Magical comprehensive travel

Magical Comprehensive Travel Chapter 903

The second peak of the current Demon Sect is a young man who claims to be Takikawa Yahiro in the human world.

Everyone in the room knows who he is.


Noye, who knew him the deepest, said sadly the name of his childhood playmate in the picture.


In the arena, the stable school and the second peak of the incumbent demon king sect each other.

"Is my opponent you..."

"It looks like this is the case, please be merciful."

Naruse Marie watched unrelentingly at the young man with relaxed shoulders and a frivolous tone.

The conservative faction can be divided into two major factions, one is the Ramsay faction who hopes to give up Wilbert's power, and the other is the Claus faction who wants to promote Min as the new demon king.

Wan Liya and her sister "Lu" Kea belong to the same Ramsarist faction. At first they didn't know that Klaus also hid Takikawa--that is, Ras's hand.Of course, in terms of the "sexual" nature of sneaking into such a secret mission as the current Demon King faction, although Malia is Mio's escort, he is still only a front-line combatant, and naturally does not know the existence of Ras; The leader of Ramsay and his adjutant "Lu" Yea and other high-level officials did not pass the news to Wanliya, indicating that they thought it was unnecessary.Therefore, Valeria not only didn't feel deceived, but because Lars had joined forces with Mu Hantian in the Zorki incident to rescue the trapped Xuela for her, and expressed gratitude and favor to him.


To fight in such a hostile capacity, things have to be different.After Lass resolved the Zorki incident and returned to the Demon Realm, he broke contact with the Prudent faction; the next time he appeared, he had robbed the Prudent faction’s prisoner Galdo from the prison after the heroic attacked Verda, without any excuse. Room.However, Valeria still wanted to ask: "You betrayed our steady faction and switched to the current Demon Lord faction. Is it because your revenge against Zorki has ended?"

Noye, who grew up with Lars, once told Valeria what he thought of Lars, thinking that there must be a reason for him to defect to the current Demon King faction.After Valiant Noye asked her troubled question--

"Hey hey hey, when are you still asking what this kind of thing is doing? If you tell you "I have my considerations", will you start with a lighter hand? If you can, it would be great. It can save me a lot strength."

Russ shrugged his shoulders and said this, making Valia speechless.

It was completely unexpected.Since the young man in front of him chose to help the current Demon King faction in this battle that could be called the final battle, he was a complete enemy.Although Wan Liya can understand Noye's worries for Ras's playmate when she was here, her attention to Mio cannot be conceded.

Therefore, Wan Liya clenched his right fist, and the ring also changed to "touch" at this time.

The battle space is the environment chosen by Valeria and Russ-it is a mixed forest at night.

Malia leaped lightly and took a deep breath, and Lars waited leisurely.When the gong that announced the start of the battle rang-both sides set off at the same time.

Compared to Mio's distance from the beginning, Wan Liya adopted a completely opposite strategy.Run at full speed almost to the ground, approaching the enemy.

Judging from the fighting methods of both sides, this is a natural choice.Valeria is a strength-type hand-to-hand combat fighter, who naturally can only play its true value at close range; against Lass, who can control the black force ball, the farther the distance is, the worse the situation will be.

Especially tricky is that Lars can freely "manipulate" the number, power, size and speed of the magic ball.

He may be able to freely adjust the power or size of the magic ball he created within the allowable range of his magic power, and even split it; and it can be offensive and defensive, and the general "sex" is terribly high.However, there is still a way to take advantage of Ras’s ability-that is to shorten the distance.

As long as he rushed into his chest, he could not attack freely, otherwise he would be in danger of spreading to himself.In a nutshell, the way that the blade repelled him at that time was the best solution to Ras.

It was posted to the closest distance and caught him off guard.

The idea was certain, and Narase Maria put it into practice.

The first thousand and fourteenth chapter is defeated

Valeria rushed towards Lars in a low posture--

"Please be surprised, too, okay?"

Lars released countless magic balls, and at the same time "shot" at Wanliya.

The barrage of Wan Liya was delayed and "forced" instantaneously at the relative speed.

Varia used the irregular "Zigzag" to move through the trees as a strain, using the branches as a natural cover, and "approaching" Lass without slowing down; and at the moment when the attack range was five meters, Las swooped. .

"Jump up at this moment...jump carefully into the dead alley?"

Facing the volley of Wan Liya, Russ kicked and jumped back; at the same time, a huge magical ball like a barrier was released between the two, burying her sight.Wan Liya, who was leaping hard, could not avoid it; if he hit it with a punch, it would definitely cause a big explosion that would blast him away, and it would be too late to use a fist to sweep out the shock wave.Since it is impossible to stop or turn in the air, there is only one end of the explosion.

However, Valeria still looked calm.Just as Ras expected that Malria would actively draw closer, Malria also understood that Ras would use this trick.

With countless magic balls to set the barrage to delay the speed-and to take off too early, he would set a trap and ask Valeria to throw himself into the net, all of which was expected.Therefore, Valeria hits a right fist——

"Yeah ah ah ah...!"

But he didn't wave to the end, but stopped halfway--as if he was aiming at the air.

In the next moment, the beating air turned into a "shot"-like spreading shock wave, slamming into the huge magic ball under the Rasbu, causing a violent explosion that could level all the nearby trees.

However, only the trees around the magic ball were shattered.The planar shock wave formed a barrier to resist the impact of the explosion for Valeria.

"Don't run!"

Wan Liya directly rushed to the other side like dust, and found that Ras was right in front of him, immediately twisted his waist and kicked to greet Ras with a merciless spin.

The target is the right side of the head.Follow the right foot and hit the heavy bass with "Boom!" and get solid contact.

"Unexpectedly, your attack is surprising."

However, Wan Liya heard such a calm voice.Lars just lifted his right hand slightly and put a magic ball on the back of his hand as a barrier to block the kick.


With the blocked right leg as a fulcrum, Wan Liya bent down, lifted his left heel and swept towards Lars's jaw.


And Russ just leaned back a little and avoided the kick.

However, the speed of reaction to hand-to-hand combat will not be below him.Wan Liya used his right foot to hook Ras's right hand, and pulled him down forcibly with the strength of the lower body and lifted his shawl, ready to fill up with old punches in one fell swoop...but...

Wan Liya temporarily jumped behind him from above-at the same time, Lars's magic ball passed directly below Wan Liya's original position.

Actually shot at that distance...!

Wan Liya could not help cursing his short thoughts.As long as there is a slight gap, Lars can open the wall to protect himself from the explosion of the magic ball.I am afraid that any attack must be continuous and uninterrupted, otherwise it will give Ras a chance to defend or counterattack.

"Is this okay? How can I open the distance that I have managed to shorten?"

Ras got up and said this while touching the dust on his upper body, and at the same time-Wan Liya who accidentally opened the distance paid the price.Numerous magic balls appeared out of thin air around Wanliya and smashed at her together.Originally, if Marria was approaching or when she was already close to attack her back and be dodged, due to the direction, Ras would have to make extra defenses or avoidance; now the Marrias are behind Ras, there is no This kind of problem.however……

Wan Liya still punched his right fist-it was at his feet.

Russ clearly saw Wan Liya's right punch hit the ground.At the same time, the impact of her smashing the ground set off a lot of earth and rock.

Basically, the earth and rocks alone cannot prevent Lars' magic ball.However, she stopped at the moment her fist touched the ground, causing a surface shock wave to hit the ground and bounce, causing it to envelop Valeria like the high earth and rock, and finally successfully resisted all the magic balls of Ras.

However, during this period of time, Russ was not standing in a daze, which further widened the distance from Wanliya.That is a safe distance enough to allow Lars to unilaterally attack outside the range of Valeria's attack, considering each other's abilities, speed and fighting style.Just when he was about to take advantage of this advantage, he found that the dust surrounding Wan Liya was blown away from within by a ray of pink "color".Taking a closer look, there was a key-shaped object "inserted" in the chest of Malia floating in the air.

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