Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 901

Then-after both sides agreed with their opponents and prepared to go to war, the entire arena was switched to a simulation space suitable for the battle between Mio and the heroes, as Madonis explained.

That familiar street scene is part of his daily life, and it is also the starting point for the duel with the brave clan in the past-the nearest station to Dongcheng's house and Shengzaka Academy.

It's evening.Except for Luca that doesn't actually fight, and the huge heroic spirits in the building in front of Mio and Gaoru, there are no people in this space at all, only the thin shadows of people driving cars coming and going on the driveway.Rather than copying the space of the station, it is closer to the whole situation.

"It turned out to be so." Miao murmured understanding.

Mio looks forward to a stable daily life. The current Demon King wants to get the power of Wilbert she inherited, and regards her as a threat that must be eliminated; in some respects, fighting the heroic spirit here is more meaningful than elsewhere.

After being satisfied with this battlefield, a sudden noise came from the modern square in front of the station.That came from the big gong set up beside the ring-signifying the beginning of the battle.Then-

Mio and the great heroic spirit left almost at the same time.In order to keep the distance and gain time to chant powerful attacks and magic, Mio's first step is to choose flying magic, and the first step of the heroic spirit is to use his huge body to the limit of the attack— -Throw out its huge fist.

However, the heroic spirit is not hitting Mio in a straight line, but a hook that draws a curved track.

Therefore, a second attack that is more than enough to make up for the slight loss of time at the expense of the shortest straight-line distance.

Seeing this, Mio gasped, who was launching flying magic.

The heroic hook hit the target-but not Mio, but the building before the war.

The building that collapsed in the sound of shattering suddenly became a shock wave carrying a large number of glass shards and sand and "forced" it, swallowing its surroundings and Miao in one mouthful.

Then, after that amazing wide-area attack—the heroic spirit's huge right fist was chased.

Luca, who was isolated from the battle space, saw that moment from the side of the ring."Shooting" in the internal image of the battle space above the ring, showing the scene of a large amount of sand and gravel submerged in Miao, and the heroic spirits chasing her with their fists, blasting the sound of shaking and shaking, and blasting the human world city-that area Razed to the ground.The audience who witnessed this scene were also shocked and excited by the impact like a meteorite hitting the surface.

Amidst the cheers, only Luca remained serious.Although he had no combat power himself, he had a pair of keen eyes, and he could clearly see-in front of the square before the station was wiped out by the impact of the heroic fist, something flew out of the shattered smoke and dust of the building.

The scene immediately moved from the heroic spirit who was still half-kneeling in the original explosion point with his fist against the ground and turned into the distant air-Naruse Mio flying at high speed in the purple sky.

Even though it was swallowed by the shock wave carrying fragments of the building, there were no injuries on his body.Not only that, but even the clothes were not stained.

Although she didn't know how to do it, she avoided the blow unscathed.but--

"It's not over yet."

When Luca whispered so much, the picture returned to the heroic spirit.It pulled out the fist that pierced the ground and slowly stood up, turning to the northeast corner.

Then he narrowed his eyes-staring at the enemy flying at the other end of the line of sight, curled up his huge body and squatted down.Prepare for the next pursuit.

Naruse Mio flew into the sky on the gust of wind.She was able to escape the shock wave carrying fragments of the building, still thanks to flying magic.However, she did not leave in time before the smoke swallowed her.

At that time-the instantaneous "approaching" shock wave had a very wide range, and it was necessary to stay away from the "turbulent" flow of sand and gravel as soon as possible.If she used the flying magic directly to lift off, the tar and glass fragments would definitely scratch her ragged and bruised all over her body; however, she did not suspend the flying magic to unfold the barrier, and finally leave with the flying magic-if slowly Doing this kind of thing, she would have been hit by the fist that the heroic spirit then smashed so long ago that she could not find any residue.The protective wall set up in such a short period of time is absolutely impossible to withstand the attack of the huge heroic spirit.

So she continued to chant the flying magic and cast it-but the object was not herself, but the surrounding air, and successfully combined with the surrounding air that turned into a violent wind. By wrapping herself in a wall made of wind, she was safe. Get out of the shock wave.

"Finally managed to escape."

After spitting out, Mio chose to land outside the impact range caused by the Heroic Spirit when he wiped out the square in front of the station-three stops away from the origin.

It takes extra time to chant powerful attack magic when casting flying magic; even when the concentration is scattered, the power cannot be used.If you park on a moving tram, you can concentrate on singing attack magic while staying away from the heroic spirits.Fortunately, Mio landed on the express train.This space faithfully reproduces the situation of the target world, so the next stop will be six stops away from the origin; it can be far away from the heroic spirit faster and longer than ordinary cars.

This opportunity must not be let go.

Therefore, Naruse Mio immediately chanted the attack magic.However, the huge figure moving away from the other side of the line of sight actually curled up like a squat.

What does it want to do... This question is immediately solved.It's like a beast at its feet releasing the power accumulated in its body, and pounce on its prey with the greatest explosive power.

The first thousand and twelve chapters of battle (2)

I felt my scalp numb and my imagination became a reality.This heroic spirit blasted the area in front of the station to the ground with one hand... and the legs were far more powerful than the arms; when that leg pushed hard on the ground, the huge mass instantly bounced at the terrifying speed that the rocket is inferior to " Shoot out.

In the blink of an eye, the huge body traversed the ruins it blasted out, stepping across the big river parallel to the south side of the railroad tracks like a puddle, straightening down the town in front of it, and "forced" toward the express train where Miao was.


Mio casts blasting magic hastily.The huge fire ball released by the magic circle burned the surrounding air through the air, and directly hit the hero's head-in the violent explosion, the hero's huge body was wrapped in the burning flame.

However, Miao widened his eyes in astonishment.Even if the heroic spirit is hit on the head by magic, the speed will break through the flames of Mio without any reduction.Of course, that blow was just to slow it down; but Mio didn't reduce his power because of this, and the heroic spirit had already been bombarded by her.did not expect--

Not only did the heroic spirit continue to rush, the damaged head was also going back in time, and it was restored all at once.

"how come……!"

It's incredible self-healing ability.The heroic spirit who attacked Verda will be temporarily paralyzed as long as the head is damaged, so Mio will attack the head directly...In this state, it can recover quickly, and it is almost immortal.However, there was no time to be surprised, the heroic spirit cut through the huge racetrack on the side of the main road like a knife, and then "forced" to come forward - as soon as he chased the last carriage, he swept his backhand fist.


Mio jumped back while casting blast magic under her feet.The ensuing wind blade cut the car connection with a sharp metal sound-and then, all the cars after the fifth quarter where she was standing were all beaten into a V with a'bang', flying far and wide. go with.

As he avoided the attack in a pinch, the distance between Mio and the heroic spirit was also slightly extended, so he immediately chanted the attack magic.

However, the heroic spirit ignored Yu Min's train far beyond reach and proceeded to the next step.Half of its left hand, it swung forward like digging the ground-and before digging the ground, it grasped something tightly.

It is a tram track.Knowing that it was too late, the Heroic Spirit pulled the rails off the ground in one breath and threw Mio and the moving express train into the air.

This "forced" it temporarily changed the attack magic to flying magic, and reversed the "shooting" action like the previous time, using the surrounding air as the target to activate the magic, saving his life.The shock wave set off by the heroic fisher grabbing the ground was like a huge tsunami, rushing into the air and submerging her-in the overwhelming sand and gravel shock wave, the escape route chosen by Miao was directly above.

You can't attack now, you have to retreat first.So Mio focused her consciousness on flying magic, and flew straight away from the heroic spirit, rising thousands of meters into the sky in one fell swoop.

But right now, the heroic spirit suddenly curled up again--the next moment, the heroic spirit jumped up with a powerful force capable of digging a deep hole in the asphalt road, and flew into the sky without using magic.The huge body that "shoots" from the ground is "approaching" at a speed faster than flying magic.

Is there any other way...!

I must never lose—Mio thought so impatiently.Of course, this is a group showdown; even if you lose, as long as the other members can win, it is also a victory for Mio.


He who promised his brother must never lose.Moreover, if you lose, you have to rely on their help... No matter how much you want to be with your brother and everyone in the future, you won't be able to raise your head around them.

Under the anxious urging, the idea of ​​liberating Wilbert's power flashed through Mio's mind.however--

Never do that!

As the colleague declared to Leohart, this is her own battle.Once Wilbert's power is used here, it is tantamount to announcing that this is a decisive battle between the steady faction and the current demon king, the former demon king and the current demon king.Everyone is to help Min free from the destiny of the Demon King's daughter and the devil's ****, and they are willing to give their own strength... and it is a gamble to accompany each other.

Miao must not ruin their minds.

Brother Hantian...!

Faced with the huge heroic spirit that was getting closer and closer, Mio recalled the young man who was more important to her than anyone else.

Late last night, Mu Hantian slipped out of the guest house alone and never came back.

Acting alone in the enemy's line and being discovered by the opponent, you don't have to think about the consequences.Several of them worried that Mu Hantian was too adventurous, and begged him to take one of them with him; but Mu Hantian insisted on acting alone until the end, and would not let go.

"For this decisive battle, there is one thing I must do anyway."

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