greed'.

Belfeig, who has the absolute leadership in the Cardinals, is like the "lazy" seat he holds, often absent; at those times, it was Madonis who was in charge of the Cardinals.To put it bluntly, he is essentially the number two figure in the Cardinal House.

"The decisive battle planned by your Majesty is to send five representatives from both sides to fight... But now, Count Gardau was injured when he attacked the city of Vilda, and the candidate selected by his majesty from his cronies is strong enough to represent us and Your Majesty is playing, but the question of the number is an indisputable fact. Therefore, we would like to provide a few subordinates to help out. Please consider it."

Madonis said.Indeed, among the people Leohart currently trusts, only Balfreia, Luca, and Ras can play; because Luca himself is an incompetent scholar, he will be replaced by the heroic spirit or beast who has contracted with him. Play.

Despite this, there are only four people including Leo Hart, and one is still missing.but--

"You don't need to "fuck" this kind of heart, Madonis. Luca will soon be able to arrange the high-level heroes that were not ready in the previous attack. Just use the heroes to replace Galdor.

"In that case, it is necessary to use two heroic spirits to supplement the lack of the boy named Luca and the Earl of Galdor...? In the previous attack, the heroic spirits were defeated in the end; all rely on such things to make up. I am afraid that the risk is too great? The people are likely to be worried and cause panic."

Belfiger said that with a small smile on his face.

"Belfegger, the risk in your mouth... isn't it because your subordinates attacked Galdor while attacking the city of Verda?"

Regarding this, Leohart offered to monitor Nebra's betrayal and blamed Belfeg.

"It's really ashamed to say... Nibra is indeed my subordinate, and that kind of regret will happen. It is all because I can't discipline... Although he has already paid for the curse of the contract, but I We still have to take part of the responsibility for the heavy damage to Earl Galdor. Therefore, I beg your Majesty to accept the assistance of the Cardinal and give us a shameful opportunity."

The old and cunning Belferg turned his responsibility into a weapon and refused to give in.

"If you think the heroic spirits are unreliable, you can summon the eight demons to come back."

The Eight Demon Generals in Leohart's mouth.It is the collective name for the eight legion commanders.They led their respective armies, guarding the east, south, west, north, southeast, northeast, southwest, and northwest of the vast territory of the current Demon King faction; all of them, like Leohart, made great contributions in the previous war. Fierce.Therefore, the Cardinal was afraid that they would give Leohart too much power if they stayed in the center, and all sent to the frontier, but now the situation has changed.

"This decisive battle is the key to determining the hegemony of the Demon Realm. Of course, we must summon our highest combat power."

"No, your Majesty. This is actually harmful and useless." Madonis smiled wryly.

"The generals’ combat power is indeed undoubtedly high, but now it is because they are constraining other forces on the frontier. The center where we are-this Lundwal can be more peaceful. As long as one is called back, there will be no one. At the end...for this decisive battle to weaken the frontier's military power, so that other forces have the opportunity to take advantage of it, isn't it turning the cart before the horse? And..."

Madonis said again: "In terms of a decisive battle to determine the future of the Demon Realm, seven to five is more suitable as the number of representatives? And the opponent is also just seven people."

The first thousand and seventh chapter ideas

Regarding Madonis' words, Leohart was speechless.In this demon world, the number'seven' has a special meaning, among which the'seven deadly sins' are the most representative of'sex'; Leohart deliberately positioned the representative as five in order to avoid the people from thinking of the ancient cardinal politics.It was not determined to remove Galdor’s four, or to exclude Luca, who was incapable of fighting, and was revised down to three. Considering that hostile forces such as the Cardinals, they might say, “Leohart is in this important situation. In order to cooperate with one's own interests, regardless of the historical and traditional solid implementation of things' and other reasons to find fault; therefore, reluctantly decided to be five in the absence of Galdor to avoid this risk.

Unexpectedly, they could actually take advantage of the absence problem caused by themselves.

Although the older you live, the thicker your face, but being able to justify your own self-interest and promote it so hard is really eye-opening.Want to deal with the cunning Cardinal, really can not use a set of methods.

However-because of this, no matter what the matter is, these old thieves must be swept away.

If you continue to stick to your own opinions, you may suffer a loss instead.

From the current situation, if one is not careful, maybe even Luca's quota will be lost.Then...

"Well...the number of representatives will be changed to seven. Among them, two of the newly added and three of Gardo's places, I agree to let your candidates participate."

"Oh, that's great... Your Majesty is wise."

"But—I have a condition!"

However, Leohart didn't intend to give in for nothing, and said softly to Belfiger who was grinning.

Although the opponent is the cardinal who secretly controls this demon world.Although he is the puppet demon king they selected.

Nor can—continue to let the old thieves in front of them play the Demon World between applause.


"They want to change from five to seven representatives of the decisive and steady faction?"

In Galdor's treatment room, Balfreia repeated the news brought by Leohart.

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